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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I wish I could feel it all for you; Pollock/Any
    Boredom. A sullen word to characterize a sense of doing nothing, where the mind has lost interest. Certainly this was something that didn't belong, here, in Pangea. Pangea was a land of mischief, where anyone could do anything, so why was there a need for boredom? Perhaps it was the severe silence howling within the cavernous canyons, or that lack of life lingering within the shadows, or maybe was it their absent king?

    He had been watching her, circling her like a vulture scavenging for fresh flesh. Her boredom, and lack of interest made him perplexed. She was bored her but why? Just think of the possibilities to be done here; torture, hunting, massacring. So much fun riddled within the blood stained earth, of Pangea but, she seemed so uninterested in the endless freedom. While he, an artisan in his own art, the art of killing. Had gathered a collection, a collection of skulls from his prey. Trophies, encasing his art. Why was she so uninterested?

    Although this stranger he had been stalking, caught his curiosity when she began to search. She searched, for the one and only, tyrant king of Pangea, Pollock.  

    A crooked grin is fitted smugly upon his velvet lips, as he trails the girl. Tendrils of dying vegetation grazing his hocks as he strode quickly, trying to keep in pace with her, a women on a mission. Her determination was remarkable for such a rather uninteresting creature, and uninteresting create filled with surprises. He continues to follow her for a period of time, until she halts..it's rather abrupt in fact he merely almost runs straight into her hind quarters. But thankfully he stopped himself, redirecting his course so he could circle her like shark.

    Releasing wretched cackle, Waylan allows himself to appear. His silver dappled body glistening in the low light, as his wickedly handsome cranium raises in a rather arrogant notion. Allowing gleaming candy apple red iris's to linger upon her frame. His silver toned tail whisking at his hind quarters, with such confidence. 

    With rugged, coarse vocals, "Are you looking for something dearie?" His cruel gaze falls upon her allowing crimson gems to interlock with hers. His temptation, his bloodlust pumps through every vein in his body, forcing himself to deny himself from plucking flesh from her corpse. "Or perhaps someone?" He chuckled, as a roguish smile tugged at the corners of his lips.  
    He's So Bad, But he Does It So Well

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I wish I could feel it all for you; Pollock/Any - by Waylan - 02-23-2017, 11:13 PM

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