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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    May We Meet Again; Tiana

    He isn't a saint nor is he scoundrel. He's just never found himself that special someone, now maybe it's just autumn and hormones thats got him thinking. Maybe he could find, her. Settle down and have a few kids.. Now he's just talking crazy and he can't help himself as a chuckle grows in his throat. He's nomadic creature there isn't somewhere or someone that can hold him down keep him grounded for that matter quite literally in fact. 

    He spent most of his time with his head up in the clouds the wind toiling at the tufts of his lobes, and licking at his cheeks. He didn't really mind company he just came across so few fluttering about in the sky, and taking the time and energy to sit still uplifted in the air while trying to make conversation. He wasn't quite good at multitasking after all. So here he was, aloft all alone while thinking of his future lover, like a hopeless fool.

    A hopeless fool that wasn't quite concentrating on where the ground was, and how fast he was plummeting until he hit the lush green ground with a thud. It wasn't quite graceful nor charming and it created quite a scene. Feathered hooves were dug into the earth creating scuff marks in the free vegetation beneath his hooves, his navy blue curled mane covered his eye sight shielding him from the looks and stares of other equine around him. His feather were ruffled as if he were in shock, which he was because he wasn't quite aware what was happening until well he hit the ground and, hard.

    He barely even noticed he had landed almost on an ebony and purple maned lass (Tiana), raising his head and folding his sprawled out wings, he allowed a sheepish grin pull at the corners of his mouth. "My apologies for well-um sort of landing on yeah." His vocals are rough and deep, dipped in a tone of sweetness. Golden flecked eyes meet her gaze, "Let me introduce myself, I'm Koen. Care to share a name?" He questioned with ebony whiskered lips.

    May We Meet Again


    Reworded my clary one since I'm extremely uncreative and I'm probably not going to get a response XD

    Messages In This Thread
    May We Meet Again; Tiana - by Lullaby - 08-23-2016, 07:22 PM
    RE: May We Meet Again; Tiana - by Tiana - 08-28-2016, 11:45 AM

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