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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  There Can Only Be One Victor {Ruinam}

    Long May She Reign

    The outcome was certainly not what she expected, she knew it was possible but pushed the possibility from her mind. Her and Sinner went there own ways already, and her heart aches with his absence.

    She thought about fleeing, she already sent Aries off to Taiga to be raised by Bane. He would be safer there anyway, and perhaps the seperation will make him mentally stronger. She had to lay low in beqanna, for a while at least.

    She thought about all her possible homes, Tephra was an obvious one seeing they were on there side for the war. She thought about Taiga and Wolfbane, but that means she would have to put up with Lepis. And lastly she thought about Ruinam who had left Sylva to lead the island resort.

    The island was certainly not her picture perfect Sylva...but Ruinam was always loyal and a friend she could trust. She wasn't sure who to turn to in her time of weakness, and so she settled on Ruinam and the Island.

    The trip to the island should have seemed longer than it did, but under the recent changes she couldn't have gotten there faster. Ruinam, she calls out to her old friend. Though she felt shame her head was as high as ever, she could not let it be shown. Surely the pale stag heard of the recent changes, such things do not remain a secret in this world.




    winter wonderland

    The stallion had finally started to become accustomed to life on the resort, the heat and all the weird structures accompanied by all the exotic sounds had started to become normal, the gentle hum of the ocean and the salty breeze created a foundation for what he called his home, though now he was becoming unsure again, Sylva had been taken over and without it he had started to feel almost empty, he had no idea as to where he could find Sinner, if that even was a possibility, which greatly unsettled him, he was so set on serving him that even now, with his own island, the stallion felt like he needed Sinner's guidance, even after all the time he had been spending alone, he still felt like he was useless alone, he needed him.

    He was unsure of how to feel, almost every emotion swept over him in waves, instilling anger, guilt and sadness in him all at once, though now there was nothing he could do, and feeling sorry for himself probably wouldn't help him very much either.
    A familiar voice pulls him out of the trance, almost startling him, he moves quickly and as he emerges from the thick screen of trees he sees Mary.
    Suddenly all the emotions rush back at him instantly, he was glad she was safe, sad for her home and happy to see her here on the resort.
    "Mary, it is so good to see you" his usual deep and constant voice seems to falter, portraying more emotion that he had wanted to.

    "I am glad you are safe, I was unsure of where everyone would be after Sylva was taken" even the mention of Sylva makes his heart drop slightly "You are always welcome here" he smiles, hos fox quickly joining them and reading the atmosphere, he slinks away behind Ruinam and fidgets around in the sand.


    Long May She Reign

    It did not take long for her friend to find her, though he probably had been expecting her. He says her name and the amount of emotion he showed nearly had her break down, but alas she swallowed her pride and glanced at him with a smile.

    Ruinam! she quickly moved, closing the gap between them. She tucks her head into his neck, she inhales his scent and though the smell of Sylva was gone his smell was comforting.

    She breaks away from the embrace when he speaks again, her gaze finding his. He gives the most pleasant condolences he possibly could have, and with a gentle smile she nods, Thank you. Her mind quickly flicked to Sinner, she was unsure if she would see him again, even though she hoped she would.

    You are always welcome here , he says and she looks at him with an attempt of a smile. It was ironic think that she was coming to him looking for a home, when it was once him seeking the same thing. Her eye catches the white fox that never strays far before looking back to Ruinam. Thank you Ruinam, show me your home? She asks as an attempt to grow comfortable in her new home.




    winter wonderland

    It had been quite a while since he had seen any of the Sylvans, but now that Mary had arrived, his home felt even more homely, piece by piece he was slowly becoming relaxed again, all the daze from the current afflictions and drama slowly soothed away by the mare's embrace.

    Though of course, Sinner is still missing, the stallion resists the urge to ask about him and rather focuses on the mare as she asks him to show her around his home "Of course, Mary, It is lovely here, I am sure you will enjoy it" he begins, his smile appearing warmly as always, his tone soft and quiet as he begins to walk, matching the mare's pace comfortably "There may not be many horses here currently but I am sure we will grow steadily, the island is full of promise and wonders" his smiles grows as he looks around "The beach is probably my favourite place to just stand and think, it is calm and quiet, the sea is very refreshing" he nods as he makes a turn toward the jungle.

    "There are also interesting structures dotted around the island, though I have no clue as to what they mean or how they got here" he says as they venture into the jungle, it is dimly lit as the canopy is quite thick and lets little light through "The thick jungle reminds me of Sylva the most, though it is usually too humid in here for me and my companion, we tend to just cool off by the beach" he nods again as they near a pool of water, the liquid is crystal clear and almost entrancing "How have you been Mary? I'm sure it hasn't been easy, I hope you are well" his expression fades slightly as he thinks back to Sylva again, hopefully, it wasn't too soon to start thinking about it or to bring it up, though the stallion doesn't linger for long on the subject.


    Long May She Reign

    She still felt that she needed to be diplomatic with him, but truth is she didn't.  She no longer carried a title, but Ruinam did, and she could relax around him rather than carefully choose her words. There was once a time that Ruinam had been her closest friend, and advisor perhaps, but they grew distant when he took over the resort, merely due to lack of time.

    She knows he is trying his best to comfort her, she is grateful, but feels pitied. She glances a smile at him as he agrees to show her the resort and the pair move together. He notes that lack of presence in the territory, but she didn't mind. The quiet was nice, and she could help Ruinam build up the resort. Thats alright, quiet isn't always a bad thing. She says in an attempt to assure his leadership.

    To the side her eye catched the beach, certainly a scenery she was not used to. Ruinam notes it is his favorite spot and she tucks that information away for a later use. It look's lovely, I am sure the children will love the beach. She didn't know if any children lived here, but soon her own would.

