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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  The Mighty and Tiny

    Summer has well settled over the Meadow. Everything is green, lush and alive. The leaves are thick on the trees, and the grass is high enough to touch a horse's belly. Let me rephrase. An average sized horse's belly. For Smidge, who will never be tall enough to reach an average sized horse's belly, this means the grasses are well over her head. She's still young, maybe about a year, but still not her full size. The small girl is lush herself, plump if you will, and her coat is sleek and shiny. She is the color of variable storm clouds, with silvery white lining all her edges. Smidge doesn't truly realize her size, or maybe she just doesn't really care about it. She may just be the smallest horse in Beqanna without being a dwarf, but to her, she's just the same as everyone else.

    Currently she wanders, a tiny girl rustling through the grasses. Sometimes, it's too thick to really see through, and in other areas it's been walked through and tramped down enough she can be fully seen. She makes a game of it. The mighty tigress stalks through her jungle, all senses alert and tracking for prey. At one point, she pauses, hearing rustling nearby. Slowly, she turns to the sound. The tiger must be stealthy and calm, but not too slow or she would miss her chance or could possibly be spotted. Lowering her head, she moves closer. Closer. She hears the rustling again, very close. The tiger steadies herself, preparing for the pounce. One, she silently counts. Two.... Three! She throws herself forward and bounces from her hiding spot. "GOTCHA!!"


    small in stature, not heart

    Short and sweet xD
    The light that shines so bright.

    Even though soaring the sky above the meadow wasn’t the same as soaring above the Golden Plains, it offered the young mare some comfort. Gyps had always loved the feeling of the wind underneath her wings and the breeze that made her mane (navy blue) and tail (sky blue) flutter. It is from the same sky that she sees some strange movement in the grass. It’s clearly visible from above, but what actually causes the movement is a big mystery for the black and blue girl. And she cannot say that she’s not curious to find out.

    But by the time she finds her way to the ground, she’s unsure of where the movement exactly had been. The grass tickles her stomach and wings as she folds them back at her sides again. Gyps her head is held high as her blue eyes look around with a rather enthusiastic look, yet she doesn’t stop the swaying of grass anymore. Well, it turned out that she doesn’t really have to look for the cause. Startled she turns herself around, wing unfolding to almost their full span length and hastily she backs away. All to find a young, little – very little – girl revealing herself.

    Gyps snorts rather loudly, but soon her wings are folded and tucked away again, and a grin pulls on the corners of her lips. ”I’d have to admit that you got me there” she chuckles, lowering her head slightly towards the small pony sized filly. ”My name is Gyps, and who might you be?”



    She has seen other foals playing hide and seek. She thinks she would be pretty good at it! But no one has ever asked her to play before. She doesn't linger on the thought long, but she does think about how she would like more friends. She hasn't seen Weir in a long time now, and Moonie either. She thinks of them as friends, and she misses them, but isn't sure where either of them are. Oh, and Weir. He had asked her to help find his friends, but she has yet to find them. She wonders if he has had any luck himself. Perhaps she should get on to a search for him. Or them. Maybe she isn't as good at finding things as Weir had believed when he'd asked it of her. She hasn't given up, but it is a little discouraging since it's been two seasons already. Hmm.

    Thoughts soon fade as she delves into her game, pretending she is a mighty tiger. She does this a lot, play pretend. Probably due to her solitude, but mostly due to her overactive imagination. She has fun, though, and that's all that matters, right? Right. So anyways, she has heard something nearby and is stalking it through the grass, well hidden as she is. Never had she thought to look up at the sky, transfixed as she was in her play. Those fleeting moments pass and she pounces at her 'prey' and is all at once super excited and surprised by what she sees. Another horse! A filly, though older than Smidge is, and lots taller. She is black with blue hair, but what surprises her most are those glorious blue appendages spread out on either side of her!

    "Wow!!!" She has to physically turn her tiny, dished head to view them from one end to the other. But then she quickly begins to giggle girlishly and uncontrollably at the reaction of the winged girl who smiles back at her and folds her wings back to her sides. It lasts for several moments, her childish laughter, until she is finally able to pull it together. "That was sooo awesome!" She says, between laughing and catching her breath. Leaked blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight, bright as they lift up to meet the other's. She is rather full of joy and innocence, and it shows clear as day when she smiles wide at the girl's introduction. "Hiya! I'm Smidgen!"


    small in stature, not heart

    The light that shines so bright.

