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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    There’s a lesson waiting to be learned; Lie, Loess diplomats

    And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
    the firestarters always get the burns
    and the good guys never get the girl

    To Loess, then.

    She finds Litotes in Hyaline; despite his sickness so willing to venture out, or perhaps because of it. Show the world how strong he is, she suspects, that the sickness won’t drag him down. Well, it won’t stop Ilma from going out either, even if there is the odd chance to catch such an infection. Loess for example, isn’t such a safe land in terms of the plague. It isn’t such a safe land at all, considering they are compromised of mercanaries.

    That doesn’t mean one can’t attempt to establish friendly relations with them, though. With Litotes besides her, she wonders about the young stallion. ”What do you know of Loess so far?” she’s curious. Although there’s so much else to ask him - she doesn’t think asking questions on a more personal level, like what he liked about Hyaline initially, and what he does nowadays, or what, in the end, made him stay with the sanctuary - those questions are saved for the way back home. It wouldn’t do to have a Loessian overhear them, Ilma would think.

    The white mare keeps her wings on her back, opting for the short walk around the Mountain to be on hoof. Once there, she surveys the landscape. Not so much different from when she last saw it, even if that is quite a while ago now. A whinny follows to announce their presence, and then, she settles in for the wait.

    Wondering suddenly if the kingdom hadn’t been abandoned in favour of the Pampas, as a whole,

    and shooting stars cannot fix the world

    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time

    but you’d never get hit without earning it
    and i only hit you first ‘cuz i deserved my own hit too
    still it comes the time to call you out
    since i’m the one that you should be about

    It is agreed that Ilma will meet up with Litotes in Hyaline, as Loess borders the steep mountains. Her brilliant white is a welcome sight for the new Primarch is ready to rest his eyes in his nook in Hyaline. He is supposed to find a healer once the diplomacy is over with, though he realized on the trip to the isle that he should have sought one out way before.

    No matter, exhaustion does not stop the ever-shifting lands of Beqanna; therefore it must not stop Litotes.

    They walk in silence for the most part, a sort of solitude that the cremello relishes. He likes Ilma’s company but is not well-acquainted with her, and is feeling too tired for one’s regular niceties. He keeps his head high as they walk, ears pricked and nostrils flared for any sign of the other’s land inhabitants (though they have yet to cross the border). Kagerus gave Lie little details about past relations with each land - Loess being a land that may be a bit uncomfortable - so he makes sure to keep himself at attention.

    A long moment passes before Ilma’s question registers in the stallion’s mind. He turns his guarded attention to her, softening the edges of his eyes to answer: “Kagerus told me a detail or two about their past with Hyaline. I know their leaders, that they are mercenaries, and that they may be wary of us.” The last detail lodges in the pit of his chest and nestles, a strange discomfort he is still adjusting to. Kingdom business fell into Litotes’ lap, or so he feels. Most days he does not think about the bravery it takes to venture into sick lands, or the compassion one must have to offer a protective arm to those that are suffering; no, most days, he thinks he is a child still figuring out even the basic parts of life.

    The border is quickly upon them. Ilma calls out to make their presence known. The General waits in silence, relaxed muscles not exposing the anxious excitement within.


    @[Ilma] & diplomats

    My dreams have all come true

    He’d taken longer than he’d intended to come back from Nerine. While Ilma and Litotes have the wonder of an arduous journey on foot, Wolfbane had started out in the starlit hours of the morning, well-rested and eager to barrel through the heart of Beqanna for home. Home had splintered somewhat in his mind, fragmenting between images of Brilliant Pampas and Loess. Every time he was left to think about the home he’d left behind, Bane couldn’t stop thinking of the one they’d all acquired.

    Thoughts like these kept him company on the trip South again, fragmenting into little paths and then reconnecting themselves when he thought he might be close to a possible solution. He was constantly caught up in what would be best for the now three adjacent territories, even though he and Noah had come to a quiet sort of comradeship. There had to be some balance which would make the leaders equally happy and fulfilled.

    As Wolfbane plunged through a light cloud cover and down above the first stretches of his Kingdom’s border, he felt close to a possible answer. All that seemed left was to talk it over with Lepis and then head to Sylva. Simple, if not for the sudden call that interrupts the male pegasus’ thoughts. He tilts both wings and banks left, near to where Hyaline has shifted around to the East, eyeing a pair of similar-colored specks that are hovering politely on his doorstep.

    Visitors at last, He muses silently, dipping towards the earth. When he lands nearby, Bane offers a throaty sort of nicker in reply to the ambassador’s original summons. “I’m glad to see a few new faces around here.” The striped palomino greets them, stopping close enough for the trio to comfortably talk, “But I have it on the highest authority this place isn’t exactly the safest. Most Loessians have headed south to Brilliant Pampas.”

