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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    First time alone
    Calming stepped into the field and sighed. She was 2 years old and not sure if she was ready to be on her own or not. She hoped she would find her mother and father but her hopes were soon washed away from her heart. Lowering her head with a sigh, she started to graze. She was a light colored Blue Roan since her father was white which seemed to wash her mother was a dark blue roan into a lighter color. Her name fit her perfectly as she stood there grazing alone, she was as calm as could be. 

    Calming Wind was her full name; her parents had decided on it because as she was born a calming wind came over them. Lifting her head up, she scanned the grounds just like her father had taught her. She was proud as her dad and graceful like her mom.
    He saw the foal and rushed towards her.He didn't like to see any foal on its own even if it wasn't his
    Calming had lowered her head to graze once more but at the sound of hoofbeats, she lifted her head quickly and pinned her ears. She hadn't to be be off her guard but when she saw a stallion coming at her she stood her ground. She flicked her tail to shoo away the bugs but she wasn't sure what to do next. Her parents never told her what to do if there was a stallion she didn't know coming at her. Then she heard other hoofbeats as well and turned to see her cousin coming at them. It was Dream. She let out a squeal of excitement.
    Dream had seen a light blue roan filly and knew who it was. He started to gallop towards her and she had let out a squeal of excitement to see him. The young colt smiled as he stopped beside her and nuzzled her. "Calming I am so glad to have found you." he said to her before he looked over to the stallion that was there standing with them. Dream shook his black and white mane and stamped a hoof before he calmed down and said, "I thank you for finding my cousin." he said as he again nuzzled Calming Wind.
    His ears went back."I didn't find your cousin,I think she found me.Anyway what are you doing out here alone.?"
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:
    Sorry I forgot
    Calming sighed as she looked at the two. Stepping in between them she nipped at her cousin. "Settle down. You are just like Uncle Brave and daddy." She huffed at him. Turning to the stallion she said, "We are alone because some how we all got separated and now we are alone. My mom and dad must be together because they are always together and I know Uncle Brave is alright and Aunt Angel may have either found our uncle or has found a new home." she said. She said it so grown up though it wasn't funny. 

    Turning to Dream she said, "And what happened to you? Aunt Angel had went off I think to find uncle Brave and then you vanished and mom went off to find dad..." Calming was still as calm as ever and still she had to wonder what was going to happen to her and Dream now. She knew he wouldn't and couldn't leave her side.

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