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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Any;

    If I never wash the sand from my feet...
    Well. He wasn't really all that inclined to get sick. He'd already seen some of it. Disgusting. And he'd damn well nearly followed that sexy lavender family right outta this beachy place to get the hell away from it. He certainly didn't want to be snotting out yuck. But when he glanced around, his brother was not among them. His brother was not following them.

    What the hell?
    Was he stupid?

    Where the hell was mom. He'd need to tell her to fix his brother's brain. Clearly something went wrong.

    But sigh. Fine. He wasn't about to leave without Ivar. He'd just barely met the handsome guy. Even if he did kinda give Lochwood the creeps a little. But whatever. Family and all. He hadn't really had his family around as he grew up so it was nice to finally find one of them. And Mom seemed pretty cool.

    She had that nifty sandy thing and POOF. Sweet.

    Ugh, fine. Yes, okay. Bye, gorgeous ladies. Maybe he could see them again soon. Ah, hell. Was that seriously every single hot chick on this island? Oh, man. Ivar was gonna have to fix that, pronto.

    "HELLOOOOO," he called out with that near-permanent grin on his face. He'd find some chicks, for sure. That couldn't have been ALL of them, surely. Someone around here would still like to party.



    The warnings echoed in my mind just as they had the others.  A plague brought onto them by evil deeds.  What is evil anymore?  I had killed my friend.  Even though he had returned to life, I still had taken his life.  I had not known of his immortality, but I had known the dangers that lurked within the depths of my own soul. So I hid myself away in the confine of the pool I kept beneath a waterfall.  Hoping no one else would know of my existence here...


    The world I have come to know here went silent.  The flocks of parrots did not wake me each morning with their songs.  Jungle fauna have gone dormant and rarely have I seen the scatter of vermin across the thick forest floor.  I rise my face to the surface of the still pond, jeweled eyes seeking anything of movement.  Even my ears have yet to find a crack of twig by someone passing through.  Perhaps they have all left, I think.  This was good, I could not harm anyone if they were not around.

    I push myself to the rocky ledge of my enclosure.  There was little to eat here anymore and so I begin to drag myself onto the hardened earth.  Front hooves scrape on stone and pull my dark body up.  As I leave the water, the finned tail I have grown so accustomed to, disappears and is replaced with the hindquarters of my equine self.  

    Water trickles down the smooth edges of my scales.  Their rainbow sheen reflecting as the sun hits them just right.  I enjoy that this part of me remained, and I am reminded of just how they have come to be.  Ivar.  I slightly wonder what has become of the stallion as I move through the humid land...

    It isn't long before I reach the edge of a clearing deep within the jungles.  Here I could graze with the warm sun upon my back, enveloped in peace and quiet...


    I have just lowered my lips to the soft blades of sea grass when a voice calls out.  My ears twist forward, as head rises again, sapphire eyes searching for the source of the noise.  A stranger is wandering about the clearing and for a brief moment my eyes narrow upon the prey.  A swift correction to my thinking comes and I settle into a relaxed stand, waiting to be noticed...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @[Lochwood] @[Ivar]
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    If I never wash the sand from my feet...
    "Well, hellooo," he crooned, stepping right up once he'd found this rare gem. Dazzling and glittering too, with those scaley bits and such. Weird, but he wasn't one to judge. Still pretty weird though. Maybe they felt nice?

    He stood near and eyed her openly, appreciatively, his roguish grin never faltering. "I was afraid all the gorgeous women had left the island, but I see now that I was dead wrong." He tilted his head, letting his hair sweep down across his handsome face. Maybe she'd be fun. He hoped so. Or at least entertaining company. Those were hard to come by these days, what with everyone up and leaving for safety. Or at least that big family had, anyway.

    "What's your name, angel? I must know."

    And also how did she feel about making out? And maybe dancing? In whichever order she'd prefer. Really, it'd been way too damn long since he'd had a little fun.



    Clearly the stranger knew not who I was or what I have done in my life.  I take this as a good sign.  A clean slate.  One which I hoped to not stain with his blood. Yet.

    His charismatic approach is comical, a girlish giggle escapes through daggered jaws.  His eyes view me as some precious gemstone that has been found amongst a sea of sand.  I am not arrogant and do not claim myself to be prettier than another face, but I too have an affinity for shiny things.  My collection of trinkets deep within my pool is confirmation of this.  Perhaps I could show him my treasures one day. No that would not be wise, I tell myself. 

    A pet name comes from his boyish lips and I can't help but wonder what type of angel he thinks me to be.  Surely not a heavenly one, but I am flattered nonetheless.  A smile breaks across my maw, revealing my toothy grin, "Deiti... And what is yours?" 

    My body shifts slightly, resting the majority of my weight on my front half as I am accustomed to doing in the waters.  With my ears tipped forwards to capture his name, I hardly notice if anything or anyone would happen to be lurking within the jungles behind me... 

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    Though he hears the breaking of branches further inland, Ivar is rarely given to exploration of the jungle. The kelpie prefers to keep the water in sight, and he continues to walk the beach until something catches his eye amid the greenery. A flash of something, but when he takes a step back to look again, it is gone. No, not gone, moving farther away.

