"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
05-02-2017, 11:37 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2017, 01:50 PM by Absenthium.)
He came for her again.
They did that sometimes. Dad would ghost his way in and soon after mom would be leaving with him, and here he was stuck in the playground with a bunch of other kids. If it had been dad that dropped him off, he would have just wandered off to the meadow or something. But since Mom did.. He supposed he could stick around. She was pretty much the greatest thing on earth so. Fine. There was no way he was going to chance not being here when she got back and making her worry. Never that.
He was glad he looked like his mom too. A copy, almost. A nice rich gold with some charcoal-y bits, dark legs and face. Not like dirty, he didn’t look dirty. It was more like a fashion kind of dirty. Like ripped jeans. It looked good on him. A rich, black mantle on his shoulders, too. Like a prince, she would tell him. Though, there was no way in hell Dad would ever be a king to anyone. Definitely for the best. He kind of sucked, but Mom thought he was pretty amazing so. Maybe he only sucked so much because he hogged her cuddles when he was around. Obviously, he could never admit that to either of them.
So, whatever. Here in the playground.
It was so boring, though. The other kids were loud and obnoxious, nearly as bad as the stupid birds that would wake him up at the most ridiculous times in the morning. Couldn't they see he was busy holding his mom while she slept? Sure, he was smaller so maybe she was holding him, but no, really he was holding her. These kids, though. So noisy. Was it so hard to be just a little quieter? And pushy, too. Anytime one got near, he'd saunter off in another direction. No, thanks. Not interested.
Which is how he ended up where he was now, huddled in the shadows of a huge, ancient tree with his wings tucked at his sides. Sometimes he'd keep an eye on the other kids. Not all that often though. He didn't want to encourage conversation just by looking their way. So, really he watched from the side of his eye in case any were going to try to approach him again. That way he could get up and walk away before they could bore him to death with conversation. It wasn't like he'd be here for long anyway.
He really hoped Mom would be back soon.
It was so much better when it was just the two of them.
05-03-2017, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2017, 11:44 AM by Seethe.)
Dads were the worst. Just ‘cause he wanted to have some “grown up cuddle time” with Mom, Seethe’s dad had dumped him in the stupid playground, despite Seethe’s e n d l e s s protests. He fucking hated kids, okay? Just ‘cause he was his dad’s stupid, hideous pink and still covered in baby fluff even on his wings, everybody thought he was soooo cute. And oh, not a girl? Wait, was he sure? Yes he was fucking sure, okay? His only saving grace was the dark blue that graced his points, courtesy of Mom. Who was WAY cooler than Dad. So much better.
Thank fuck she’d been the one to name him.
Anyhow. Grumpy as fuck, Seethe stomped around the stupid playground, trying to find somewhere that might even pretend to hide his gaudy-as-hell coat that wasn’t like...a bed of pretty pink flowers or some shit. Ugh.
“Oh my god you’re so cuuuute!” Oh god no. Please no. The high pitched squeals, the flock of bigger girls swarming around him like oversized gnats, fussing at his stupid fuzzy baby coat, cooing over him like he was their very own little dolly brought to life. Kill me now. He stomped and snorted, and did they have the courtesy to be properly chastened? Of fucking course not.
They giggled.
“Look, she’s a feisty baby!” He glowered and chomped at the sexist bitch’s face, teeth clacking shut just shy of her nose. Fucking she. Was the useless twit nose-deaf as well as blind? Never used their damn eyes, did they? Pink just haaaad to be a cute, fluffy little filly wanting to be primped and cuddled and fussed over. “Awww, who’s a little grumpygills?” another one cooed, lipping at his scruff of a mane.
Fuck it. Enough warnings. This time he did chomp down on the girl’s nose, hard enough that she squealed and started to cry. Damn fucking straight. He was nobody’s toy. The other girls fussed over bleedy mcbitch instead, giving Seethe a chance to slip away, thank god. Found a big old tree to hide under, too, huffing and shaking his head and resettling his wings against his sides, licking a couple of drops of the dumb girl’s blood off his muzzle and - “Oh.” Fuck. He wasn’t alone. “Hi there,” he muttered, wary amber eyes looking the other boy over. “Look, we don’t have to be friends or whatever, I just needed a place to hide from those fucking twits ‘til my mom comes to get me, okay?”
The weather was changing. There was sharpness to the breeze, a brisk foreshadowing of the deeper chill to come. Today though, the sun was high, and made itself known. The sunlight wrapped its golden hands around her, swaddling her in blinding flaxen light and she gave herself to it, to this effulgence of poetic fire. Her filly’s body undulated over the earth, jogging and walking and leaping over the ground to a rhythm that thrummed in her skull and spilled outward from her skin in dizzying waves of soundless emotion. Her features were delicate things, carved of fragile stone and wrapped in thin silks and when she turned them – just so – to catch in full force the smouldering touch of the sun they were flawless.