    Playing games like hide and seek wasn’t something she had experienced in her youth. She had quite a few siblings through her dad in the herd, but she had never gotten to play with them. Steris had her hip always conjoined with Wolfish’ and for Clarisse and Rustic things hadn’t been much different. If one of them would’ve been by alone, she might have approached them, but since there were always at least two of them and her alone, Gyps had never dared too. However, she did play briefly with Andras when they had been younger and she had also fooled around a lot with her father, but true playing around was somewhat an unknown thing to her.

    She had been forced to grow up soon too, as she had been given away by her parents to pay the debt her mother had made. Her mother had valued her freedom more than her firstborn child, and although it was all in the past now, it still troubled Gyps’ mind from time to time. But to get back to the topic again, that her childhood had been taken away from her, meant that she was eager to involve herself in games like this. Like a way of dealing with the past, and forgetting about it.

    Hearing the girl giggling Gyps couldn’t stop herself from smiling widely too. At least she hadn’t scared the much smaller filly away, by flaring her wings out like that. She would’ve been sad to see her flee. ”It’s nice to meet you, Smidgen” she replies, also smiling widely. The black and blue girl had already started to like the silver filly, her bubbly attitude already rubbing off on Gyps. ”Would you mind it if you joined you?” Oh yes, she was aware of the fact that she was kind of old for it already, but little Smidgen triggered her playful nature and that side of her was eager to step out.



    Despite what might be expected of her very small size, Smidge has yet to find much of anything that scares her. Not even in the blackest of nights with a new moon shadowed from sight. Not even in the deepest of forests with not but her senses to guide her. And there had been plenty of sounds in that part of the night in the forest to scare anyone. On the contrary, the tiny girl had found the setting comforting with the owls hoo-ing, the crickets chirping, tiny tree frogs croaking. She had felt safe in the cover of the trees. If she had to take a guess though, she might say that the spookiest thing she's encountered is pure silence in that same dark kind of night. But it didn't so much scare her as it did make her uncomfortable. Her vibrant world wasn't supposed to be so quiet. It had given her too much to think about, and time seemed to drag on forever.

    So when the black and blues girl suddenly spread her wings, it surprised her in the greatest kind of way. Although she could see how it could work to intimidate someone, Smidge was simply amazed. She can't stop herself from moving closer to her new friend, Gyps. Closer so that she can see the amazing things a little better. What are they made of? Are they attached by fairy magic, or was she born with them? Stopping herself from creeping forward, she snaps her face back to Gyps's. "Nice to meet'cha too!!" She giggles, and then answers the other question. "Of course!" She smiles brightly, welcoming the company eagerly. Yay, another friend! Now, more confidently, she prances up to the other's side, gently lipping the edge of one of her pretty blue wings (where she can reach). Oh, feathers! That's what they're made of! Aww, like a pretty blue bird. With a black body. How unique! Beaming up at Gyps, her smile never fades. "How did you get these? They're sooo amazing."


    small in stature, not heart

    The light that shines so bright.

    Gyps loved her wings. Not only was it a trait that showed through her bloodline, but more importantly, it made her able to fly. There were little things that could offer her more joy than flying, she would limit it to Andras and her parents, to be more exact. Both her family through her mother and father’s sides had been able to fly, either by wings or by shifting. The blue too was a family heirloom, also through both sides of her family. But back to her wings again, as her new friend lightly nipped at them.

    Reaching out to the smaller filly Gyps gently nips at her withers, nudging her playfully, before unfolding her left wing (as that was the side Smidgen stood at). ”I was born with them” she answers honestly, while allowing the silver girl to inspect her wing further. Gyps is unable to stop her wide smile, she’s almost grinning even when she playfully brushes the feathers across Smidgen’s body. ”My dad has them too and my mother’s parents are both bird shifters. They run in the family.” She doesn’t mean to brag, not at all, only to explain how it could that she was born with them. However, that doesn’t mean that she’s not proud of them.

    Before she had favoured those with traits over plain horses, but with the change she had been forced to start looking at things in a different way. Yes, Gyps was still a proud and head strong being, but she could no longer say that those traited were better than those untraited. Especially since her dear Andras has lost his horn due to the change. And even looking at little Smidgen here, who Gyps had already started to like very much, she couldn’t deem herself better than her new friend. Perhaps Beqanna’s change hadn’t been too bad after all.

    ”Where do you live and where were you from?” She’s curious, both to learn where the pretty silver girl had lived before the change, but also what place she called home now. It would be nice if she lived in the Taiga too, as that was where Andras wanted to take her. And Gyps wouldn’t mind to have a friend nearby.



