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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    It merely exists.
    There’s a breath and a heartbeat. There is hunger roiling in its stomach and an unsatisfied thirst that claws its throat. It exists, but it isn’t sure as what.
    You’re born, its mother exclaimed, proud to participate in populating the world and throwing another shadow into the creeping darkness. Now live, she advised coolly. Thrive.
    It regarded her quietly, thoughtfully. Its first instinct was to nurse, but she hissed and claimed that meal wasn’t fit for her own children. It didn’t understand, but it shrank from her touch until its body shed its legs and hair to reveal a python coiled in front of her. A venomous smile stretched across her lips then as she shouted to the air, ”Mother of monsters!” Malice flashed in her eyes. A monster, it thought. I am a monster.
    Obediently, it fled by slithering across the meadow and into the distant forest where it camouflaged with the dappled sunlight and fallen leaves. Hunger still gripped its appetite, but the necessity of milk shifted with this new body. It receded until something darker, something primal, churned in its gut. It followed this new instinct, and devoured unattended eggs, squirrels, smaller snakes. It fed and fed and fed with this new craving. Only once satisfied did it nestle quietly into the leaf bed to rest overnight.
    With the sun’s crowning, it rises. Its tongue flickers. It doesn’t know what it is, or how to revert to what it once was. It didn’t know what it was born as, not when its mother stared down at it with serpent scales tracing her body and fangs dipping below her lips. She was a hybrid, and so must it be as well.
    It glides along the forest floor until a gnarled oak stands sentinel above. With its body coiled tightly at its trunk, it watches and waits with a mind that darts and reels with only two certainties. Survive and eat. 

    he young girl travels in her panther form, she was thin and and yet to bulk due to her young age. Mother didn't track her anymore and that made it easy to travel as she pleased.

    She could find herself in many forms, but her favorite was the panther. She prefers the night as her pelt blends in with the dark sky, but she has stayed too late and the sun begins to peak.

    She quickly scurries across the meadow, until she finds herself beneath a tree. She lowers her body to the ground until she hears a noise directly behind her. The feline quickly jumps up and turns to face the tree.

    It takes a moment, but finally her eyes settle on a snake that is wrapped around the trunk. She had a knack for blood, perhaps it was because her shapeshifting trait, or genes passed down from her parents. She grows closer to the snake and paws at its head, a small laugh escaping her maw as she does so. She was more curious than anything over the scaley animal.

    A Woman Of Many Forms


    i found the antidote. i let the anger go and mother nature found it's place.
    now we're compatible, my inner animal, i wanted blood and got a taste.

     Leaves and dirt crackled and shifted to the movements of both the serpent and the panther, and such as it was… they too sounded off when more motion became evident amidst them. Grass and briar crunching beneath cloven hoof and the long… bony legs of what could’ve been a deer navigated almost expertly through the tall foliage of the meadow.

    The body was akin to an Elk but with lizard or serpent scales intermeshed on the hind quarters and the tail seemed little more than a Lion’s own… the mane along the neck moved and shifted: tentacles writhing and digging into the thick fur. His head? Ah his head, it turned, and the Wolfish features of the elongated maw and fangs could easily be seen in the shadows: the ears perking and swiveling as Nodens in his bizarre disguise moved through and around the vast landscape.

    Yet? He drew close to the pair more so by accident than one purpose: walking through the brush just as a weave of antlers began to grow from behind the ears and stretch upward in a bountiful rack. The Panther and the Serpent were interest… and in a way he felt them familiar. Paused and observant, he opened his mouth to speak and the rough voice carried with it a kind of baritone that echoed from the shifted vocal chords.  “Poison is the gift of a serpent.”  he remarked, studying them with dark… feline-orange eyes.

    “Claws are the gift of the great cats. One wins in a direct fight and the other is subtle in it’s applications and delivery.”  he ceased speaking, puffing quietly before stepping forward to the pair and allowing the amalgamations of shape to slowly meld into a singular image: a solid, plain form. Lustrous and glossy, the black fur was thick and harsh: it’s coat hugging the muscular and athletic form of a great Dire Wolf with the same orange eyes. Patient and stretching on his paws, Nodens swiveled his ears before settling on his haunches closer to the pair.

    Continuing on: he seemed, amused.  “I am Nodens, a shifter of a kind.”  he nodded, looking between them.


    @[Nathaire] & @[Serabi]  SORRY KIDS. HI.
    PVP: On
    Minor Injury, and Some Mutilation Permitted.
    It observes her silently. Every flicker of its tongue tastes her, tastes the air, tastes the curiosity propelling her closer. So easily could it slip away into the tree’s height, lose the feline, and find a meal within the branches, but it remains steadfast. As she looms nearer, its head begins to lift. A blink, then two.

    A paw creeps like a storm cloud, and it hisses instinctively at her, baring fangs that desperately want to sink venom into her veins – to force suffering throughout her entire body. How foolish it had been to coil around the tree with only a short length of its body poised to lunge. It tries, nonetheless, with another hiss, but it snaps the air instead of her as another warning. Let her try again, it muses, as its eyes gleam sinfully under the dappled shadows.

    But then there is someone – something – else approaching, and Nathaire immediately unwinds itself from the scabbed tree trunk, taking advantage of the distraction to coil together and listen. A serpent, the monster states, and Nathaire finally puts a word to what it is. Then, shifter.

    It hisses quietly to the cat (that is what the man called her), regarding her again before its body contorts to mirror Nodens. Scales, a lion’s tail, a wolf’s head… a grotesque creature. ”A shifter,” it echoes, ”of a kind…” Like a curious bird, its head tilts, regarding the two of them with uncertainty. ”Nathaire. I am Nathaire.” It tastes its name for the first time, furrowing its brows in unfamiliarity.

    @[Nodens] @[Serabi]

    The slipper critter was quick to hiss, warning her, though the naive girl does not take acknowledgement of it. She does lower her paw to the ground, but her body lingers closer than it should.

    Again he warns her, the critter strikes at her and she instinctually leaps backward. The distance she added was too far for the snake, coiled around the tree limited him and she can't help but laugh at him.

    Too caught up in this fun game, another approaches and her head turns as she hears him speak. Her gaze turns onto a creature she had never seen, he had taken on the form on many...and she looked at him like he was crazy!

    As the stranger approaches he speaks about both her and the snake, a history lesson if you ask her. But as he finishes his lesson he introduces himself, Nodens. The snake spoke next and it took her by surprise, she hadn't known he was an equine in snake form....though she shouldn't be so surprised when she holds the shape of a panther.

    The snake, who found a new position, had introduced himseld as Nathaire. Serabi allows her belly to touch the floor, she creeps closer to the snake still interested in the strange creature, but doesn't allow her gaze to leave Nodens. My name is Serabi, she offers her name lastly to the pair.

    A Woman Of Many Forms

    @[Nodens] sorry im slowww

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