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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Long May She Reign ||Vulgaris||

    Long May She Reign

    Mary had been given her first orders, to visit Tephra and see if Leliana was still ruling. To find out what Tephra's plans were for its kingdom, now that they had a chance to lick there wounds from the war with Loess. She didn't waste time visiting Tephra, she made her way as soon as her conversation with Castile had ended.

    It wasn't too long of a trip to reach the border, she had made it just as the sun settled. Her hazel eyes glance at the familiar kingdom, she had been here plenty of times when she had ruled Sylva, each time met with a new ruler. She could still see the death of the war in the kingdom, but also a new life regrowing within in.

    With one last glance at the border she raises her head and allows a whinny to echo throughout Tephra, a call that certainly would not go unnoticed. She had not time to waste though, she hoped that Leliana or the current ruler would meet her, rather than a diplomat looking to boost there status. 


    @[vulgaris] a poop starter

    V u l g a r i S
    He vaguely remembers Mary, lost somewhere in the haze of his first reign and his declarations of war against the world. She had been the leader of Sylva alongside Sinner and now that role had been passed down to Starsin, he knows. To say he was aware of the circumstances or the details would be a lie, though. This makes him all the more curious when she comes striding up to his borders after Castile had maintained radio silence. Not even his dear former advisor had come to speak to him since he was brought back to life. But then again, did they even know he had been resurrected from his own ashes?

    Vulgaris ducks beneath a branch as he closes the gap between them, younger and much different from how he had left his homeland. His joints no longer ache with age and his broad shoulders are muscled and full once more. The fairies of the mountain had been kind enough to restore him to his prime and his curse was broken with his death. To put it simply, he has never been better or stronger than he is now, he thinks to himself.

    (A lie – he hungers for his old venom and might.)

    I hadn’t expected an emissary from Loess rather than the king himself. Have you come to congratulate me?” he says, laughing softly as though he’s told some joke. “Or does the dragon emperor even know I’m alive again? Catch me up on all the Loessian affairs and I’ll return the favor.

    He watches her, sage green eyes eager to hear the latest news in their end of the world. In truth, he doesn’t intend to divulge much of what they’ve been up to in Tephra, but he supposes he could spare a few morsels of gossip. After all, their magicians and their witches have all been busying themselves with restoring their home rather than preparing for any second helping of war. They had little to hide from the southern realm, he supposes. Maybe they would be interested to know about the plethora of strange children born here in the west.

    Maybe they would be interested in a little trading or betrothing.
    In this shook-up, twisted world, I'm gradually growing transparent and vanishing
    Don’t look for me; don't look at me

    Long May She Reign

    She didn't have to wait long to be greeted by someone, though she had hoped for the bay queen she defended...the one who approaches leaves her momentarily stunned.

    The dapple stag, the ex king of Loess, the one who Bane gave rulership too and the one who passed it on to Castile. She can't help the grin that tugs at her lips when he grows near what are the chances, she thinks to herself.

    When he meets her at the border he wastes no time getting to the point. He even admits that he hadn't expected Mary, rather Castile himself. Perhaps if the dragon king had known Vulgaris was ruling he would have made the trip.

    He questions if Castile knows he is alive, and the words make her brow cock in confusion. But still, the dappled stallion pushes through the conversation asking about all the affairs in Loess.

    She grunts in response to him, even if she had known all the affairs with Loess, she wouldn't share them. That's tertiary, giving up valuable information on your own home to another ruler.

    Finally her hazel eyes meet his green ones, So good to see you alive Vulgaris, I had no idea Leliana stepped down Or that he died. You offer protection to someone, and they can't even bother themselves to return the favor, she thinks back to the once queen. I do suppose congratulations are in order than huh Vul.

    Though truth be told she is glad to see Vul as the ruler rather than Leliana. At least she didn't have to deal with snarky comments about falling under Castile now. Unfortunately, I do not have any juicy gossip to share as you wish. Loess is thriving, as it always has, I came to see how Tephra fairs. And interesting enough she instantly stumbles upon a new ruler.




    I've never loved a darker blue than the darkness I have known in you

    Although the war stands out in stark contrast in her memory, there is still so much of it that doesn’t make sense to Leliana. There are fragmented pieces of her mind that refuse to press together. Pieces of her memory that remain shattered and out of touch. Reach as she might for them, they simply drift further and further away. Her mind had been so consumed by magic during those months that she feels like she can only see her memories as if through a veil, as if looking at it underwater, her vision blurry.