    As they continue they turn to the jungle, it was a different type of foliage, it might not turn orange in the fall, but it was the closest to her forest home. Her eyes light up with excitement for the first time, she nods in agreement to the similarity of the jungle and Sylva. Very similar! she says with a hint of joy in her voice.

    They come to a halt before a body of water, it was beautiful and she couldn't wait to see it right after sunrise. Her eyes flick to Ruinam as he asks how she was, she can sense him dancing around the subject of the eviction, or even the lack of Sinner. She only knows how to cover up pain and so her initial response is to laugh it off. I have been good, you can ask me any question Ruinam. I'm sure you are wondering about Sinner, I'm sure he is lurking Beqanna somewhere, but we went our seperate ways. It pained her to sat it aloud, but just as the couple grew closest they had left one another. But life went on and she couldn't dwell on it, and how have you been? Any children or queen yet? She inquires on his own life.




    winter wonderland

    The ivory-white stallion felt like he was ready to slowly let go of the past, there was no point for him to keep clinging onto it, trying to revive what could have been, his focus has to remain on the resort, on its residents and his future children.
    Mary is quick to reply to his question, he is glad she is alright and well "I am happy for you, I just want to be able to protect everyone and the resort. I was really worried for you and Sinner, but now that you are here I feel a lot better" he smiles.
    Ruinam had been quite all over the place when Sylva was taken, especially when he couldn't find Mary or Sinner, but now that she was here the stallion was ready to start everything again from the beginning.

    "A queen, not quite yet. But children, soon." he can't help but grin when the topic of children arose, he was so excited to become a father and see the resort bloom with little critters running around "I hope that I will be a good father, I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little worried" he smiles, turning toward his companion who quickly jumps to his side, rubbing against his leg.

    The stallion turns back to the mare as the next topic jumps to his head "If you ever want a place as a diplomat or anything else in the ranks you are very welcome to join. Though I understand if you might just want to remain as a resident, I thought I would give you some options just in case" he smiles with a nod.
    Perhaps now everything would slowly begin to calm down, it most definitely helped to be on an isolated island, away from all the trouble on the mainland.


    Long May She Reign

    Her world flipped upside down in the blink of an eye, yet she finds serenity here in the Resort. She misses her lushes foliage filled home, but the Pampas was similar enough.

    The conversation with Ruinam was easy, like two friends who never had a time lapse between them. And it seems Ruinam feels similarly, he admits he was worried for her and Sinner but he is pleased she is safe. She nods her head with a humble smile, through all the wreckage she still had loyal friends, more had Loess not slowly picked at the Sylvan members. But that life was behind her and now she had to rebuild a future .

    She asks if he had a queen or children, out of curiosity for many reasons. He notes he did not have a queen, but children were on the way. She smiles at the thought, the child in her belly wiggling as it was soon to meet the earth. Oh! she exclaims, Congrats, I guess my own child will have a playmate. Though she assumes the child will be living here, and in reality that isn't always the case. Does the mother live here? She cocks her eye looking for clarification.

    The pale stag admits his worries about being a father and she couldn't help but gently laugh. Her eyes flick to the small fox who comes to the comfort of its master. Children are a scary thing, but I know you will be fantastic. It will come naturally, and your personality fits perfectly. She offers words of encouragement for him.

    His own gaze finds Mary and his next words find her shocked. She had planned on putting Ruinam as an advisor in her own home before he left for the Resort. and now he offers her a place amongst the ranks. She couldn't be more joyed with his offer, I would love to hold a diplomat position of your liking. It was in her blood and she was itching to continue her tasks, being a diplomat was all she knew.




    winter wonderland

    For now, the Resort was still quiet, only the dulcet tone of the ocean humming against the calls of parrots and the sway of tropical trees with the occasional sound of hooves braving the sea of sand that separated itself from the ocean.
    Ruinam was sure it would change though, he hoped that soon enough he would be able to hear the chatter of horses and playing foals, though it would all take time.

    Ruinam is already ecstatic at the thought of having children, already imagining them running around the resort and playing in the sun "Thank you, and congratulations to you too, I'm sure they will become great friends" he says with a grand smile "The mother happens to lead Ischia, though I am sure they will be able to visit the resort with ease" he nods, Adria was capable of many wonders and so he knew the child would make it over to the island in one way or another.

    Ruinam's initial doubts toward his fatherly abilities are quickly cast aside by Mary, she is quick to assure him and make him feel more comfortable "Thank you, Mary, I think everything will be better once the child is born" he smiles, releasing a heavy billow of air from his lungs as he relaxes.

    He is glad when Mary accepts his offer amongst the Resort's ranks "Of course! The Resort would be honoured to have you amongst our highest ranks" he says more diplomatically, his companion joining his side again as he becomes slightly restless.
    Slowly everything would come into place, with Mary on the resort's side, Ruinam was sure they would be able to recruit a few more members, expand the resort and create a haven for all that need it.


    Long May She Reign

    She knew that the resort was rather desolate, but he confirms it when he notes his childs mother lives in Ischia. He wonders how they had come to share a child but she doesn't press it, surely she would meet her and the child soon enough.

    He mentions her own child which has her body grow tense, one made with passion but now none was left. She hoped Sinner could meet this young one, one day, but she wasnt sure if they'd ever see each other again. Instead her gaze turns to Ruinam, forcing the tension from her body. Of course! There is nothing like a land filled with children! She smiles at the thought, Sylva had always had a constent flow of children ever since she took Corban in.

    Ruinam throws her off guard when he offers her the highest diplomatic position but she humbly smiles to him. I would be honored Ruinam, she was born to be a diplomat, her talents noted with many leaders in the time of her reign. It would take some time but she is sure that she could help the growth of the Resort.


    @[Ruinam] we can end here if you'd like


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