"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
She behaves in a manner that he expects, which is a relief for him from all that has happened lately. Too many unexpected twists and turns had made him cautious, but a coy look and a flirtatious swish of the tail put him at ease. This is what he knew. This is what would not change. She would play her part and he would play his. A play that was always the same, regardless of the players.
But he knew his part well. The predatory smile tugs at his lips as she speaks and his dark eyes gleam from beneath the mess of thick hair that dangled from his crest. One could either see the preying look in his eyes as a devious twist to his usual captivating appearance, or be repulsed by it. He is fairly certain she will enjoy it. “Rarely formal. Never a gentleman.” the monster replies; his words just loud enough for the two of them to hear. He moves closer, reaching out to play with some of her smooth, soft mane with his lips. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Gunsynd is currently pretending to be someone else! He is now 15hh, hybrid, flea-bitten grey with clear blue eyes and goes by the name of Ginkgo. He will not have use of his traits while he is in this form. Please play as if he is simply the other persona unless your character has some sort of mind-reading. Thanks! <3
"Don't let it happen again, Gunny." The woman utters low and hot under her breath as she eyes the devil beast playfully. The smirk that crawls on the whiskered lips does not mirror the mare's but she finds herself curious about the male. Did he pride himself to be such a play thing? To seek out lone mares and -woo- them with coy looks and silver tongued words? Hohotep takes the liberty of giving the shagged stallion a playful nickname, one she chose to crack with the whip of her own tongue.
Orange pools slip away to purposely give her gaze to another, her attention crossing the vast meadow to watch another stallion as he spies upon the pair with obvious interest. Hohotep snorts softly before looking back to Gunsynd. He was a rather attractive stallion once you tore away the knotted stream of uneven mane...replace the almost scowl of his smirk with a genuine one...and even perhaps, till your head ever so slightly...
Yes! There! Gun could be quite fetching but based upon his actions, the boldness, the quick wittiness he uses to weave a web of pretty words...well, ladies were not a problem in that department. Long lashes fall over the gleaming pools as Tep considers her next move, a next bite of speech. If the tall mare should not desire his company then she could simply have her fill of mountain water and step on lightly off to the company of the other male who watched but instead the ebony woman closes a little more space between them. "Where do you call home, Gunsynd?" The embers glitter in their coal sockets as she bends closer to him, her skull is floating towards his. Tep, herself, did not currently reside anywhere (hence the meadow dwelling) but as of late she had considered finding a home and maybe casting a few lines ashore and settling for a bit. Now she does not think running off with just any boy would be very becoming of her nature (not that he had not tried nor the boy after that nor the boy after that) but none of them had stirred her the right way. None of them had peaked a level of her interested but for now, she waits to see if Gunny would. The black mare pivots to take more of his side than to face one another head on like a pair of dolts. Their conversation would remain quiet, intimate as she takes the lead on their current situation rather than he.
His handsome features and powerful body were a cruel twist of fate, for they harbored the mind of a base creature with no room in his heart for pretty emotions. Many had been captivated by his looks without ever knowing the monster that played the puppeteer. He was the destroyer of naivety, the devil in disguise. He did not have pride in this, for it simply was his truth. He wanted to corrupt, to bend them to his will. And in this process, he played his games. He would let them feel like they were in control, he would draw them in with smiles and flirtation, or he would frighten them away. The options were abundant, but usually the female would dictate which game would be best. This one wanted to feel empowered, so he would go with that for now. He knows (or maybe they both know) that he can overpower her and he would have no qualms in doing so.
She was the type to use her beauty as her power. To make males jealous, to make them work harder. He sees her use this tactic as she looks to the other male in the distance. He lets go the remaining tendrils of her mane as her focus shifts elsewhere. He would not indulge such behavior, after all. Her eyes return to him (he is not surprised) and she asks of his origins. His dark eyes watch her (with a little less heat and mischief than before) as he considers this turn of events. The fun of this encounter may need to be tabled until Fall. She moves to his side and he finds himself watching the stallion across the meadow now absentmindedly.
“I live in Pangea.” he replies simply, mimicking her lack of interest. He could say much more, but chooses to remain silent and brooding instead. He does not inquire about her living situation (he doesn’t care to) but finally resumes with “You are welcome there if you wish. But be forewarned, it is the only true land in Beqanna. And as such, it comes with a cost.” It would not do to invite just anyone to his homeland; they would need to have a reverence and understanding for the barren land. This was the only way it would grow and become the place it was destined to be.
Gunsynd is currently pretending to be someone else! He is now 15hh, hybrid, flea-bitten grey with clear blue eyes and goes by the name of Ginkgo. He will not have use of his traits while he is in this form. Please play as if he is simply the other persona unless your character has some sort of mind-reading. Thanks! <3
The physical stature of the stallion was alluring of course. He is tall, strong, a dominatrix. Hohotep is delicate where he is jagged, sleek where he is rough. She stands near as tall as he when they are side by side. The orange eyes do not miss the flicker of a change in his depths and how he stiffens slightly at her actions.The lips tug slightly as she can feel a radiation of his heat against her skin.
Amber pools watch him closely with a morbid fascination. He is a pretty face, that was undeniable, but the casual mention of his home...a fleeting invitation. Sure, Tep could easily dip away to take up with any male. She was a fine piece of horseflesh but Gunsynd...he was something different. "Pangea." The dark woman repeats with a slight shrug. "I'd like to see this place." Tep moves to mutter the words against his dark skin with tug of his flesh to punctuate her statement. He says there is a cost but this heightens her senses even more. Her skin prickles with excitement, arousal.
The woman looks once against to meet his features. She decides to not play the game with him any longer. He is too smart for that so instead she allows him merciless access to her. He may think her stupid, a naive mare but no, no no, Tep knew what she wanted. She wanted to feel her skin aching, she wanted gasp at the rake of teeth along her throat...
But that would be for another time...perhaps for the Fall...and perhaps with Gunsynd but for now the dark mare flicks her tail with a playful impatience. Tep wonders briefly if he preferred a mare to put a fight but then again she was not working to please him. The meadow is not the best of lands to wander around fruitlessly and this Pangea sounded like just the place for a lovely little gal like herself.
Now that she has shown her disinterest (and reaped the rewards of that move), she comes fluttering back to him like a moth drawn to a flame. For the time being, however, she has lost his particular interest and is now nothing more than a possible recruit. Maybe come fall when her scent changed to something a little more irresistible he would reconsider. By then she will be begging for him, and who is he to deny such passionate need?
She speaks about his home with a similar detached indifference and he can’t help but think it was a bad idea to offer to her in the first place. But perhaps the interest would grow once she had seen the dark creator standing amid the wastes of his creation. It was certainly a sight to behold.
With a sigh he turns to regard her, seeing the shift in her demeanor and forcing a sardonic smile. “Well then” he says gruffly, grabbing a patch of her black rump in his teeth and quickly letting go “Come see it. And stay a while.” With that he moves himself towards home, knowing she will follow.
OMG I have no gunny muse right now I’m sorry for this mess. I’ll post to her in Pangea and it will be better I promise!!
Gunsynd is currently pretending to be someone else! He is now 15hh, hybrid, flea-bitten grey with clear blue eyes and goes by the name of Ginkgo. He will not have use of his traits while he is in this form. Please play as if he is simply the other persona unless your character has some sort of mind-reading. Thanks! <3