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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    thank the stars; Astarielle & Litotes

    for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
    in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle

    Kensa is surprised when Astarielle changes color in an excited fireworks display, though her only reaction is to smile a little more. “Astarielle is a beautiful name.” She says and presses her muzzle to the the filly’s spotted neck which is once again orange and white, taking her turn to breathe in her child’s scent and instinctively memorize it, locking little Astarielle into her own heart. 

    They travel home in a leisurely way because Kensa soon realizes that Astarielle has never been outside the den, or at least not for most of her life. She permits the filly to tuck into her side like a younger foal might for the security of knowing she is never far but she indulges or encourages every curiosity or exploration while making sure that the filly learns landmarks and understands the route from the commons lands to home. At the crossroads where The Mountain stands between Pangea and Hyaline she says, “Now we just follow the river home.” There would be time to explain about not cutting through Pangea later. 

    So they trot along the river, and Kensa splashes through the shallows and shows Astarielle how to startle shimmering fish out of hiding (careful of your hooves!).  Kensa does not shy away from mud, or behave as though she is above play or looking closely at things. As they climb higher the winter’s chill keeps them out of the water and snow starts to appear on the mountain benches. The pair crosses the river one last time hooves clattering through the rocky shallows and then up a low hill before all of Hyaline is laid out before them. 

    “We’re home! Kensa says pleasantly, watching the filly take it all in. “What do you think?” Their family has a particular secluded place (or the family they would soon be) but after the long trip they could head up there later on. Kensa smooths her muzzle along Astarielle’s short mane. “There’s someone for you to meet.” She thinks she sees him there, coming along his patrol route from the northeast, and whinnies for the cremello shape in the distance. Just in case Astarielle is nervous to meet a stranger Kensa gives her an encouraging smile, her own heart fluttering as she has just brought her beloved a child a little earlier than he is probably expecting.


    for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.

    @[Astarielle] @[litotes]
    And so she left the Den.

    The world was a much bigger place than she realized. At first she tucked herself against her momma, her eyes wide and curious but also a tad bit wary. The fae had told her of course what to expect when she got adopted (it was never if she got adopted, they always told her when she did). They had told her some about the world around her and how big it was, but she hadn’t paid much attention. Too entrenched in her own sorrows of knowing that she was never going to have a family like she saw sometimes wandering near the edges of the border.

    She was certainly glad to be wrong about that.

    But the farther into their journey the more courageous she got. She took to scamping off away, nosing this and nibbling on that. She paid attention when she was shown the way to get home and when they walked past it, she sometimes would crane her head around to look at it again, committing it to memory. She didn’t talk much on the way home, but she listened and she explored and was just in general more exuberant than she ever had been.

    Following the river home seemed like another adventure. The filly was fascinated how the water moved and thrilled with Kensa showed her her tricks. The water was cold but it was fun to splash in the shallows and she laughed. On they walked. Just when she thought they were going to be walking f o r e v e r, momma says they are here! She blinks in awe at the whole of Hyaline laid out for them. She sees sparkling bits of blue in the river and more in the lake. “It’s so pretty.” She says softly, uttering the most she has spoke since the Den. It wasn’t for any particular reason. She had just been quiet for so long that when she did speak it was for a reason.

    She smiles at her momma, as her lips brush across her fuzzy mane. Someone else to meet? She blinks at her and then turns to look in the direction that her mom was now looking, noting the way the form in the distance shifted and started to head towards them once she called. Star was nervous, and she tucked herself back against the warmth solid form of mom and waits until the other form makes their way towards them.

    but you’d never get hit without earning it
    and i only hit you first ‘cuz i deserved my own hit too
    still it comes the time to call you out
    since i’m the one that you should be about

    The cold winter wind of Hyaline howls around Litotes’ ears as he pauses, breathing in the copious scents it brings with it. There is the lake, the soil, the snow, and the foliage . . . and the ever-pressing emptiness. The only other equines he picks up are Rouhi and a stale Kensa scent. He drops his muzzle dejectedly, clenching and unclenching his muscles in an attempt to distract himself. There is not much to be done: all of Hyaline fled to the Cove, and most do not want to stay amongst the mountains when they offer no safety from the plague.

    Still, Lie breathes and unearths the gratitude he has buried so deep. Rouhi is a perfect addition to their territory, and spring is just around the corner. Surely there will be more to bring home come warm weather.

    Each day passes with patrols, rest, Kensa, repeat. The border of Hyaline is as uneventful as ever today: nothing but the snow and ice to keep the Primarch company. Which is why he perks his head excitedly at the close call of his sweet, her liver chestnut form just a quick canter away. She brings the smell of another with her, further urging him into greeting them.

    Lie takes his approach slow so as not to startle the newcomer, but is confused to see Kensa standing alone. He looks at her quizzically before reaching to brush a kiss to the top of her nose - the little form suddenly becoming visible. The gold of his eyes widens and sparkles as he briefly studies the bright orange and white of the filly. He blinks in rapid succession, looking to Kensa then back to the babe.

    She does not have to explain - the Primarch has a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

    “Little one . . . you don’t have to be afraid,” he murmurs, stepping delicately around his counterpart to stretch his head to the filly. He offers Kensa a weak smile and Astarielle a reassuring gaze. He fears for the babe while in Hyaline, but cannot quell the tiniest twinges of excitement at his first taste of fatherhood.

    “What is your name?” Lie moves to brush his lips over the girl’s fluffy mane, if she will allow him. “Mine is Litotes, but feel free to call me whatever you want.” The grin on his face is small but sweet, teasing and revealing the first bits of delight he has felt in a while.


    @[Kensa] @[Astarielle] < 3
    @[Astarielle] rolled a 3 and is infected.
    A four means she will show symptoms.
    A five means she will not express a trait.

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