    Her bubbly laugh rang out again as her friend reaches out to nudge her withers. Quickly, the tiny girl's muzzle lifts to 'boop' the taller girl's cheek while she is still in reaching range. A jolt of excitement shoots up her spine and she giggles again at the little game. She begins to spin around to run, lest she be tagged back, but then stops short as Gyps extends her wing once more. She gasps, looking up and letting her eyes travel all over the appendage. "Oooooh! You're so lucky, Gyps. They're so pwetty.." She is getting better at pronouncing her R's, but they still give her trouble now and again. With exaggerated gawking, she examines all the feathers and how some are lighter and some are darker blue towards the tips.

    And then her friend brushes them over her back and she giggles loudly and shakes her whole tiny body. "Heehee! Tiiickles!" Her giggles soften as she dances out from under the beautiful and super soft wing. Smiling from darn-near ear to ear, she spins around to face the black and blues lady, listening her talk about her family and how she got the feathery things. "Wow, that is sooo awesome. So they can turn into birds? Like not-pretend?! Oh my gosh, so cool. Maybe the fairies will let me have wings too, one day! Then we could fly together!!" Her little voice begins with astonishment, but then fills with more excitement.

    After she spoke, she grins so wide, her mouth hangs open a bit. Smidge has never had a problem being 'normal'. Whatever that even meant. If one could even call her that. She has her fun and games, and now she's gaining more friends! What else could she really need? But she does wish for wings, ones that would fit her juuust right. Maybe one day, if she was very good, and Momma Fairy thought she deserved it, she would grant that wish for her. One day.

    Gyps asks her a question and Smidge's smile fades slowly into a frown. "Live? ....from?" She looks around for a moment, contemplating her answer. It was a little hard, because the girl goes where her heart leads her. "Ummm... I guess I live here? Oh! Over there! I sleep with the trees, most nights." Soft smile returns to her lips and she gestures with her head to the Forest in the near distance. As for the other question, well... "I grew up in the foal place. The guardian fairy was always so nice. Made sure I had a full tummy. And then I came here!" She bounces her blue eyes back to Gyps, then. Smile back in its place. "What 'bout you??"


    small in stature, not heart

    The light that shines so bright.

    The way Smidgen is about to turn around and dash away amuses Gyps. Her lips already start to curl up and by the time her little silver friend is fawning over her wing again, the black and blue mare is grinning widely. ”You really wanted to play tag with me?” she asks, the amusement (the good type) shining through her voice. She remembers her tag games with Andras all too well. Even though he had been taller and faster, her wings had always given her an advantage. Next to that she had already been more agile due to her build. Of course she would’ve hold back on Smidgen, but just the thought of it was extremely amusing to Gyps.

    When Smidgen dances away from underneath her wing, she folds it back against her side again after ruffling them slightly. She nods before actually answering, smiling softly. ”Yeah, that’s what my mother told me. And once you get your wings, I want to be the first to show you the sky!” Gyps wasn’t sure if the fairies would ever grant Smidgen such a wish, but she wouldn’t be the one tear down her friends dreams when she wasn’t entirely sure.

    As her little friend repeats her words, in a questioning manner, she nods. ”Yes.. Your home?” she clarifies, before falling silent and allow Smidgen to actually answer. Gyps’ heart breaks when she is told that the forest is her friend’s home, alone with the trees. ”You don’t have a home? Or a family that you live with?” she asks, her voice soft and clearly displaying how sad it made her. Everybody should have a home, a place to be long, someone to return to. But at the same time Smidgen doesn’t seem to be bothered by it at all, being way too cheery.

    ”I grew up with my parents, in my father’s herd.” As she talks about the Golden Plains, she cannot help it but to smile. A smile that disappears once she continues, frowning slightly. ”I was then told to live at another herd, given away like a price. Now the Taiga is home, Andras brought me there.” Gyps’ stomach flutters as she speaks her lover’s name, as she’s just really happy to have found him again. He had always been her light in the dark. When she had been a foal, when she had been given away to Archam, and now the change had been forced upon them.



    She is still busy glorifying the taller girl's extended wing when she asks if she was actually wanting to play tag with her. Her incredulous tone makes Smidge tear her eyes from the feathers with a tilt of her head, and up to her friend's nice face. So the little game she had almost started to play with her was literally called 'tag'? Haha, how fun and original! A tinkling little laugh spouts from her and she nods simply with that easy smile of hers in place. But then she had tickled her and Smidge had danced out and then back around to face her. And she listens in awe as she answers her few excited questions about her family. Gyps says she wants to be the first to show her the sky when she gets her wings (if she ever does, but the girl is full of hopes and dreams), and she gasps with excitement. "Yes, yes, yes!! That would be sooo awesome!!" She can't possibly be smiling any wider, or she just might break the boundaries of her face.

