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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Can you See the Truth Behind a Curtain of Lies? [Clayton, Solace & Family]

    I know only what I was told to remember.  Even that is shielded behind a wall of haze as a look about a land I don't know.  To meet a family I am told is mine, but not a single face comes to mind.  What happened to the memories of my first four months of life are a mystery, and that, they will remain...

    I follow the winged creature, much like myself.  Solace is her name, and she leads me to meet others of my family.  I am naive but cautious to what this means, tip toeing behind her with large eyes.  The land is quite green and massive cragged rocks rise on all sides of me.  I feel rather small and insignificant here.  My tawny wings are clamped tightly to my sides as I trot along a beaten path.  They are weird things that I have not yet mastered and so I try to not draw attention to them.  How horrible it would be if someone asked me what they do, because honestly I do not have the slightest idea...

    Eventually my gaze is drawn back to the gold mare before me, she is so much prettier than I.  My coat is a drab mix of muddy browns, where Solace shines brilliantly in the light.  How I wish I could shine so brightly.  My ears fall flat against my skull with these thoughts, causing self consciousness to consume my mind.

    A few more strides forward and my nerves beg me to inquire on our route, "Where are we going?"  My tiny heart has begun to thump more steadily in my chest as we travel farther and deeper into the land.  I wish I wasn't so nervous and perhaps knowing our destination will quiet the mess in my head.



    @[Solace] So she came out a nervous Nancy lol this should be interesting
    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-
    He sighs out of boredom, were was Warlight? He never knew what to do with himself when Warlight was out and about, and when Keeper was away from the kingdom. He probably should try harder to make friends with the other equines in Hyaline....but that means even less time with Warlight...

    As he was strolling through the kingdom it was almost as if fate handed friends to him. He gazes off into the distance, he can spot a winged mare he had never seen before. She was pretty and her markings were similar to Warlight....he never met her family but perhaps they were related?

    As he continues to watch he notices a small filly tucked close to the mares wing, it's when he found the filly he truly got interested. The filly had horns similar to his own! It did not swirl like his own, and it did not branch off like Warlights...it Angeled off slightly but they were fitting for the dark filly.

    With a smile on his face he approached the pair Hi! My name is Clayton. He offers a greeting to both equines, but his gaze was on the winged mare, I like your horns he smiles to the young filly, blurting out his admiration.
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]



    And just like that, her brood has grown. 

    “Come along, Kreed”  Solace asks gently, ready to tuck the girl out of sight from prying eyes so close to the broader. The Queen of Loess seems eager enough to return to her home now that the business has been settled, and likewise Solace will feel more comfortable once shielded by steadfast mountains of her own home.

    The dark filly is cooperative and frighteningly young, and Solace keeps her close, ever ready to extend a wing should she need to.  Their pace is slow but steady and as the girl speaks up Hyaline's Caretaker turns her gaze away from their destination and to the filly. 

    “We are going to the heart of Hyaline.” Solace replies in a low, warm tone. “There is a lake there, with lots of soft grass and other children.”

    As if to confirm her statement, the clamor of small hooves on stone becomes noticeable and a colt approaching. “Hello Clayton,” Solace says with a surprised, yet pleased voice after he introduces himself. She was nearly expecting one of her own children to crop up and confess to having followed her, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Warlight has mentioned you."

    She pauses for a moment, her blue eyes falling on her new ward as Clayton attention seems to be drawn to her too. "This is Kreed, she’s going to be living here with us.”

    She lets the children greet each other in their own way, happy to stand back and watch.
    Finally, she does interrupt. 

    “We were on our way to the lake, maybe you would like to show Kreed around.”


        we're reeling through an endless fall
    we are the ever-living ghost of what once was


    Just as my inquiry of our destination leaves my mouth -in a jumble of uncertain words- there is an answer produced from the winged mare.  I think on the answer and how visiting the heart of anything sounds like a terrible idea.  My tiny breath is taken from me as I suddenly stop in my tracks. Only to be coaxed onward by Solaces kind voice reassuring me of food and playmates.  Perhaps the seeing heart wouldn't be so bad.

    A soft smile finds me as I look up at the mare and continue at her side.  That is until an explosive voice sneaks up on us.  My rear end tucks and I find my front doesn't keep up, stumbling forwards slightly, I find my footing again in a tight spin.  The tiny wings I had kept so near, flare out in a display of fright.  My silver eyes rest upon a brown and green figure not much larger than myself.  I think of what he had said and it is confirmed by Solace when she greets him.  My heart was racing in my chest and so I say nothing.  The colt now is looking at me as if I am to respond but nothing surfaces.  That is until he says he likes my horns... My what?  My smallish profile tilts in confusion at what this thing is exactly that he likes.  I look up at the painted ladies face and search for some hidden meaning behind his words.  Finding none on Solaces expression I look back to the colt, "You like my what?"  Was I to be insulted by such a bold comment?  

