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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm Holding On... [Open]

    Many of her days she spent watching over the children of Beqanna.  Whether they were visiting their friends at the playground or staying in the den she watched them.  She found joy in their happiness.  She felt the pain in their saddness of those cradled by the fairies until a home was found for them. There was always a happily ever after wasn't there?

    Today she found herself in thought and in thought she wandered.  To where she wasn't sure nor how long it had taken to get there.  She was careful though to not run into anyone as her track record was sketchy in that department.  So she stayed aware of herself and the others gathered here.  Clearly she had ended up in a common lands of sorts.  Equines coming and going like the ocean waves.  Besides her decorate gown upon her back she was no different then anyone here.  Seeking a future someplace within Beqanna.  Be it a home, friendship or love.  Love... That was a deep subject.  Too deep for the moment.

    As she came to a halt to observe the others she pondered her own purpose... Or lack there of.  Certainly she had a purpose here or why would the fairies have brought her.  Given her the gift upon her back.  One day soon she was sure she would find out what it was...


    Not all that Glitters is Gold

    Ever since she had smelled a glimpse of her mother latched to a child’s coat in the forest, Jinju had come back over and over again. Her heart longed of her mother. The child had even created more questions than Jinju had found answers for. What had become of her mother? Were things so bad that she didn’t even allow Jinju to find her? After all, as long as the magician didn’t want to be found, it would be an impossible task.

    Even so, Jinju didn’t give up. Long ago the forest had become her second home, or third if you looked at it in a different way. She had liked the Jungle’s dense variety of vegetation, which gave her a sheltered feeling. The Taiga had done the same and naturally she had felt sheltered and at home in the forest too. It had only been a couple of months that Jinju felt more comfortable stepping out in the open. But, no matter how well she knew the forest, she couldn’t seem to find Reagan.

    It would only be so long before she would stumble upon somebody else. Taking the many times Jinju had come to the forest you might even say it had taken quite a while before it happened. Her ruby eyes land upon a rather unusual sight. For a moment she just stares at the mare in front of her, not bothering to hide her presence as she steps closer. Perhaps this mare had seen or met her mother, she simply had to ask. ”Hello, I’m sorry for intruding, but can I ask you a question, please?”

    The forest had always been too much of a dark place for her.  It brought back a mix of emotions for her.  Memories of the wolves she'd rather forget.  Quickly shielding her eyes she pushed the memories back down.  Holding them down where they belonged.  Here she couldn't help but walk a bit more cautiously...

    These days she preferred the light, chose the light.  It kept her on a path she has choosen now in life.  But not everything you want you get, so she found herself here amongst the shadow walkers.  If it hadn't been for those piercing red eyes she may not even have seen the girl.  Her coat the very darkest of hues.  A bit surprised at the sight cause it resurfaced those memories again. Damn things.  A small gasp of surprise sent a chill up her spine.  Ruffling her usually slick feathers.  The girls words quick and hers even quicker, "Oh! Hi. Ummm sure.  What can I help you with?"... 


    Not all that Glitters is Gold

    How could she be afraid of the big bad wolf? She had been raised by him herself. He had learned her his way too, learned her how she could move in silence. Right now that wasn’t what was on her mind and she secretly hoped that her mother would hear her, notice her distressed state and reach out to her. Plus, in this state it was impossible for Jinju to even think of tact and being quiet.

    She freezes, ruby eyes widening slightly as she clearly seems to have taken the other mare by surprise. And that while she hadn’t even tried to keep silent. She offers her an apologetic smile and a dip of the head. Spotting a lighter place in the forest she positions herself there, letting the sunlight dance on her skin. Jinju does not mind the warmth. ”Have you…” she pauses, forcing herself to take a deep breath and just calm down.

    ”Have you perhaps seen a gray mare? Not too tall, with emerald accessories.”

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