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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  looking pretty in a hotel bar - anyone
    The mist around her is unfamiliar, but Raene is unconcerned. Perhaps this is a dream. Whatever it is, what matters is that she is unharmed and healthy, even if she appears to have been stripped off the rainbow of colors she had once possessed. 

    She had been in the Meadow when she'd fallen asleep, and so it is to the Meadow she returns. Each step is measured and careful, and the black and white mare looks about curiously as she moves. The heavy feathering on her thick black legs is soon soaked by early morning dew. By the time she reaches the Meadow, the sun has begun to rise and to melt the thin layer of frost on the grass.

    "Hello?" she calls out curiously, wondering if there is anyone around to hear her. "Is anyone there?"
    "Hello," his voice is deep as it carries across the silence of early morning. Quietly he steps out of the shadows created by the surrounding trees and into view of the heavily built mare. For a moment his eyes travel over her feathered legs then across the spots on her hind before he steps a bit closer. "I heard you calling and thought I'd come introduce myself and let you know you aren't alone."

    He smiles then before continuing. "Are you okay?" He doesn't mention the change. Not yet. As he is unable to relate to those who have lived here all their lives. "Do you need help finding someone?" It is a question and an offer both. He knew she probably had family and friends who she was desperate to find unlike himself. Because of that fact it was probably best he try to help those that he could before he went crazy trying to decide what to focus on first. 

    Coming down from the mountainside had been an easy trek. He had had nothing significant to lose or for beqanna to strip from him. The most unique thing hr had held about himself was the naturally curly poodle like coat and hair that had decorated his body since birth and it was something he was grateful for as he watched those come to the realization that they were now without ehat they thought made them whole. They were things the majority had depended on when they had yet to realize they could be great even without those extra little gifts. That they could still make a difference... "Crazy isn't it? How quickly things change?"
    She looks up to see a buckskin stallion, and while his face is unfamiliar his expression is not, and she returns his smile easy. 

    "Oh hello there," she says, "I appreciate that."

    The stallion asks if she is okay and she nods; she is perfectly whole and unharmed, if a bit bewildered.

    "My family is here somewhere," she tells him, "I think I hear my father calling a few hours ago."

    That she had not answered him seems a given, but the black and white mare offers no further explanation as to why she might not have done so. In truth, she's not entirely sure why. Perhaps the independence that he had Mama had always been trying to push on her has finally taken root and she is ready to explore the world on her own.

    Perhaps the change in Beqanna has simply knocked her for a loop.

    "It is," responds Raene. She had not realized how attached she was to her ability to imitate the rainbow until she was unable to use it. "Have you lost something too? Or someone?"

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