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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    okay! i'm back and have a small horde if you want to post with me!
    Katarina - Adolf x Mordgeld - Friesian Hybrid - 5 - Black - Quiet, broody, skeptical

    Shes a bab of the lovely Mordgeld. Shes a lady drapped in lucious black with long hair and drop dead looks (thanks mom). She's in the field and up for grabs.

    Isobell - Lior x Nayl - Mustang Hybrid - Immortal - Black Tobiano with Silver Eyes - A gorgeous kelpie bish

    Most of you know her. She's very smart, very regal. Raised in Nerine by loving parents, she was the once queen before bequeathing her throne to Hestia. She lived wild and free with Ivar before disappearing with their children. She a guarded mare, flirtatious and unbridled. She is bound to Ivar but is interested in potentially finding a "friend" when she gets sick of Ivar's whoring.

    Kaliope - Ivar x Isobell - Mustang Hybrid - Two - Twin to Crashe - Smokey Black Tobiano - Kelpie, Empathy

    Carefree, wild, happy girl. She is young and excited for life. She is often with her twin but would  liek to meet other horses! She full of life and giggles.

    Lothbrok - Ivar x Isobell x Mustang Hybrid - Immortal/Four - Grullo Tobiano - Kelpie

    Strong, handsome, rugged. Has yet to meet a girl, he is close to his mother and protective. He is a spitting image of a young Ivar with charm and wit to match. He is guarded and cautious but could open up to the right girl. Hoping to form friendships and love interests possibly.

    Epithet - Alasdair x Charlemange - Hybrid - Immortal/Wicked Old - Very Light Grey - Limitless Shapeshifter

    Cab you dream it? Epi can be it XD She has the ability to be anything, anyone. Epi is limited only to equine based mythics. She is a genuinely nice mare but the world has turned her hard and skeptical. She typically comes off hardhearted but will eventually let another in when they prove to be interested in her genuinely. Years of abusive lovers have left her terribly scared so she uses her ability to glamour herself int he eyes of other. I'm open to anything with her. Want to have her mimic an old lover/rival/friend? You got it! Want her to play the role of a super hunky gorgeous hulk of a man? Sure! Want her to impersonate a rival and make them ho out with your crush's current lover so they leave them for you? HECK YES! Let's figure something out!
    Just sayin’ ... Lothbrok and Adria should cross paths sometime Wink I’m kind of itching for her to meet another water-type horse!!
    Apothica • Tiberios
    Um Castile needs a reunion with his sister... yassss
    @Calcifer Yes please! I want Lothy to meet some others! He’s a handsome boy and needs time in his own and with girls is a plus ❤️

    And yes please @Aeris!!! I can’t post today but if you’d like to post then please! I want to see them see each other again, my heart is already happy!
    Deiti will be meeting any who stay in Ischia fosure!
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    Yesss! They gonna be there for a bit ❤️ Mist may wander or Lothy but for now they are there so yes please meet them!

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