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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Birthday trait brainstorm
    So I have an August birthday and I'm playing with an idea of giving Kullin(my recent PMP) something earthy to go along with the Kirin line theme... This is what I got:

    Lightning Imitation- User can teleport via lightning, attract lightning strikes to immediate area, glow, and can surround oneself with tiny electric current along the body that would feel like a static shock if touched.  Abilities present themselves typically when user is angered, scared, or storms are present.

    Would this be eligible for consideration?  I was hoping for him to maybe be shocked by lightning and the trait activates.  Since it's Spring/Summer storms should be brewing Smile
    -Semi Active-
    So we have electric mimicry in the database already, which is: “User can use the abilities of electricity, including electric induction, glowing, electric mane/tail, and lightning markings. Character may have up to 3 characteristics. If there is a fitting characteristic not listed, feel free to contact an owner or officer.”

    Teleportation is already a 2 space trait, so it’s not eligible to be a characteristic.
    Ah ok.  I was hoping that it's strict limitations to teleport via lightning strikes would work.  Just not sure electric mimicry is right vibe... That's more Pikachu and he's more weather I feel XD

    I was also thinking of another idea, more for Ouija.  

    Boogeyman Effect- User can sense anothers deepest fears and glamour self to match.

    Basically Love Illusionism but with fears.  This would suit his creeper vibe and wanting to mess with ppls minds.  Though I loved his Halloween Quest chupacabra idea, if a diseased hairless dog shifter is acceptable, that might suit him also lol
    -Semi Active-
    So three options here:

    1) you could have dog shifting as a trait and have it be an ugly hairless dog (not diseased though)

    2) you could suggest characteristics for electric mimicry that fit more of what you wants (glowing, mildly static, etc.)

    3) Bogeyman Effect does sound interesting but we'd call it Fear Illusionism just to be consistent. Also this one is sort of hard because it can easily be power playing, so you'd have to get permission (from the player) every time you wanted to use it. It would be defined as: "Ability to sense others’ fears and glamour oneself to match." The glamour is just an illusion though, so if someone's greatest fear is fire you could look/smell/feel like fire for a short while, but the illusion would do no actual damage. We are a little wary of this as a trait though and would prefer one of the other two options.
    Thanks Kyra.  I'll think on the options.  

    Fear Illusionism is basically what I was getting at.  So exactly like Love but instead he could appear as a fear of the other character(of course with permission).  It's what I've pictured him having for a long time, just couldn't find the right way to describe it lol
    -Semi Active-

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