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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    wild horses, run faster; youngster thread

    The forest is lovely and bright and alive.
    She doesn’t see the shifting colors of the leaves for what they are, for the looming death of the year.  She sees only careless splendor in the reds and oranges and yellows that shrivel up, fold into themselves.  She sees how they dance with the breeze, how they throw themselves from the branches and cascade down down down like a curtain around her.  Walking through the dappled, sunlit forest is like reliving her best dream.  And for a mind that is mostly blanked of its memories (for the black hole that has deleted her mother’s face, her father’s name) it is easy enough to recall the few good ones. 
    Vael crunches over the colorful carpet and thinks of nothing.  This is easy, too, because she has so little to dwell on, to reminisce.  Only the vague feeling of not belonging nips at her heels.  Or rather, the feeling that she belongs somewhere elseI am not meant to be here, the yearling has thought to herself a million and one times now.  I am not meant to be alone, but I am.  So I must deal with it and move on.  The ache in her breast is harder to ignore, though.  The careful halving of her heart with a surgeon’s precision is not nothing.  Salt.  The name is ironically sweet on her tongue, the only one her mind had held onto in the turbulence.  She won’t forget it ever.

    The inky girl does not fear the rustling of the foliage when it shakes beside her.  Surely, there is an entire world hidden in the sepia span of trees and fallen foliage.  One day, perhaps she’ll follow her curiosity to its end and find whatever scratches incessantly at the bark.  But today, Vael is pensive and impassive to the placement of her feet.  A dark and deep well of loneliness resides within her.  She never draws from it, never quenches her thirst on the temptation – and oh, does it tempt her. 

    Instead, she straightens her shoulders looks at the beauty of the broken earth.  It is lovely and bright and alive, and so is she.   


    and I swear I'm not a pretender

    ooc: anyone with any youngster is welcome!
    @[Krys] @[Elle Belle]

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