It was not clear how Alayaya had found herself here, exactly. Maybe she was drawn, the way children inexplicably are, to the presence of other children. Maybe it was just fortune, or coincidence, whichever you believe in. She was decidedly not concerned about the how, though, clearly. At any rate, she wasn’t looking back. She entered the Playground like a familiar, unimpressive haunt, and did not feel any more out of place than she would have looked to an adult overseer or a stranger – just another foal among many.
She paused as she entered, appraising the other little bodies in various forms of play, pretend or… boredom. The pause interrupted the previous ceaseless energy so abruptly it was almost unnatural. Every beat of stillness increased the unnaturalness. There was a focused energy just barely contained by the boundaries of her skin and it seemed to quiver just out of physical sight, just out of hearing. She spotted the mismatched colts quickly – they were only about forty feet from where she had intruded into the Playground – and she was instantly engaged. There was a little flip of her tail, as though making some decision, and she turned and slid back into easy fluid movement to close the distance between her and them.
They were an interesting tableau – the black-legged buckskin with his coat of aloofness like a shield (or maybe like a leather jacket) and the absurdly pink boy who clearly didn’t appreciate how adorable he looked when he was grumpy, which was probably part of the problem. The mood was not exactly light. The spiky, bristling unhappiness around these two was almost palpable. Alayaya could not help but radiate the kind of careless happiness that only hearty well-loved children of a certain age acquire. The complete, unchallenged confidence and the optimism of unbroken promises were practically etched in the metallic sheen of her pale flaxen figure. And yet. There was something exaggerated in it as well, a little too extravagant, a little too coy.
She moved toward them pointedly, without giddy expectation, and without hesitation about the bubble of clear disinvitation the two of them were each blowing.
She eyed Seethe as she drew level with the tree they stood beneath. If she could have smirked she would have. As it was, she tipped her head ‘just so’ as she looked him over, as if to say “Are you serious?”
She looked between the two of them, raising her eyebrows The wide blue eyes held barely contained laughter, curiosity, and just a hint of appraisal. “Somebody drown your puppies?” she wondered aloud.
Go figure. Peace did not last long, and he watched as a gaggle of girls swarmed around the most obnoxiously-colored boy he'd ever seen. They poked and prodded and cooed at him so sweetly, and he couldn't help the grin he tried to bury under the bite of his lip. Poor sucker. Sen snorted his amusement at the pink boy's growing annoyance with his predicament, one he must have to deal with fairly often with that loud color of his. A magnet for attention, that one. Better not get anywhere near him.
Then his mirth was neatly stolen as the boy bit one of the girls on the nose and headed straight for his hideout. His little brows folded tight and his nose scrunched in disgust, watching this pink brat lick the blood off his muzzle and tromp right in to his concealed sanctuary. Peace was so hard to find around here. He wished Mom would come back for him already so they could leave.
He stood and settled his wings silently as the boy looked him over, both their faces pinched in wariness of the other. "Look, we don't have to be friends or whatever, I just needed a place to hide from those fucking twits 'til my mom comes to get me, okay?" He gave a sharp, non-committal shrug, his displeasure at the intrusion written all over his face. Whatever.
"That was cruel. You shouldn't bite people that way," he chided as though he knew these things. Mom had certainly never done such a thing, and Dad wasn't around enough to know if it was acceptable, really, but he didn't think it was. His face slowly transformed despite his best efforts, though. "Did you see her face?" he snickered. "Maybe that will teach them. You must have to do that a lot. You're not exactly easy to miss."
His frown tightened as another joined them, and he rolled his eyes at the boy for attracting yet another girl. Now his solitude was well and thoroughly murdered.
"Somebody drown your puppies?" she asked, her wide, blue eyes naturally secured on the billboard-bright little brat. He huffed, annoyed and no longer amused with the company, his immaterial wings ruffling. He side-stepped the both of them and turned his back.
"What is it with people. Can't a guy get some space around here?" he spat over his shoulder and walked away a few paces, gray eyes scanning for another place he could disappear to until Mom came back. Too bad he couldn't just wander off. It was still tempting to get far away from this place, but he could never be the cause of her worry or distress.
Damn. Not a single free space. Figures.
He tossed another glare at them as if it were their fault everywhere else was filled with more noisy kids, then settled in the shadows not nearly as far from his original place as he would have liked. Fine. Whatever. He'd just ignore them, then. He kept his back to them and vigilantly looked elsewhere as he stood sentry next to a different tree.