"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
08-28-2016, 01:28 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2016, 01:31 PM by Njenyi.)
Though the palomino mare had seemed somewhat aggravated, Njenyi is not concerned. She will relax once they’ve made it to the Ridge, he knows. It is a good herd land, with food to be found even in the dead of winter. The bunch of mares he has gathered are not the petty type that he’d feared, and he imagines that the palomino will find some company and friends among them.
“What’s your name?” He asks as they move toward the herd land. His expression is curious, even if his voice is rough and uneager. Njenyi has never quite mastered the art of conversation. He hadn’t needed to, not when he had grown up relying on his face and body language to communicate for him. Still, the horses of Beqanna do seem to enjoy talking, and he has managed to say a few words every now and again. He will never be the most verbose of stallions, but he is getting better.
They arrive just past noon, and the sun is shining off the shallow drifts of snow and making the gemlike stones in the cliff face sparkle brilliantly. It is nothing like the yellow grasses of home, but it is his. “Home,” He tells the palomino mare beside him. Then he raises his head, calling for the rest of the herd to come and meet their newest companion.
@[Trechery] @[Cryil] @[Ohio] @[Pot of Cream] @[Pot of Custard] @[Furrow]
Right now, Cryil is a whole lot of woman. The tall mare's slender frame is swollen with fast approaching motherhood. Her painted hide seems to stretch and move when paired with the uncoordinated stride over the frosted lands. Spring was not coming soon enough.
When the large skull is lowers, incisors clipping away at the bits of grass, she catches his voice. Poll lifts to look in the direction of Njenyi. With a heaving sigh, Cryil is lifting the limbs to close in the space that separates the mare from her stallion.
Her painted form appears not long after the striped male summons the herd. Before her is a fetching golden woman at his side. Cryil proceeds to near Njenyi and gently tug at his own mane before flicking a green eye at him in a playful glare. Her attention turns to the other woman and she dips her head in greeting. "I'm Cryil. Welcome." The pregnant woman stands aside the stallion as she listens for the other's reply.
Palomino legs with cream colored feathers carried her across the frozen terrain ahead of the stallion.Hearing his question she turned her head enough to glance at him. "Trechery is what they called me when I was born and that is what my mother named me. I can be called Trech or Tre if you prefer." She gave a nod of her head and moved on ahead of him. "And what are you called.?" She wanted to know his name like he had hers, she hoped the land he was taking her was a grand land where she could be herself and not worry bout what others think.
Stopping when the stallion did she looked around the land ahead of her so far so good she thought. Twisting her thick neck around she looked around her and spotted a bay and white horse moving towards them stepping backwards a few steps she watched as the mare moved to the stallion. Dropping her head in a nod she returned the mare's greeting. "Thank you and I am Trechery pleased to meet you Cryil." She noticed the mare was larger in the middle then many mares she was used to seeing she wondered how she could move around swiftly with her over large barrel but she didn't say a word about it as she stood there.
08-29-2016, 01:05 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2016, 01:05 AM by Pot Of Cream.)
Pot Of Cream galloped over,her gallop was a little odd though.She skidded in the snow as she reached them.Her blue eyes glimmered in the sunlight along with her Cremello coat.
Her foal kicked but she tried to take no notice.
It had been nice here, even to her own surprise. Ohio had now known what to truly expect of herd life but she found that she liked it. There was plenty of room within the stallions lands to run, enough food to eat even during the winter and there was water to be had. Even if she had to spend some time breaking through the ice to get to it, suppose that was unavoidable really.
The other mares were pleasant as well, no one had bothered her or made a point to be her enemy. Just as well, Ohio would not have liked that at all. No, her days had been filled with roaming and exploring so far, in watching the colorful gems set into the cliffs change colors with the rising and setting of the sun. Today they shone brightly as a familiar call raced over the ridge and found her. Njenyi was back and likely with someone new to meet and so she came to see just who it was.
A golden mare stood at their leader’s side this time and she gave a nicker in greeting. Her side brushed the painted length of Cryil as came to the group and she gave a friendly nibble to Cream’s mane. “Hello, I’m Ohio,” she offered to the gilded woman, her own ears turning to listen to the name she would give. Trechery, Ohio nodded in understanding, she would do her best to remember it for later.
Cream pulled more viciously at her mane and by accident,bit her neck.She trotted off with her tail up.She was angry,she snorted as she went off.She walked to the frozen lake to drink then laid down exhausted.She galloped over there to get bullied.
so bright, the flames burned in our hearts, that we found each other in the dark.
She’s finding she doesn’t actually mind this place.
It’s been a few weeks now, but she’s slowly growing used to the mechanics of Njenyi’s herd. It’s a pretty quiet life, which suits her just fine, and she’s spending her days switching between grazing and actively avoiding the other mares. It’s not that she doesn’t like them, they all seem nice enough, she just … has no idea what to say. She’s never known what to say. Hazika had always made fun of her for that.
She’s grazing near the cave that Njenyi had first found her in when the stallion’s voice sounds out across the ridge, calling all of the mares too him. She hangs back at first, not being one to enjoy large gatherings, but eventually she slips up behind the group of horses.
Her brown eyes pass over the other members of the herd first resting on the paint, and the two cremellos that she’s seen before, then passing over the odd brown and black mare she hasn’t, before finally settling on Njenyi and his companion. It’s another mare (surprise, suprise), a palomino, and clearly a newcomer to the herd. Furrow listens as Cryil and Ohio introduce themselves, and eyes the two cremellos with disquiet as one of them nips at Ohio. Finally, when the little scuffle appears to be done, she speaks up, her quiet voice wavering. “Hi, I’m Furrow.”
"I'm Njenyi," he tells tells the palomino mare as the rest of the herd starts to arrive. They are pleasant - as he expects them to be - and he spares an extra moment to press his muzzle to the wide barrels of the three mares pregnant with his foals.
He's content to let them talk amongst themselves, but when Cream returns Cryil's greeting with a bite, he pins his ears and snaps a warning at her departing figure. She is clearly angry, but if she is expecting him to follow after her as coo the issue out of her she is sorely mistaken. He is her stallion, not her friend. She has the mares here to be her friends.
Furrow arrives and Njwnyi bobs his head happily, pleased that they've all come to meet the newcomer. Treachery will be the last addition to the herd for a while; protecting the foals and new mothers will take up most of his time for the next few months.
Her ears pinned back.She didn't want to be friends with the mares she wanted to make her own friends
In her own time.She laid there,isolated from the crowd.
08-31-2016, 05:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2016, 05:40 PM by Cryil.)
The loudly colored mare can not help but smile at her new friend Ohio. A smile moves across her lips as her green eyes seek the ones of the chimera mare, enjoying her company but she does not attempt to keep her composure as her eyes slit at the cremello mare when she tugs at Ohio's mane aggressively. Cryil snorts in response and so they large bellied woman realizes that she is overstepping her boundaries. Cryil does not appreciate the uncalled for bites. Her focus follows the hefty mare run off maniacally to drink come ice water before Cryil looks to Furrow, her features softening as she greets the gentle mare with her own delicate brush with her muzzle.
Cryil has not noticed that Pot had slunk up behind the small group but she does notice when the mare slumps off to some place...possibly to sulk? Cryil attempts to keep from rolling her eyes and instead shrugs it all off and returns her attention to Trechery and the others as the smile returns. This herd was her family and Cryil was going to make sure to get off on the right hoof and be sure to get to know the women.