    Intrigued, the piebald creatures steps into the undergrowth, following the almost familiar smell. But the sparkle and the scent were not the same after all, and Ivar emerges into the clearing to find not one but two creatures. Neither are strangers to the kelpie, though he'd not expected to see either of them here with the plague creeping ever near.

    He recognizes the delight on his sibling's face (not so different from his own), at the same time he recognizes Deiti. Ivar's face breaks open with genuine amusement, and he slips from the trees where the black mare had not been watching. His scaled muzzle brushes against her from hindquarter to shoulder, but it is teasing rather than possessive. There are few men to whom he might cede a pretty lady (though he'd still had designs on Sabra when Castile had been gone overlong), and while he had not expected this brother-who-is-a-stranger to be one of them, the kelpie feels no need for posturing.

    "Fancy seeing you both here on my island," Ivar says, his mood bolstered by both his new status and the prospect of a romp beneath the waves with Deiti. He'll wait till Lochwood is done with her, of course, he's not rude enough to call first dibs when Lochwood had been the first to come across Deiti this evening.
    If I never wash the sand from my feet...
    Well, she was just charming, wasn't she? He was delighted. She's dazzling and cryptic and he was going to figure her out at leisure. Take as long as he wanted and have a grand old time while he was at it, too. She'd enjoy it.

    "Deiti," he repeated with a gleaming grin. "Not an angel at all, but a goddess!" He didn't bother to feign shock, look at her. He wasn't shocked. She had a body like a goddess and that was good enough for him. And those eyes, man. Weird but kinda cool, like glittery gems and all sparkly.

    Heyyy! And then his brother was there and he grinned wider. "Fancy seeing you both here on my island," he'd said and Lochwood was prettyyyyy proud that he was still here, just saying. He could get sick and die and everything but here he was staying to be with his brother! That's a real friend, you know. They're real close. Or maybe will be. One day.

    Bro's gotta lighten up a little first.

    He watched Ivar drag his muzzle up the chick's back, and he tilted his head. He couldn't tell if this was his girl or not. If she was Ivar's, then no way no how. Goddess or not, that's his bro, man. Bros before hos and such, completely. He's all for that. If he weren't his brother, then maybe. Or even like a 3-bang. He could probably go for that or something. He never has but maybe it was only a matter of time.

    That's his brother though, so.. No, though.

    He lit back up, eager to show his loyalty to the only family he knows. "I wouldn't leave you, bro! You kiddin?? If you're here to stay then so am I! This is our jam. It's perfect, ain't it beautiful?" He turned the last question to Deiti, the lovely goddess on earth, grin wide. "Oh, hey, I'm Lochwood, by the way," he added with a wassup nod of his chin and a lift of his brows.



    The island, as I have known it, was always full of the masculine gender.  Since coming here with my brother, Jesper, I had joined the meeting of the Brotherhood. But I had never pledged myself.  I found no temptation to be anything more than a visitor.  Even when I had settled within the depths of the jungle, securing myself a home amongst men.  They rarely ventured into the thick undergrowth though. Unless of course they were lured into the humid jungles by my songs.  I enjoyed singing amongst my parrot friends, which also led to curious minds seeking just who was making such a heavenly sound.

    Today it is not my voice that calls to them, but they gather just the same.  A spritely young stallion who retracts his mention of angels and calls me by goddess instead.  More fitting I guess.  I am a God's creation after all.

    I don't receive an answer to my question before a sensation is dragged along my spine.  My widened pupils narrow into fine slits at the intrusion of my personal space.  The touch is familiar though and I catch a glimmer of sapphire and gold from the corner of my eye.  Luckily I know just who this is or he'd be missing half his face by now.  One as handsome and as cocky as Ivar could not be forgotten so easily...

    The younger stallion is quick to proceed in a ramble of jargon I try to comprehend.  All I truly understand is the two are related and this is all I care to know.  Finally my answer comes in the form of Lochwood(and an upward gesture of his head that I am not sure isn't a tick of sort), so I simply smile.  He sure was hard to keep up with.

    My attention drifts to the scaled one, giving him a flirtatious grin before commenting, "Your island huh?"  I was late to the party on the happenings in and around the kingdom, because honestly I didn't care, so long as I was allowed residency of my pool.  I give a casual shrug of my shoulder at this new knowledge before reaching my blackened lips to slide along the ridged scales of the kelpie.  I quite enjoyed the feel of them, and even though I have scales, his were quite different in comparison.

    My muzzle traces the bordered color between light and dark only briefly.  The dark navy of my eyes expand just the slightest, giving them a more pronounced reptilian look.  My gaze flickers back to Lochwood, "So you are brothers than??" I find this tidbit intriguing.  A slight wonder to if they both have the shifting capabilities.  He sure didn't look to have scales and for the sake of experimentation, I step towards him.  Finding my neck extending to allow my muzzle to touch the softer hide of something less aquatic and more equine.  The feeling of hair beneath my scaled nose tickles but I can't help but retain contact.  He felt so baby smooth.