    Bane swings his head around, twisting the stiff line of his upright mane to point out where the Pampas border lay. “Nice to meet you both, I’m Wolfbane.” He says, turning back to look at the pair again. “Are you passing through or …?”

    Like all good nightmares do

    @[Ilma] @[litotes]
    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

    And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
    the firestarters always get the burns
    and the good guys never get the girl

    The white mare nods to Litotes’ short description of Loess. Well, it’s partly, or wholly true - just not all of the truth. Perhaps Solace and Kagerus had done it on purpose, to let the stallion go to their neighbouring kingdom with an open mind. So, Ilma smiles. ”I’ve had some personal experiences with some Loessians in the past. I’m as wary of them as they of us, but that shan’t keep us from trying to be good neighbours from now on.” Perhaps she sounds a little stern, or rather, very determined to do this the right way. Whatever Lie may make of it, or not at all, she won’t mind right now. There is a chance that Loess is now abandoned or has been taken over by others, at any rate.

    A striped stallion answers her call from the sky, and as he lands and introduces himself, the sunlit-winged white mare nods to him, the middle of a greeting and a bow, knowing him to be the king or, former king, even if he did not specify the latter to his new visitors.

    She gives the golden palomino a smile, though. He is easy to converse with, the mare thinks. Something about the way he looks upon the world perhaps gives him the wisdom with which his eyes now seem to shine. ”Neither is Hyaline the safest place in the world any more, sadly. We’ve also partly moved, which is why we’re here to re-establish our relations.” she looks to Litotes, then back to Bane, emphasizing that since he is already sick, not much more harm can be done to either of the two visitors. ”I’m Ilma, ambassador of the Silver Cove now, and this is Litotes, one of the two new Primarchs currently leading Hyaline. It’s a pleasure to finally meet with you in person, king Wolfbane, although if you feel like we should be talking in the Pampas, I’m sure we could walk a little further.” She has no idea how many people still live in Loess and if perhaps Wolfbane doesn’t want to be exposed to the plague this long. He doesn’t look sick to Ilma, but neither does she (and she doesn’t know if she carries or simply got lucky and did not catch the illness yet). The mare however, obviously chose to still travel with Lie and go to an ‘unsafe’ land; they had not exactly given the striped leader of Loess the choice, and so she wishes to rectify the latter.

    and shooting stars cannot fix the world

    @[litotes] @[Wolfbane]
    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time

    but you’d never get hit without earning it
    and i only hit you first ‘cuz i deserved my own hit too
    still it comes the time to call you out
    since i’m the one that you should be about

    Litotes does not bat an eye at Ilma’s lecturing, whether it be actual lecturing or just commentary. He knows how to do this, having gone with Kagerus to the Isle first and possessing an instinct he has crafted over the last two years makes this almost second nature. Instead of a response, he allows the silence to stretch between them, not interested in the slightest in further conversation.

    An elegant and handsome pegasus greets them soon, ending the silence that might have stretched awkwardly on. The cremello sizes the other up, impressed and . . . attracted, though he tosses that thought away quick enough to not express the interest on his face. The palomino’s words are kind, kingly but not so in a way that Lie appreciates. He names himself: Wolfbane. How oddly fitting, the Primarch thinks, passing his eyes quickly over the king’s frame. Wolfbane - it somehow wraps the entirety of his appearance into two syllables.

    A few coughs that Lie attempts to keep to himself escape while his two companions are speaking. He smiles at the mention of neither land being safe. You’re tellin’ me. Ilma offers to go to the Pampas if that is what Bane prefers, causing the cremello to cast a cool gaze to her. He is almost certain that will not be required, but does not give tell of what he is thinking. Instead, he turns back to the king with a warm and playfully sheepish gaze.

    “Yes, if you would like to go to the Pampas, I’m sure we can,” he pauses, backing Ilma’s offer despite his previous thoughts. “And yes, being safe is a bit moot for me: I contracted the plague while caring for Hyaline in Kagerus’ and Solace’s stead. Like Ilma said, I am the new Primarch of Hyaline, co-ruling with Primarch Kensa.” Lie pauses, pressing a cough into his shoulder. Exhaustions glazes his eyes a bit, but still he is not put off. He debates the Pampas idea for a moment, wondering if he should stop, but ultimately deciding that this will only take a couple of seconds.

    “We’re here to represent the East: Silver Cove being the kingdom Kagerus and Solace rule, with Hyaline and Pangea both territories beneath them. Pangea is ruled by Archon Yidhra, who will be attempting to research how we can better combat the plague.” Lie quiets, allowing Wolfbane and Ilma their own responses and additions.


