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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Rhonan, Anyone;

    la la la, some text here

    probably another line here too

    The Jungle has provided minimal entertainment for Tytos. He is, after all, a boy born into a matriarchal society. This is no place for him but he finds shackles aroudn his legs much to his dismay. Mother is seemingly always watching. If it isn't her, it's the tree branches reaching down to caress him.

    The boy scolds his surroundings when that happens.

    A sigh slips from him as he aimlessly wanders. There is an excessive amount of activity and life here that fascinates him. The protection of a group of women is appealing for now in addition to the magic that the kingdom harbors, but as maturity creeps along him Tytos will realize how juvenile it truly is. If he had friends - guy friends - he would brag about being surrounded by women, but alas, he is a loner when neither of his siblings are nearby.

    His autumn eyes look up to the canopy in idle boredom. From afar he can hear the rattling monkeys and the singing birds. Even farther, he hears the low growl of a jaguar that brings him to stop mid-step. The sound fades quickly but he's always listening, always watching. He is a boy in a girl's kingdom. It won't be long until he will be forced from the border but he isn't keen on being ousted on his own.

    Suddenly pivoting and facing a web of trees in front of him Tytos calls to his brother or anyone else that may be lurking in the Jungle's depths.


    The Jungle cannot hold Rhonan’s interst. In truth, nothing can. It’s not that he dislikes the Jungle, or being surrounded by women. He simply doesn’t think twice about it. In the same way he doesn’t think twice about leaving the Jungle to venture off to the meadow. Or the Valley. He hasn’t gone yet, but has plans to. He’d like the see the place their father called home, even if he was no father to them but rather a carcass and some sperm.

    But he’s been to the meadow, not caring if their mother is watching or yelling or trying to make him stop. Not that she ever seems to be watching him. Just Tytos. Sucks to be the bay one, he supposes. The one that looks more like Dad. Rhonan gets slightly more ignored because he looks like their Mom, because he holds less memories for her. At least, this is what he thinks, though he has no actual clue if that’s the case.

    Maybe since he’s fucking gold and white he just looks like Rhy walking out of the Jungle and Myrina doesn’t notice.

    Today, Rhonan is actually in the Jungle. It’s a 50/50 shot with the boy. Sometimes he’s lurking in the meadow, hunting for the strange girl from outer space. He doesn’t know that she’s actually from outer space, but she acts like it. Kind of like him, too. They are both awkward and careless and their conversations are normal to him. He likes it, because he doesn’t have to try.

    But his brother’s call stops him from thinking about leaving. Perhaps he should actually go spend time with Tytos, who ever seems to leave the Jungle. He must be bored. Rhonan would have smashed his own head in staying here with nothing to do. The golden boy/pretty pretty princess (has he mentioned he hates being gold?) slips through the Jungle with some level of grace and a lot of levels of klutz before he finds Tytos. “Yes?” he says, with the same level of social skills as his walking skills.



    We need a living passion

    Burning hearts and a brand new feeling

    Impatience begins to wedge into his thoughts while he waits for his brother. With his lips pursed into a tight line Tytos tries to admire the canopy and birds above but finds himself more flustered. Their droppings are flying toward him but he shuffles away to the side in time to just barely miss some on his face. "Asshole," he growls in distaste before turning his attention to the rustling leaves nearby. The shape of his sibling is like a beacon in the shadows with his tobiano coat. The boy chuckles mildly to himself at first until Rhonan joins him with a single word to say. Tytos nearly comments on the lack of brotherly love but sets the thought aside for more distressing matters.

    "What the hell, dude? You left and mom decided to tighten the leash on me while she kept an eye open for you." A huff of air is exaggeratedly exhaled as his head slowly shakes. "We're her little prized possessions since dad is dead. What sucks more is that she controls the damn jungle so when I wanted to leave I found a vine wrapped around my leg." His eyes narrow slightly. "She wasn't about to let BOTH of us go missing, mister MIA." It wasn't fair how Rhonan was able to escape her detection leaving Tytos here to hear the brunt of her distress. While he enjoys their mother for the most part he simply can't bring himself to find empathy or really anything productive to say. The roller coaster emotions of mares aren't exactly his forte.

    Unable to stay angry (if he can even go so far as to saying he was) Tytos sighs then meets his sibling's eyes. "So what's it like out there? I'm sure there's more to see than just green." That's all the Jungle really is: green with an occasional pop of color from a carnivorous plant. It gets rather monotonous. He can't help but anxiously wait for the day that he can run from this place and find his own home. Maybe not a kingdom. Maybe a herd with women - lots of them. A crooked grin slowly spreads across his face at the idea. "And girls. Less masculine girls. The ones here are on steroids or something with how into fitness they are." He pauses to take a breath during which he registers a new scent. "You smell like a girl. Who have you been flirting with?" Details. Man-to-man talk. Tytos tries to push an answer out of his brother with an expectant, although amused, stare.


    Tytos is all fire and anger and brimstone. Tytos was the kicker in the womb. It only makes sense. Rhonan just chills. Mostly. He’s got a button, it’s even possible to push that button, but it takes a whole hell of lot to get there. For the most part, he just doesn’t give two shits. Actually, he doesn’t even give one shit. Less than two shits, which aren’t worth very much to begin with. But of course, when you are pretty pretty princess colored and obviously the not-favorite child, there is only one way to get by. Actually, no, that’s a lie. There are two. You can kick and scream and shout and let it bother you. Or you can give less than two shits.

    Rhonan picked the latter. Except about the pretty pretty princess thing. He was still bitter at genetics.

    He brother lays into him. A normal brother, a useful, good brother, might look upset or vaguely remorseful about leaving his twin behind. Rhonan honestly had to stifle a laugh. It wasn’t Rhonan’s fault that he was smart enough to get out before Mom would notice. Tytos could have (should have) been faster than him. But he wasn’t. That’s his punishment for being the normal colored twin. He had that going for him.

    “No. You look like dad. You are the one she watches like a hawk. I look like her, and Rhy, and a bunch of other masculine Amazonians, as you so point it.” He maybe be an asshole to everyone, but he was also an asshole to himself. From far enough away, he did pass for one of the jungle mares easily enough. As long as he timed it right, left while Mom was looking away, she’d never even notice till he was long out of the Jungle.

    And the world outside the Jungle was a beautiful thing. Even if there was still a lot of green.

    But they are brothers, and the topic changes, because they fight like brothers. Punch one minute and talk the next. It’s how the world should be. Especially when surrounded by a bunch of mares on steroids. ”It’s still pretty green dude. But the sky and the water are blue, and shit there actually dies and it turns brown. Like spectacular crap.” Crap because obviously, it is brown. And spectacular because it is not green.

    Tytos switches to girls, and now Rhonan really does laugh. Not because his brother is wrong. There had been a girl. But flirting? Aletheia herself probably didn’t know she was a girl, let alone that Rhonan was a boy and that maybe they could flirt. She definitely doesn’t know what flirting is.  “There was a girl, but she was weird man. Like, one hundred and ten percent from outer space weird. Which is saying something in this place.”

    And here’s the truth that he doesn’t say: He kind of liked the weird. He wanted to find her again. But there’s no way in hell he’s going to tell his brother that. He’ll never hear the end of it.


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