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @[Ivar] @[Lochwood]
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    Ivar is no less able to parse out the meaning of his sibling’s actions than Deiti is, but the kelpie is also less inclined to care. So long as there is no threat to Ivar, Lochwood could attempt cartwheels down the beach and he’d barely bat an eye. Is this what family means, then? Ivar has never really had a sibling – at least not one he knows about. Castile had been almost a brother, but he’s not seen the dragon since Castile scared his shoulder with flame in the Alliance. Lochwood, on the other hand, he has no history with, and yet finds that the boy feels less of a threat to the kelpie than the squawking parrots overhead that have begun to settle in for the night.

    The scaled stallion nods when she repeats his claim on the island; he is a bit proud, after all. He had thought himself content with the smaller island to the west, but now that the Krakens have abandoned the entire place he has realized exactly what he was missing out on. Leaning into the mare’s touch is done without thought, lowering his head so she might reach the crest of his neck that he can never quite scratch. When she asks if they are brothers he nods again, adding an uncharacteristically humorous:

    “Unfortunately,” before she is stepping closer to Lochwood. Ivar doesn’t follow, but instead grins, curious how much he and his brother might have in common. “Don’t worry,” he tells the dun Lochwood, “Her bite is much better than her bark.”
    If I never wash the sand from my feet...
    He was oddly beginning to feel a little unappreciated here. Weird, right? Everyone back home had loved him. It really sucked to be here, in this body, in this place he was so unfamiliar with, and without anyone he really knew. Everything sucked a hell of a lot and he tried to keep it from reaching his friendly face.

    But really, it was so damn miserable and today wasn't making it any better.

    The way she approached him almost instinctively felt like a threat in some way though he hadn't been given any reason to feel that way. Even still, his smile held firmly to his face, eyes delighted, and meanwhile, with each step nearer to him she took he was weaving his unseen magic around her. He twisted and tied it into a noose around her pretty throat, into a perfect bridle over her face and head, holding it all just inches away from her and ready to bind her so completely should he choose to.

    He held still as she reached out and touched him, his hand loosely holding the rope of his magic. Never before had he needed it as a defense and it upset him deeply that he'd had to wrap this about her this way. It was meant to be fun. Enjoyable. Amusing. But still. He held it off her for now, waiting, watching his brother for a reaction to his woman coming to touch him this way, coming to test him for something he didn't understand.

    He was further unimpressed with his big brother's lack of care, feeling an irritation surface as it seemed to him that Ivar had instead joined her on some inside joke against him, that he couldn't possibly understand.

    His smile remained, practiced and second-nature, though his eyes had a new glint to them he'd never really had to feel before. It was disgusting that his playful magic had just turned into a defense as he slid his gaze to the woman, her touch not out of adoration and play but from something else that dug deep into a lineage he wasn't aware of. For some reason, he felt she was not supposed to touch him, and he settled the tethers of his magic on her.

    "You like the way I feel, baby?" he murmured sweetly, letting the desire - for what, for what - sink into her. He needed to ground her though, give her something to want so achingly badly, so he tied the other end to his brother. That seemed more appropriate than the nearest tree. He wasn't in the mood to disgrace her or embarrass her. And he no longer felt comfortable with her attention on himself. She would desire Ivar instead. Let his brother deal with his woman.

    He finally lost his smile. 
    Stared blankly at this man that was somehow his brother.

    He fucking hated it here.

    He turned to leave them, letting his magic slowly untangle to return to him as he walked away.



    It had been years since I felt the soft coat of another beneath my lips.  Too long perhaps.  But there was a way this one held himself that indicated to me his desire was not to be touched.  With a stead of my lips I retract my wanderings along his body.  Brain contemplating just why.  I wanted to touch him. Wanted to explore his mortal body.  And then he asks if I like the way he feels.  A smile forms revealing dagger like teeth before I purr a mere inch from his flesh, "Very much so." 

    Ivar is quick to interject his own thoughts and I give a throaty laugh, "Nonsense.  I would never bite someone so...fragile." My slitted eyes flicker to Ivar with a sudden draw.  A temptation began to rise within me on just what the Kelpie tasted like.  My shoulders turn towards my new muse.  Each stretch of iridescent limb bringing me back to the scaled kings side.  This time I do not settle beside him but continue my stalk down his side and around his hindquarters -sapphire eyes gauging just where he would taste the best.

    As I creep up his other side, I don't notice the brother has begun to slink away.  With viper-like speed, I strike. My teeth nab the weakened point of the kelpies scales, just behind his forelimb and along his belly.  It may not draw blood but it is enough to leave a tang of the stallion on my bladed incisors.  

    In realization of my attack, I attempt a swift side step from the scaled kings side -my profile looking confused as to why I had just done what I had.  Their gaze shifts briefly to find the back end of Lochwood slipping off into the jungle.  A snort erupts from my nostrils as ears pin back against my darkened hide.  Whatever unforeseen force was at play here has unleashed the darkest depths of my mind and I decide I should find my pond to soothe the demon beginning to unravel inside me.

    I look to Ivar to examine his reaction and just what his move would be...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @[Ivar] I tried leaving it open ended so Ivar can do Ivar... And for the record, sry not sry ;P
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\

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