    @[Wolfbane] @[Ilma]

    Seems he’s getting better at his job, and he should be after what … nearly five years at the helm of Loess’s ship? But these two are Hyaline (as the female among them quickly confirms) and Wolfbane has been through the ringer with their ruling duo before, notably Kagerus. Part of the past. Long over by now, he contemplates to himself, shifting his mossy, hazel eyes over towards the other stallion when Ilma tilts her head aside. They’re here for business, she explains, and after a few moments of watching Litotes downplay his illness while simultaneously listening to their news, Bane feels settled on his first impression of them both.

    One is very much an enigma. The other meets his expectations.

    “So. You’re the lucky ones tethered to the raised kingdom, then.” He hums low, an expression of unbridled curiosity transforming his features. His gaze sparkles faintly, and the corners of his mouth tease a grin. Neither of these guests could’ve known about his fascination with the barren land before coming here, yet he feels driven (perhaps from coincidence) to explain a bit of his perspective anyways. “I was warned about that place and the Plague before both hit, by someone the ‘Dark God’ chose to help resurrect it.” The striped palomino tells them, a bit mystic over the matter. “Don’t take this the wong way but, I’m glad it’s you and not us.” He laughs briefly.

    “Either way you’ve been thoroughly informative Ilma, Litotes.” The pegasus thanks them formally with a nod, “And I insist foremost on the idea to head further south. Especially you, Primarch.” He suggests intently, edging toward the pale horse until he could make out the faint winter flakes across his nose. “The Pampas may have something to remedy that cough.” Bane muses, giving the two a moment of quiet reflection should they need it.

    “Otherwise you can freely leave with the knowledge that Loess will resume her seat as Kingdom and head of the south, once things have cleared up. Or once you find the cure.” He shrugs, thinking that such a solution (if one could be found) would be extremely beneficial to all parties present. “Brilliant Pampas is being led by a mare named Noah, Sylva by a stallion named Sinner, along with a close family friend of mine known as Mary. The former is a herdland, per Noah’s request, the latter is currently in an ‘open borders, open alliance’ with my Kingdom and functions as a territory.” Wolfbane inhales, having spent his breath all in one go. It wasn’t usually like him to be so long-winded.

    King of Loess : Leader of the Southlands


    @[Ilma] @[litotes]
    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]
    @[Wolfbane] rolled a 1 and is infected.
    He rolled a 6 and will be a carrier.
    A 2 means he does not express a trait.

    And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
    the firestarters always get the burns
    and the good guys never get the girl

    Ilma never means to be lecturing, but nevertheless sometimes little warnings can come off like that. Still, she knows the silence means something is up, and his lack of response probably tells her more than if he had said any other word. She wonders how else she could have put it, but perhaps he's quick to assume less pleasant meanings out of others than she herself. That could become more problematic for him in the future - restraining himself when he assumed to be offended - but on the other hand, he hadn't been appointed as the lead diplomat for Hyaline, but as it's protector. So perhaps a little roughness was needed indeed.

    She doesn't miss the cool gaze the cremello gives her, when she offers for Bane to move to the Pampas, which in fact surprises her, though she doesn't move a muscle in her face, instead focusing on Wolfbane. Perhaps she needs to talk to Litotes later - explain why she offered. Being a diplomat for longer than he, perhaps he had thought it was just about keeping a straight face all the time? At least that, he was capable of, and quite well, which was fortunate.

    The striped male latches on to Pangea, and Ilma gives him a wry grin in return. She can permit herself that, she thinks. "We're lucky to have found an Archon willing to rule it so quickly. It's reputation and, frankly, looks just aren't that appealing to many Beqannians, I fear."

    But Wolfbane has an offer to make, one Ilma is inclined to accept, though not too hastily. A remedy for that cough? There's healers in the Silver Cove too - they had made sure of that. Ultimately, it is Litotes' decision, the mare thinks, and so she shakes her head just a little. "I don't think I'll be joining you on that tour, since I've visited the Pampas just recently." she tells both males, as if it had nothing to do with Lie being sick. "In the meantime, Wolfbane, we'd like to continue on our previous friendly notions between Loess and the Sanctuary, or perhaps if you want to rediscuss the terms, we'll be looking forward to receiving you in the Silver Cove, as well, so we might go over our previous agreements." She hasn't quite forgotten what happened with Lepis, but if she's correct, Loess technically still 'owed' them for Lepis' early release. Kagerus had done something to force an agreement, however, so the white mare wouldn't bring it up before asking the rulers what exactly the details had been; it could be that she was mistaken, and something had been gained for Hyaline back then.

    and shooting stars cannot fix the world

    @[litotes] @[Wolfbane]
    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time

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