06-08-2019, 04:05 PM
The sleek lithe wolf had never had much of a pack. Kept to herself, shunned wolf and horse alike after her brother contented himself more with the sky and his newfound mate and their first babe. She slunk away from Loess in the dead of night and never looked back.
Sawtooth wandered high and low, near and far, everywhere and nowhere. Rarely did she switch back to her original pegasean shape; she stayed a wolf and lived as a wolf. Lived for the thrill of the hunt, the chase and the kill and the sweet meaty meal afterwards.
But eventually, the loneliness she’s so long outrun finally catches up to her. She starts to think of home, whatever that might be, and the loneliness becomes longing. The longing is so intense that she cannot sleep and lifts her head from her paws to consider the distance and time it might take her to return.
She rises, and on swift paws, makes short timely work of the journey until panting and exhausted, she arrives —
Not to Loess, or some other haunt like the Meadow, but to Tephra. She hasn’t been there since she was barely a year old and still tagging along after Wound and Wishbone. This was her birthplace though, all smoke and cinders and sulphur.
The sable wolf breathed deep of the ashy hot air and grinned, tongue lolling loose. She wondered if some of the bones she’d buried here, were still where they ought to be - buried deep and kept safe by dirt and worms. Still smiling, she loped to one such spot and began to dig furiously.
Yes! Still there, she discovered happily as she pulled up a cannon bone that once belonged to her mother. Sawtooth gnawed and nuzzled the bone lovingly before committing it back to the earth. She laid content and drowsy atop the hard-packed spot afterwards, feeling lazy and content.
That is, until a tantalizing scent roused her from her sprawl and she lifted her head, eyes green and bright. Last time she had smelled him, he’d been a mix of cat and horse and all sorts of awkward confusion. It brings a smile to her mouth, a toothy one but a smile all the same. Roused at last, she changes shape and sets off to find him.
He’s easy to find for a girl with a wolf’s senses; she smiles at him, blue wings loose against her sides as her green eyes settle on his face. She notices that he looks a bit older and haggard, and notes that there are new scars on his skin that she doesn’t remember being there before. “Hi stranger,” she says casually with a grin.
@[Titus] boom! you get a post lol <3