    Her heart is pumping with her excitement in her little chest, but it settles a bit at the change in subject to homes and family. Her new friend seems to become very sad once she reveals that she sleeps with the trees, and Smidge ducks her head a bit and chews on her lip. She hasn't meant to make the other girl sad. Smidgen perks herself back up, offering another of her sweet smiles in hopes that will mirror back on her friend's face once more. "It's okay, I like my tree! There is one that has a space at the bottom, and it's really comfy inside." A hollowed out spot just big enough for her tiny-ness to slip into and curl up. Perfect for sleeping. She truly doesn't know about her family, that she has a number of siblings she's never met, or where or why she'd been left on her own in the foal place. But she's never really troubled her mind about it before. It seems easier to change the subject back to her friend, instead, who seems to have a lot of family.

    The small girl listens intently, like a child does when being told a story, as Gyps begins. She says she grew up with her parents, in her father's herd and she gets this blissfully happy look on her face as she appears to revisit the place in her mind. Smidge smiles softly in turn, painting a picture of it herself in her own mind. But then all to quickly, something changes on the girl's dark face and the edges of her lips are pulled down. Smidge tilts her head and frowns too. "Why?" She says in an almost-whisper. Why would someone give away their child when they seemed so happy? She can't help but wonder, and then wonders about her own parents. Why did she not have family. All of a sudden, she begins to feel very small and alone, but oh! She doesn't like that feeling, like a twisting in her chest and an emptiness in her gut. She quickly shakes it off, becoming interested in the girl's next words instead.

    "Andras sounds nice." It isn't hard to pick up on the difference in tone when Gyps says that name, and Smidge is glad the black and blues girl has another friend to help her be happy. But she finds herself now very curious about the place she'd said is home now. "The Taiga? What is that? Do you like it?" Ahh, full of questions, she is. But Smidge can't help but to be intrigued. The other girl had spoken highly about homes and families, and now she is wondering more about what having those things is like.


    small in stature, not heart

    OOC: omg, I'm so sorry about the wait.. And this felt crappy and all over the place to write. Bleh ._.
    The light that shines so bright.

    The smile upon her lips grows wider when Smidgen promises her that she would be the first. Gyps lowers her head again, to gently – and softly – bump her nose against Smidgen’s neck. ”Promise?” she asks in a rather playful manner, but at the same time genuinely meaning it. She wanted to be the first to show her little friend how amazing it was to see the world from up high. And even though it wasn’t that likely for the silver girl to just gain wings like that (the fairies were quite strict when it came to gaining traits), Gyps truly hoped that Smidgen’s wish would come true.

    It is hard for Gyps to understand that Smidgen isn’t affect by the fact that she lives on her own. Without a family or a home to return too. But she probably didn’t know any better either. Yet, for someone as Gyps, who had grown up with a loving family and a well-protected home, it felt just plain wrong. It would be better to leave the subject though. Right now Smidge wasn’t bothered by it, but it would be even worse if she would start to feel troubled just because Gyps had started about it. The blue and black girl didn’t want that to happen.

    Why? That was something he didn’t really understand herself either. Yes, she knew why, but that didn’t explain it all. A soft sigh slips past her lips as she rolls her shoulders – also slightly ruffling her wings in the process – gaze on the meadow to watch the waving vegetation. ”I was the price for my mother’s freedom. She got stolen by this one stallion, forced to live there, but she managed to return to my father by promising her firstborn girl to him.” Although she speaks softly, the tune of her voice is harsh. Gyps missed her parents, worried for them, but she hadn’t forgiven them for how they had given her away. However, it is the mention of her lover’s name by her new friend that she’s able to forget about the hardship for now. She nods, smiling widely. ”He is. I’m sure you’ll like him too. He can be quite playful” she cannot help but to grin, fondly remembering their first meetings. But even still, he hadn’t changed much from the little horned colt she’d met.

    She pauses for a second, just looking at her silvery friend. Did she like the Taiga? She supposed so, it was a place to live, a home, but her home would be wherever Andras was. And the trees did cut her off from the sky, blocking her take up. ”It’s like the forest, I suppose, it is even connected to the forest you sleep in. But the trees are different, a lot of conifer trees and only a little deciduous trees. But it has its charm..” Gyps had only moved there recently, not even officially, as nobody had yet confronted them upon their arrival. This Romek her lover had spoken off, hadn’t yet showed himself.


    OOC: No muse today.. Took me hours to write it, hope it's not too bad.. Sad

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