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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    There's a radiant Darkness upon us - Texas, Trua

    somebody make me feel alive

    Shatter hears Texas’ call from where she stands at the top of the waterfall. The silver queen had been surveying her kingdom and spotted the pair as they entered the kingdom. Texas appears as cool as ever but the mare at his side definitely catches her eye. With a smile Shatter makes her way quickly and carefully down the steep trails to meet them.  She takes stock of the slight, dark girl before her and sends a nicker and a comforting smile her way. The new mare gazes around with wide eyes the queen remembers a similar feeling so long ago now it seems. The first time she had come to the Falls was one of the happiest in her life and she so desperately wants this girl to feel the same.

    There is a confidence about the queen as she approaches, and with the sun shining on her gunmetal hide and pale mane she makes quite the pretty picture. Shatter bobs her head at Texas with a smile and addresses the mare. “Hello there,” her voice is laced with warmth and kindness as she beams down at the girl, “ I am Shatter Me, please call me Shatter. Welcome to the Falls. I hope that your journey here was pleasant. What can I call you?” She pauses to give the girl a chance to breath and take everything in before continuing. “I hope that you will become a permanent addition to our happy little kingdom, but don’t worry there’s no pressure for you to stay if it isn’t to your liking. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.” Shatter smiles hoping that she isn’t ruining this and tosses a glance at Texas to gauge his approval of how she was handling the situation.

    Shatter Me


    ask you to please excuse my table manners,
    i was making room for the table dancers

    She looks nervous, presumably because he had called out for others to come and meet her. Texas tilts his head a bit to the side but doesn’t apologize; he thinks that it will be good for her to meet Shatter Me. The grey queen is a trusting and friendly creature. That, and she’s a female, and Texas has always suspected that females get alog better with each other. If they get along too well they form kingdoms like the Amazons though, and for that reason Texas remains.

    In the bit of silken they have until Shatter Me draws near (Texas has seen her atop the waterfall, now approaching), he repeats his earlier question: “I’d asked what you thought about it. Do you like it?” Though he had meant what he’d said about her not having to stay if she dislikes the place, he hopes – both for his own benefit as well as hers – that she stays.

    The grey queen draws nearer and Texas offers her a brilliant smile for just a moment, and then turns back to Trua to watch her expression. He doesn’t want her to feel too overwhelmed, but he doubts that one more horse will be too terrible. He smiles at her encouragingly though, just in case.

    i'm really stepping up my game
    these bitches gotta start paying me for this

    T E X A S
    immortal silver bay hybrid stallion
    king of the falls
    Trua shifted uncertainly as a steel grey mare approached. The other horse carried about her an air of authority and formality—one didn't have to tell Trua that she was the leader of this place. It was evident in her body posture. The black mare ducked her head down, though she didn't miss the jumbles of words that came from both Texas and Shatter Me. Who should she answer first? she wondered in slight distress.

    She opted for Shatter Me. "My name is Trua," she began, her voice softer than usual, so quiet in fact that she could scarcely be heard over the roar of the falls. "It's lovely to meet you, Shatter." She listened to Shatter's words quietly, though she nodded several times to show that she was paying attention. Offering a soft "Thank you; I'll let you know if I have questions," the little female turned back to Texas.

    "It is nice here," she responded to the bay stallion. Not just because of the view; the two horses that she'd met so far were quite welcoming. Perhaps she'd consider staying. This land had everything that she had ever hoped for: food, shelter, water, and most of all, pleasant company. She'd met Shatter and Texas only just now, yet she was quickly beginning to feel at ease with them, what with their generous words and welcoming mannerisms. "It seems to be a wonderful place to live."

    somebody make me feel alive

    Shatter smiles kindly at Trua. The girl seemed sweet, if a bit overwhelmed. “Well it is a pleasure to meet you Trua. If you plan on staying we have what’s called a caste system. Basically it’s to help fill the role you think you would be best at. We have Warriors and Diplomats and various rankings in each but that’s not important right now. The warriors do all of the fighting, pretty simple. The diplomats help maintain the peace between other kingdoms as well as look for new members. I myself started as a diplomat, it’s pretty fun, but warriors are always in short supply. Both are important to the wellbeing of the kingdom. So what do you think? Would you like to join?”

    Shatter hoped she wasn’t moving too fast but she was eager to add a new member to the Kingdom. They were finally starting to rebuild and that made Shatter the happiest she had been since taking the title of queen. The Falls would endure regardless of their actions but if she could fill the land with life again that would make it worth something. The ebony mare in front of her was the next piece of the complicated puzzle that was a kingdom. Shatter smiles warmly at the little mare and waits patiently for a reply.

    Shatter Me

    The bay stallion does not have any special affection for chatter (though he’d only recently told Shatter Me that he’d join both castes), and he’s content to stand in silken and wait for Trua to answer. There is the waterfall to look at after all, and when the black mare finally speaks up, he looks back at her expectantly rather than exasperatedly.

    “Yeah, I like it here.” He agrees in his slow drawl, nodding. And he does like it here; this kingdom has all the proper seasons – the very opposite of both the Jungle and the Tundra.

    When Shatter Me begins to talk again, Texas turns his dark eyes on the grey mare. She is chatty, and now and again he looks over at Trua to gage the younger mare’s reaction. There is a lot of information being given to her a very short amount of time, and having seen her reaction to just a few short questions, he can’t imagine how she must be processing all of this.

    “Or you could decide later,” he adds when the queen has finished talking. “No pressure.”

    He offers the grey mare something that looks quite like an apologetic smile (if Texas were ever apologetic). He doesn’t mean to step on her toes, the smile says, he just wants to make sure that their easily flustered guest is not overwhelmed. While it is true that they could use more members of their kingdom, Texas is in no hurry. He has all the time in the world, after all.
    T E X A S
    immortal silver bay hybrid stallion
    king of the falls
    ((Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I had a lot of things going on in life :/ ))

    Trua is almost immediately overwhelmed yet again as Shatter Me begins speaking about castes, ranks, warriors, diplomats... Then again, she has always been a worrier, unable to come to a decision. It is truly riveting, though, and she listens with rapt attention, her small dark ears pricked. She shifts her hooves, feeling pebbles rolling out from beneath her feet to go clattering off down the slope. A warrior...or a diplomat. She has always been a clever mare, able to outwit many, but her strength was just not as good as some of the war horses she's seen in her time. Perhaps a diplomat would be better, but then again, she wonders if she could really deal with talking to so many strangers.

    Texas' voice cuts in, inviting her to take her time. She can't help but flash him a grateful smile, though she is thinking all the same. "I think..." she begins slowly. "I'd love to join, if you will have me," the black mare says in reply, her voice certain despite her indecision about which caste she would serve in. "As for my rank, I really do not know what I'd be best at," she admits. Though she is eager to join—after all, they've seemingly extended an invitation to her—she cannot decide which rank she would be best at, to better serve the kingdom. She fears that she doesn't know enough about these lands to be a diplomat—she'd just make a fool out of herself (not that she hasn't already)—but is she really a good enough fighter to defend the kingdom? She is agile, quick, and clever, that much is true, but she also is a very small horse, and brute physical strength has never been on her side. She fears that either way, she will fail, and then what will she do?

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