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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    looking for heaven found the devil in me; any

    A desperate need for magic before did not keep him standing and do nothing. He knew what he needed most and would. In this new life, he was more vulnerable than ever. Rodrik, however, had thought more on the matter. It was perhaps with fate that he was given this new life for a reason. Some would say it was a second chance to make up for their sins, but he has never felt he was a fool to begin with. Instead, this new era is something he must take advantage of. Rodrik has learned a thing or two before the Reckoning had come. It seemed now it was time to be even more forceful. After all, there was nothing to hold him back now.

    It is not hard to miss the approaching scaled-foal that comes trotting his way. Rodrik had already spotted the golden mare in the distance. The devil has always ensured to know his surroundings. He had taken time to understand this place just as he did when he was new to the Chamber. When the girl greets him, he smiles warmly. “Well, hello there,” he says and lower his head to see eye to eye with her.

    Rodrik had a soft spot for children. He was never exactly sure why, but perhaps it had increased more over the years now that his siblings have gone and likely are dead now. It was a blessing to some to be immortal, but to others it was a tragedy. He has never been certain for what it is yet, not even this other being in him has much to say on the matter. This other soul within him is old, but it is alive more than ever after they have been dismantled from the chains of the darkness.

    “I am Rodrik.” He flicks his ear forward, letting his tail sway lazily behind him. “Do you have a name as well?” The red devil then turns to peer at the golden mare below the ridge. “Your mother must not fear for you like most mothers do.” A side comment mostly mumbled but likely audible for the scaled girl to hear. Rodrik had always loved being at his mother side when she was queen of the jungle. And even his own little girl, Lucrezia, had too. Lucrezia, however, did not truly feel that way after he traded her for an alliance with the Deserts many years ago. Children sometimes were pawns in a game, perhaps even something he should’ve paid more attention to with his first daughter, Straia.
    character info: here | character reference: here | image © rostyslav zagornov

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    RE: looking for heaven found the devil in me; any - by Rodrik - 12-09-2016, 04:42 PM

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