"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
html code by Toli, design idea based on "Dovev" by Laura
He tells her "ooh love".
A little fairy had whispered in her ear, told her about this place called the playground. Just like that her curiosity had been sparked and before Kylin could really realise it, she had found herself leaving Ischia for the fourth time in her life. It amazes her a little that she had reached the place without getting lost, but it had been just as the fairy had told her.
The place is a true sight to be seen. Trees that look so incredibly old that she wonders if they are perhaps even older than Beqanna itself, and a meadow on the of the forest and little ponds everywhere. Especially the last Kylin likes. She’s smiling from ear to ear, trotting into the little meadow and then suddenly stopping. She calls out, whinnying to everybody and nobody in particular.
Not long after she finds herself standing near one of the bigger ponds, her muzzle touching the surface before she snorts happily, sending little droplets of water in all directions. It’s impossible to hold back then, and a few steps later the lavender and white girl stands on the pond, sand only centimetres underneath her hooves. The soft giggle expressing Kylin’s joy.
It had been difficult for him, to finally shake free and pry away from his brother’s watchful eye – he was always so close (too close), and though his heart felt a certain fondness for him, it was, at times, too much. He longed to wander, to feel the gentle breeze carry him away from the dense, woodland grove, into an open clearing, to the wild and tempestuous sea, but he was still too young. Too young, his mother had said while quietly untangling a knot from his tousled, tangled mane – a deep, dark green against the pale gold of his skin.
A soft snort rumbles from his small nostrils while his dark and heavy amber gaze searches the thicket for something he hadn’t seen before; for someone he hadn’t met before. He wasn’t too young for anything, his mother didn’t understand – she didn’t understand how the wild wind called to him, beckoning him to the wide, open skyline, to the distant horizon where the sunlight danced across the jagged mountaintops – she didn’t understand (or at least, if she does, he cannot see it).
His dark, iridescent wings press tightly against his rib cage as he squeezes his slender frame through an impossibly tight row of tall, wiry pine trees, as the dry and brittle bark scratches across his skin. He is unphased, though, and rather awestruck – staring at the vivid, lustrous beauty of the clearing that lay before him. Delicate, blossoming flowers, swaying to and fro with a breeze that soon envelopes him (it makes him feel alive; surges the blood of his veins through his heart), a pond with a bubbling brook feeding into it – so much to look at, so much to see –
- and then he sees her.
She is petite, and intricately feminine, covered in ivory and lavender, splattered across her skin. He is intrigued, and quietly (and a bit clumsily, nearly tripping over an outstretched root), he saunters alongside her, curiously watching as she blows bubbles into the clear, crystalline water.
”What are you doing?” he asks, knowing how obvious the answer is.
and I wish I could know if the directions that I take, and all the choices that I make won't end up all for nothing.
html code by Toli, design idea based on "Dovev" by Laura
He tells her "ooh love".
Exploring new sources of water is always fun, to Kylin it is at least. The water calls her, beckons her closer or did it simply lure her in? Anyway, she’s happy and excited to explore this new pond, trying to ignore the thing missing. A little voice in her head keeps bugging her, telling her that it wasn’t right to do this alone, to do this without her twin brother.
But he isn’t here. He had left her in the first place, so wasn’t it right that she would cross Ischia’s border and do something for herself too? It probably was, Father and Mother would supported it with loud enthusiastic screams. They thought she and Kharon were to close, but, could one ever truly be too close to his or her twin? Then again, he wasn’t here. She was alone.
Or, not so alone. Her thorough inspection of the water had engrossed her till the point she hadn’t really noticed him approach. ”Oh..” she mumbles surprised, head lifting and hazel eyes blinking at the winged colt. ”Hi!” Wings, but so unlike Kharon’s. Yes, both feathers, but these are pitch black. Curiously Kylin extends her neck and reaches out to touch them. Would they feel the same as Kharon’s? But no. She shouldn’t. He isn’t a friend like Ivar – yet.
Flustered she pulls back, shaking her head a little to get the thought out of her head. Luckily she had a question to answer, something she could use to stir the conversation away from her slip up. ”I was exploring the water” she answers truthfully. As her eyes search his, her head tilts a little. ”Want to see?” Kylin does not wait for an answer, instead she steps upon the water and quickly dips her head to splash a little in his direction. Giggling, she’s giggling again, not teasing, but a purest expression of joy.