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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you're gonna go far, kid; ANY/ALL
    Despite what they say, she's not always cruel. 

    In fact, there's even a bit of empathy about her. She sees how they work, how they toil to get what was taken from them. Save for a few, most have been repentant, have been sown with a new respect for Beqanna and the fairies.

    So. Today, she is kind.

    She appears in the forest in a flash of light, a sound like a whipcrack echoing across the lands.

    And, she waits. Waits for the first two to come, to be blessed, to be made whole again.

    (The first two horses to reply to this *without their powers restored* will have their powers granted immediately. They then have 1 BQ year (2 RL months) to pass this power on to 5 other horses - IN CHARACTER. You may NOT play the other horses. You can use it as a bargaining chip, or grant limitations if you so choose. 

    'Post coming' posts do not count and will be deleted. Reply in character only!

    Players who 'won' the last power restoration post are not eligible to reply.)

    She heard the call. The meadow rat, the forest bum. These were the places she would be found. Bright orange hair flared to life from her midnight-navy coat, resting limply across her skin. It no longer stood on end like a warrior's crest, but perhaps one day it would again.

    Above all, she wanted to learn to fight. To protect herself, or the weak. To become the knight in shining armor, save the oppressed from brutality.

    She wasn't aware she had any magic, but she came regardless. A bargain was what the filly could offer the others. Restoration of their powers, for knowledge. Skills. Training. She approached boldly, always boldly. Amber eyes met the fairy's as she addressed her politely, but evenly.

    I will do this.

    She waited for some change, her head high. If she had a magic within her, would she feel it? Would she know of it?

    I have no idea what he'd like for a quote yet.
    The last year or so had fucking sucked. Kerberos was not meant to be flesh and bone, squishy and ridiculous and weak He was meant to be an iron god, above the whims of mortal men. Shining and glorious and impenetrable. Though he’d heard a few stories about Beqanna’s dark god that made him willing to reconsider his stance on that. But rumor had it the great Carnage didn’t swing that way, and wasn’t it just a shame?

    The hottest ones were always straight or taken. Or lesbians. And okay sure, sometimes they could be persuaded anyhow either way (except the girls who didn't like the D, sadly...). But gods didn’t tend to take well to persuasion, and Cur wasn’t especially inclined to get punished if that punishment were the boring kind instead of the sexy kind.

    Well, but wasn’t it just his lucky day? He stumbled across a pretty little fairy (okay, fine, a hot badass of a fairy he’d really rather not cross, given that wicked glow and those sweet horns that looked a little too sharp for his newly vulnerable flesh, whatever. Semantics.) who was just itching to give him back his shiny.

    Who the hell was he to object.

    “I’m in, sweetcheeks. Also if you want to go bang one out after this is over, I am really digging the--” he paused and tossed his head, gesturing at her wings, those horns, that body, the glowy, menacing everything, “--all of that.”
    But there is space for like two whole lines.
    They come quick enough. A girl and a boy.
    Another flash of light, another sound like a whipcrack, and she restores them to whatever glory they once held, gives them the power to pass it on to others - well, a few others.
    And then, she is gone.

    Raeg'n and Kerberos have had their powers fully restored, and have 1 BQ year to pass it on (IC) to up to 5 other horses.

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