"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
08-09-2016, 08:29 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2016, 08:30 PM by Phynn.)
Can you please turn yourself down?
Ritalin kids doing cocaine wipe outs.
Always so damned aggravating. Always looking to fight, to fuck, to prove something. They always want tobe stronger, faster, meaner. Phynn gives very little attention to the growing pandemic of these mares. They squawk and cry and bitch about everything, anything. Perhaps this in why Phynn is here...to make them recognize where they belong.
Now let's remember to set the scene. The large black stallion is glinting under the sun, the white of the snowfall and ice having hurt his yellow eyes and suddenly a rather loudly pin-pricked hussy just saunters right up and says that HE is in HER way.
Fuck that sideways with a big ole bag of dicks.
A slice of yellow slivers from the dark socket to look over this large beauty with the least amount of effort. It seems as though time is halted till he finally swings the large skull to look at her from his height. She is mouthy, angry, and pretty sexy but nope. Sorry toots, not today. "Go around." The two words rumble from the depths like the sound of tires over gravel, slowly crushing and grinding against one another.
He didn't have time to play with silly mares and their awkward little ways to get his attention. Long gone are the foalhood days of attraction. If the lady was looking to find a way under him, well that could certainly happen but as for anything else? Nah. Move along woman. Go use your desperation with another.
08-10-2016, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2016, 04:36 PM by Hound.)
beware of me
When two people looking for trouble collide, it's almost never good. And Hound has a feeling things are about to get nasty. Although, she has to hand it to the stallion, he was not phased by her demands. She stands boldly in her place, staring up with a look of mild amusement. He dwarfs her, but that makes it all the more appealing to sass back. Mental notes are taken: his eyes are yellow, this is strange and possibly concerning for any normal equine. For Hound, it is thrilling. What the fuck is wrong with him that his eyes are such a shade? Perhaps he's dangerous. A shot of adrenaline surges through her body. Maybe, just maybe, she made a lovely choice in who to bother.
His voice matches his body, strong. Bold. As he speaks, her ears pivot backwards and lie flat on her neck. She exhales sharply, a noise that almost sounds like a hiss. In another life, Hound would've been the house cat who purposely knocks over your water cup and attacks you when you try to bend over and pick it up. Instead, she was just a bitch with absolutely nothing better to do than try to get herself killed.
"What a gentleman." Her words are low, but almost velvety. As snarky as she tries to be, words leaving her mouth almost always sound pleasing to the ear. It irritates her to no end, how she can sound so lovely when inside she is fuming and ugly. Lifting her left foreleg, she takes a very intentional step forward, shoving her hoof into the dry earth, pulling herself face-to-face with the stranger. "Well, one of us is going to need to move." She bares her teeth, pulling her lips back in a sick smile. Her walk in the woods had just become very interesting.
good call, if it does it again I just quit with this html