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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    From a little spark may burst a flame - Crevan
    Do you know feeling so little, but at the same time really motivated to become that what your example shows you? Looking up to someone and wanting to be just like them? Ander had quite a few of those role models. His mother, for a start, who managed fire so perfectly. And father – which boy didn’t look up to his father? – and secretly even grandpa too.

    Crevan was one of the examples Ander tried to follow who wasn’t an adult yet. Perhaps that was why he lured the black and golden colt in. He had seen Crevan around the Taiga a couple of times, and had tried to copy him. From the way he walked to the way he talked. In his mind, the older colt was just sooooo cool. And Ander desperately wanted to hang out with him.

    It even made him follow the classic champagne – with navy mane and tail – boy when he had left Taiga. Being only shy of two weeks old, Ander didn’t realise that leaving home without telling anybody was a not so smart thing to do. But that what you didn’t know, wouldn’t bother you either.

    As Crevan continues his way, Ander follows. Somewhere behind him a tall black figure with ruby eyes follows him in return. And keeps following them, until they reach the playground. The black and gold colt is unaware of his mother’s presence until just now and the sight is simply too amazing for him to even think of looking across his shoulder or wonder how he was going to get home. ”It’s amazing” he mumbles to himself, golden tipped ears flopping forward.

    He takes it in. The grassy meadow, the big trees that left enough space to safely run in between and then the ponds. Not to mention the fairies that whispered and watched them from their hiding spots. Only when his gaze lands on Crevan’s back again does he realise why he was here in the first place. ”Oh! Wait for me!” he calls out, as if the other colt had invited him to come and play.

    He’s still a bit clumsy on his legs, but it doesn’t stop him from running to catch up. By the time his golden nose lightly tabs Crevan’s side, too young to know what personal space is, he’s panting. A bit more wobbly on his legs too. Like a foal showing its innocence he’s chewing, head dipping slightly, all to say ‘don’t hurt me,  I’m just a child’. One eager to play.


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