    Solace than wonders if the colt would like to show me around.  At first I am unsure, since I do not know if he actually likes me.  There isn't much to like and I have little to offer in friendship.  I don't have any friends, at least that I remember, and it would be easy to believe that I am unlikeable due to that fact...


    @[Clayton] @[Solace] I promise she will brighten up... maybe lol.  Though I guess I don't imagine she has her full set of horns.  She is just a baby so it is more nubbins XD
    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-
    Every Tape Has Two Sides
    He was always eager to meet the other members of Hyaline, the kingdom he has grown to love so much. In fact, he can't remember a time he was outside the Hyaline borders, he was always having so much fun. It took a lot of bravery for Clayton to reach out to this pair, he was usually more reserved, but he could not help himself in this situation.

    He introduces himself and the buckskin mare speaks first, she gives a gentle greeting and notes that Warlight has mentioned him before. His eyes grew wider as he connected the dots, and his body grew warmer from embarrassment as she mentioned the young bay filly. This must be her mother! he thinks to himself, he has heard of her of course, but they have never formally met. He dips his head to there queen, how stupid could he be! It is a pleasure to meet you He wasn't exactly sure if this was Solace or Kagerus, but regardless he was happy to meet her.

    When he was able to gather himself, Solace introduces the filly, Kreed, noting she will be living in Hyaline from now on. He mentions his admiration for the fillies horns and she seems taken aback by the statement. My what? she questions and a gentle chuckle escaped his maw Oh sorry, I guess they are more of nubs than horns, but they will get there! He says, his own horns were much smaller when he was her age, but never quiet as small as the one she sports today.

    His eyes flicked back to the queen as she notes they were on the way to the lake, inquiring if he would like to show Kreed around. A smile tugged at his lips Yea! If that's alright with you Kreed? His gaze flicks back to the filly, he remembers a time when he was shy, afraid to be himself around others. He completely understands being overwhelmed in the presence of others, he did not want to leave a bad impression with the kingdoms newest member.

    @[Solace] @[Kreed]
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    The colt greets her fondly, and Solace can't help but be pleased by her daughter's choice in a companion. In the brief moment which follows she realizes that she never introduced herself to her newest ward. 

    "You can call me Solace," she adds, her blue resting on each child for a breath. Hyaline's Cartaker notices the hesitation, maybe even fear, which hinders the young girl but it does not discourage her. It is natural, she thinks, for her to feel uncomfortable at first. Her entire world had changed in a moment, and she had been helpless to do anything about it.

    There are more questions that need to be answered, but Solace hopes that Clayton's kind attention will be just what Kreed needs to help her feel at home. Later, she decides, once she has had a moment to adjust, would be a better time to discuss the details of her new life here in Hyaline.

    The buckskin and cream mare takes a step forward as Clayton looks to Kreed, gently touching her muzzle to the filly's dark shoulder for a fleeting moment. "Let's keep moving, lead the way Clayton," she says in a soft, low tone, "the lake is this way and I think you feel much better when we get there."

    Or at least Solace would. No harm could come to the child once they reached the bustling, emerald shores of Hyaline's Heart. 

        we're reeling through an endless fall
    we are the ever-living ghost of what once was



    This colt seems rather pleased to meet me.  And when he reiterates his comment about liking my horns, I simply follow his gaze upwards, finding two spirals protruding from his skull.  My silver eyes rotate farther to attempt to see these horns he speaks of of mine but to no avail.  A small snort comes from my nares and I decide to just smile in response.  It is all I can think of to do.

    Solace and Clayton are both quick to agree to the lake venture and I stand there with nothing but a forced smile upon my lips.  It was such an awkward thing, this smiling, but everyone seemed to be doing it so I try my hardest to fit in.  Clayton looks to me and asks if it is ok that he shows me to this lake.  I examine his face, and in no finding of sarcasm, I nod in agreeance.  "Sure, I guess," I squeak quietly, a small genuine smile creeps naturally across my maw. 

    Then they are moving.  Solace calling Clayton to lead the way.  He does so with vigor and I instinctively follow a pace behind him.  The tawny wings at my sides upheld slightly as I prance onward...


    @[Clayton] @[Solace] Do we want to have this enter into the lake party thing?  Or Clayton and Kreed can break off into a thread when they reach the lake?  Doesn't matter to me. Sry it took so long
    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

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