    Still, she recognizes the woman on the border—even if the edges of her grow fuzzy.

    She no longer weighs the crown and feels the deep relief of it, but that has not stopped her from caring about the land and its residents. She still feels that gut-deep need to protect and welcome so when she sees her husband greeting Mary, it does not take long for her to join them. She walks up, the red flowers blooming in her mane matching the flowers that bloom beneath her feet as she makes her way. She has been concerned about regrowing Tephra ever since the war, but soon she will need to stop with the constant flow of magic of Tephra will overflow with the flowers and the frond.

    The thought makes her smile.

    Without hesitation, Leliana drops her crimson mouth to Vulgaris’ shoulder, sweeping a kiss over the broad expanse of muscle before lifting her hazel eyes to the visitor. “Mary, how pleasant to see you.” If her magic buzzes slightly in discomfort, reacting to the mare’s distrust of her, she doesn’t notice. “The crown does look fine on him, does it not?” She smiles up at the gray stallion by his side. “He wears it well.”

    Then a pause as she thinks.

    “Would you like to come further in? We have more comfortable places to rest and converse.”

    like fire weeping from a cedar tree, know that my love would burn with me

    [Image: avatar-1975.gif]
    the heaviness in my heart belongs to gravity
    V u l g a r i S
    He watches her, green eyes glimmering with some awful brand of delight when she denies him any valuable information. Does the rest of Loess lack any sort of faith in him as she does? He wonders but he does not ask. Perhaps he would have to make a visit to his old home and forge the bond between them anew. It would be nice to return there after being gone for so very long, he thinks, but then she’s speaking and he’s drawn back to the moment at hand once more.

    How kind of you to say, Mary. Dying hadn’t been the most pleasurable experience so I intend not to do that again,” he says, the corners of his lips smiling upward even before Leliana touches his shoulder. He turns his gray head and bumps her cheek with his nose before turning back to Mary. His cheeks grow warm with her compliments and he casts a sideways glance in her direction with a short snort. Vulgaris has never been accustomed to being the center of attention and it feels odd but he smiles all the same.

    Tephra grows more with each new day. Our children are strong and beautiful, and our people are safe,” he says as he leans lightly against his wife, eyes trained on Mary. “Does Loess wish to forge an alliance with us now that we’ve so quickly recovered from our war? We’re the largest two kingdoms, after all.

    Would he accept if Castile offered some sort of agreement between the two? The people of Tephra lack the voracity of the Loessians but they make up for it with raw might, he thinks. They are a hive of hornets that swarm when bothered and remain content amongst themselves otherwise. Vulgaris turns and begins to walk further into Tephra after Leliana offers up her invitation as he tires of the border between the tropical kingdom and the eternal forest. He assumes Mary will follow and discuss the topic at hand a little more.
    In this shook-up, twisted world, I'm gradually growing transparent and vanishing
    Don’t look for me; don't look at me

    Long May She Reign

    He speaks, this time confirming he had died. She wonders how, and more importantly how he returned, but she knew the powers of beqanna and decides not to dive further into it.

    Though it seems her thoughts have betrayed her, just when the old queen flicks through her mind she appears from the wood work. Not that it was bad necessarily...but what would she think knowing that she was following the very stallion she defied?

    Her hazel eyes follow the bay and red body as it grows closer, lovingly settling next to Vulgaris. She gives a warm touch to Vulgaris before greeting Mary, and it all seemed to make sense. Vulgaris found himself with the crown of Tephra due to his personal ties with Leliana.

    Her gaze settles on the mare when she greets Mary and she forces a gentle smile on her maw. She showers Vulgaris in compliments that has her vomiting internally but a calm composure externally. Leliana, it has been a while, she allows her gaze to drift to Vulgaris, and yes of course, I remember when he wore the crown to my own kingdom. But the times were different and Vulgaris has moved to a new kingdom, and Mary has fallen to a life with no crown.

    Thank you for your kind offer, though I can't stay long. I would love to visit another time though She speaks to Leliana's offer to travel deeper into Tephra. Her gaze quickly flicks back to Vul as he speaks again, this time offering an update on Tephra, noting that it thrives. Truly she was glad to here it, they had a long recovery from the war, but his next words peak her interest.

    He asks if Loess wants an alliance with Tephra, not surprising seeing as Loess was the strongest kingdom currently. Glad to hear that Tephra fairs well, as far as an alliance what kind are you seeking? A sensitive topic with many details to discuss.


    @[leliana] [Vulgaris]

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