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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway-[Baymax]
    Like the dancer before me

    The ebony mare ventured out from the Tundra with hopes to find a recruit for her kingdom. She has spent the last season protected in the icy border that lays around the Tundra, but today she decided to spend her day with other kingdom members. A small smile parted her lips as she stepped through the entrance of the field, she scanned the horizon and it was very busy. Equines everywhere, there was almost not enough room for others to fit.

    She took in a deep breath, it smelled so different than Tundra, the air was dense and muggy. Oh and the heat, the heat was almost unbearable. She was so used to the cool air the Tundra provided, regardless the season that she always forgets the strong humidity outside her kingdom. She was born and raised in the Dale and the heat was like any other kingdom, but less than a year in the Tundra and her body quickly adapted.

    None the less, the mare moves deeper into the field, brushing shoulders every now and than trying to pass the cluttered field. She breathed a sigh of relief once she broke free from the growing group, she was in a more isolated area of the field. The grass was tall and at her knee's she lowered her head to grab a mouthful of grass. She looked up and let a whinny escape her maw, purely from joy, it was nice to be out here and sunbathing. 



    OOC: uhm...yea idk
    Ah, it was so great to be out today. The brilliant sun beat down on his golden coat as he lay listless and carefree upon the soft bed of crushed foliage, hidden within the tallest grasses of the field. It had been a job well done yet again, escaping his family's notice and exiting the meadow they called home. He did think he was getting better at that. Or they were growing more slack in their efforts, but more likely he was just getting more awesome.

    They periodically came to check on his mental health, using telepathy to speak with him due to his deafness. His growing interest in distance from them and the peace and quiet -yes, quiet- seemed to be of great concern to them, the loud and cheerful bunch that they were. He still wondered at times how terrible a person he must be to lack the ability to hear and yet prefer the silence he found away from his telepathic family. But he shrugged it off. It didn't really matter to him anyway; he was who he was.

    He stretched his neck and tugged a few grasses loose, enjoying a slow and lazy snack. Yes, it would be another good day, he could almost sense it.

    Baymax sat up, his head peering up over the tops of the high grass, still chewing. He glanced around but didn't see too many others nearby in this less trekked part of the field. After a few more moments of peering out, he looked over his shoulder on a hunch and sure enough, there stood a lovely ebony mare. His mouth stopped chewing as he stared, and he gulped the rest down whole. He wasn't sure if she had said anything but he thought there was a chance she might have noticed him.

    Tucking his limbs beneath him, he stood and shook out his mane. His hair was the dark chocolate of a typical buckskin, save for the part that crashed into a splash of white in his coat. Deep brown eyes turned to her again and he approached without a word, holding her gaze with a calmness he suddenly didn't feel anymore, and stopped a fairly short distance from her. He smiled patiently as he waited for her to speak to him, his ears forward curiously but deaf-ly still.

    Like the dancer before me

    Her whinny went unanswered but she was still filled with joy, it was so nice to be out in the sun although she was certain after today she would be happy to go back to her icy kingdom. Her eyes flicked around the field some more and her attention was caught by a buckskin paint, he was all by himself similar to her which was interesting. Most of the stallions that came to the field only visited to find a mate or a mare to lock up in the herd lands. She shrugged her shoulders, what would be the harm in introducing herself, perhaps he would even come back to the Tundra with her.

    Hello there! her voice was friendly and her ears were perked forward, his face already carried a smile. He seemed friendly enough, although he carried a beqanna scent and she was curious to if he belonged to a kingdom. My name is Josie, who are you? she spoke and her tail gently swayed with interest, the occasional flick to remove irritating insects from her body.


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