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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Half Way on a Slow Move [Any Recruiters]


    This morning when he wakes up, Tiercel thinks about how unnecessarily cold it is and following that, thinks “It’s time.”

    Time to leave the wandering path behind him. Try on something new, maybe. He can’t keep himself warm with wings like his family does, and he resents the way his golden-blue clan wears them like colorful cloaks anyways. Of all the hatchlings in Wolfbane and Lepis’ brood only Tiercel had been flightless. At first he’d been so jealous; he thinks that emotion ate him up and hardened him. Now he’s sorely indifferent. If he came across another winged creature he doubts it would affect him.

    Only when it concerns his family does the thought taste like a sour note on the back of his tongue. Forcefully, he pushes all thoughts of them and their ongoings out of his mind. Moving on legs that were already much longer than his father and mother’s, Tiercel treads east from the riverlands and blinks away a restless night. Crisp and somewhat misty, the early winter morning around him draws a shiver or two along his spine.

    He’d rather not be stopped, or stop for anyone on the way. He’d rather be nothing, and so nothing is exactly what he becomes by drawing up the hood of his invisibility and slipping like an unseen wraith across the short expanse between the place he leaves behind him and the Field he’s heading towards.

    When he arrives the early chirp of a few, lasting birds is just beginning to ripen what will be the end of the nice Winter days. Their songs are shrill; the test of a harsh season seems to give the melody a frantic sort of edge. Stopping to admire the quiet emptiness of this place, Tiercel sighs and drops his magic in one swoop. He blinks into existence like the snap of one’s fingers, suddenly -there- when he hadn’t been before.

    Smiling, the young stallion breathes in and exhales out a wave of pure, sedate tranquility as far as it will go.

    The birds fall silent, lulled by his gift.

    It's the same way you showed me // Nod my head, don't close my eyes

    @Any kingdom/Territory/Herd except for Taiga lmao. Loess would probably not work either, sorry.
    Your character is free to experience his forced emotion of tranquility or be out of its range entirely. Up to you!

    To the field again.
    Again and again she comes here trying to draw others to Hyaline with  hope for something different...too sometimes with her beauty and the opium fragrance that rises from her skin...but more often by simply being herself and reaching out to those who appeal to her.

    Or, in this case those that surprise her.

    It’s too cold to be standing in the water but she traveled here by means of it and so finds herself accustomed and the air around her seems much warmer because of it. She is lucky in that because the day is still too cold for anyone else to be here it seems. Winter continues to defy the coming spring and so perhaps everyone has hunkered down to wait for warmer days. Kensa prefers any season to the cold one, especially late winter with its grimy ugliness. The common lands should begin to green up any day but the mare is still just a little annoyed.
    And then she isn’t.

    The feeling that settles in to her body and mind is familiar but she recognizes in some small way that it does not originate from within herself. Not when just a moment ago she was thinking how much she wished spring would hurry itself in, and frowning at the gray rime clinging to every frozen crust of snow.

    Turning, the tri-color mare crunches through the ice that rings the frozen shore and wanders calmly into the field. Only one other wait here and she moves toward him even though she is certain that he was not there when she looked this way before. He is about the age of her elder son, and colored very brilliantly. If he is the cause of her sudden alteration of temper she is surprised and would be more curious if she were not so at ease. “Hello. ” It is not her usual method of greeting someone but she does not feel quite as great a need to speed this meeting along. ”My name is Kensa. Who are you?”

    run me like a river



    Everything here looked wet and limp. Even Tiercel felt it. Small clumps of brown ice covered his fetlocks and were balled up in the hollow pockets under his hooves. Strands of frozen dirt clumped the ends of his mane together, obscuring the whiteness. He looked around and appreciated the silence for its rarity, admired the emptiness of the Field with a slow-burning grin and then turned to glare at the crunching sound of another horse approaching.

    Kensa was there; she was a smaller yet incredibly attractive little mare. Lines of gold winked across her skin in the dim, gray light. She stood out from her surroundings painfully, bringing an abnormal sort of beauty with her. Tiercel had seen flaxen horses before, but Kensa wore a marbling coat and the strands of her hair were glossy, polished platinum. There was nothing plain about her, anywhere.

    “Hey,” He smiled elusively,“I’m Tiercel.”

    What was she doing here? He wondered, looking. He would’ve sat there and wondered a bit longer but his magic knew the answer instinctually. They shared curiosity, and Kensa’s was faint. It’s not so much that he reads her; Tiercel doesn’t have powers that tap into the spiritual, like an empath did. His magic was more like a weak form of illusionism in his opinion. Her mild curiosity was like a splinter of magic itself, a shard of a mirror, and Tiercel could not only sense it but reflect it.

    “Feeling good today?” The cheeky stud wondered. His dark mouth twisted and clenched back a grin. He shook it away and some ice as well, quickly and quietly pulling the wave of tranquility back, stomping his hooves to clear the frozen grime and keep himself warm. He wasn’t sure what to do with their shared ‘curiosity’ just yet, only that he didn’t mind if Kensa felt their mutual interest. He wasn’t sure that he wanted to do anything with ‘it’ at all. Tiercel let it rest.

    It's the same way you showed me // Nod my head, don't close my eyes


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