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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Uncertainty
    I want to swim away but don't know how
    Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean

    A beautiful filly pranced in a field of spring flowers. She knew not where she was at, as nothing seemed familiar to this filly. She had no recollection of how she came to be there; she didn't even know her own name. But none of this seemed to trouble her, for this place was rather nostalgic to her, so she was comfortable and happy. And so she pranced about joyfully without worries plaguing her thoughts. She was carefree, young and innocent. To others, this filly's joyfulness was like the bright rays of the sun. It brought warmth into their lives, and she always seemed to brighten the days of those who were down, gloomy like rain clouds. Yes, 'a little ray of sunshine' she was, you might say. But even on the brightest days, the sun's light fades, as darkness seeps in.

    Three times she heard a raven's cry before she stopped her joyful dancing. The sun was gone, vanished from the sky and replaced with a thin, crescent moon. The sky was blackened, starless and empty. She looked down to see that the field of flowers had all wilted, and crumbled to dust. A foul aroma filled her nostrils, and she turned to see the rotting bodies of other creatures. Then, the rotten flesh of the creatures fell to ash, leaving nothing but clean bones that then shared the same fate and became dust. 

    Again, she heard a raven's cry three times, and finally found a place in her heart for fear. She wined and cried out, turning to run away from her inevitable death, for all creatures shared the same fate as those that rotted away. A figure appeared before her from the shadows. It was another horse; a stallion with strong legs and a flowing mane. His snort was terrifying, his wings were magnificent, whilst his flaming blue eyes bore into her until she swore she could feel the heat. A glowing crescent moon resided upon his head, his coat and feathers black as a raven's wing.

    At that moment she knew what awaited her. The crescent moon upon the stallion's head was a symbol of the night; a time when all beautiful and bright things like the sun vanish, a time of darkness. The raven, a mischievous and cruel bird; its cries had been a message to the filly as 'the one who brings misfortune'. A message that the stallion was the Bringer of Death.

    Roseen's eyes fluttered open to see a field of lush green grass. There were many other horses in the field, some grazing on the grass, others talking amongst themselves, whilst others stood alone. There were a few winged horses soaring through the sky, their magnificent wings reminding her of the stallion in her dream.

    She sat up, finally remembering where she was and realized she had fallen asleep when she only intended to rest for a moment. The mare shook herself once on her feet, a half attempt to toss the tiredness away. But, it was also to shake the horrific fear the dream had left her with. It was all she had left to remember it, really, for the dream was now a blur. All she could clearly remember was the raven's cry, and the wings and crescent moon on the stallion. This was how it always was when she woke from that nightmare. Yes, she has had it before, ever since she was a filly. But it was nothing to truly be afraid of. 

    The dream was created by her childish fears and wild imagination. She had become paranoid when she heard the raven's cry, after being told stories from her mother about the misfortune they bring. And when she saw that black stallion, which was a new sight for her at the time, she assumed the worst. Roseen wasn't sure why, but that dream still plagued her. Perhaps it was the unlikely event of her untimely death? No, that couldn't be. She was immortal, something she inherited from her father. So, perhaps it was the death of everything around her. Somehow, that brought a whole new meaning to her dream.

    Roseen shook her head in attempt to push the dream aside. She decided she should think about more pressing matters, such as where she was at, where she wanted to go, and how to get there. For a long time she had been traveling on her own, hoping to find a new home since she was driven out of her last one. Such a cruel thing for her father to do...but, there was no use in dwelling on the past. What's done is done; all that was left to do was move forward and keep her eyes on what lied ahead.

    However, that was much easier said than done. Roseen did not know where she was going, much less how to get there. Out here in the field, there were many paths, each leading to an uncertain future. She didn't know which to choose, and frankly, she was frightened of making a decision. What if the path she chooses offers her an unsuitable life? What if it brings misfortune, and only causes her trouble and pain? Yet again, it could be the best decision she'd ever make. She could have a wonderful life in a beautiful land. Ooh! Perhaps she would finally find her true love, and have a family of her own!

    If any other horse was watching they'd practically see sparkles in her eyes as she daydreamed. Her head was in the clouds, for she was a sucker for romance. Living her entire life without a mate was a little frightening to her, and she loved foals so dearly that she wanted some of her own. Oh, what a hopeless romantic she was. Poor, poor Roseen.

    Once she came back to earth she shook her head again to clear her mind. She was so easily sidetracked; she needed to focus! Her future was at stake! Gazing around, Roseen searched for a good spot to graze on the vegetation, finally coming to realize she hadn't eaten in a while. And then, perhaps she should ask around for information about the surrounding areas. She just hoped she could gather the courage to approach another horse.
    a nomad

    Your beauty is beyond compare -
    oh, if I could hear but one song from you
    I shall hail thee Queen of Birds...
    He grazes absentmindedly. It’s spring again, and hehardly pays attention to what he sees this year - mothers with young foals, mostly. He’s one of the few stallions that dare walk between the many mares. Some of which might not have wanted their babies, so he gets that there is an occasional cold eye. Then there’s those fearing he might hurt their foals - for some reason, they always fear a large stallion near a bunch of baby horses but perhaps that is just an innate thing, to see a large draft-like hybrid warrior-trained horse and think him a threat. Whether it’s true or, as in his case, not.

    He moves through the crowds slowly. Stopping every now and then to let a running foal or yearling pass as they chase another kid. He stands out like a white horse in a herd of black ones, but he can’t really care.

    He wonders how Breckin is doing. She’d been hurt but only the fairies would know why. And he wonders about Briseis. Their union last fall had been hormone-based, which was a perfect recipe for disaster. He can only hope that the black mare is all right, but doesn’t dare go back to ask. Or maybe, in a while, he could lurk around the border to see. Not that he really wants her as his mate but, there’s just the vague inkling, sparked by his quest to join the brothers and the visions he’d had, and he wants to make sure.

    He needs a distraction. Almost run into by another foal, he shakes his head and moves to the sides of the field, or at least if there is a side, it’s mostly marked by the edge of the mare-herd. There, he finds more horses, but scattered, because like him they came alone.

    His eyes search them. One stands out in particular, a mare. Not because of her looks - dark sooty bay is pretty but not as unusual as having gold on you for example - but because she looks absent. ”Hello there, lovely. How are you doing?” he asks her.
    there's something here that doesn't make sense
    let's go and poke it with a stick

    @[Roseen] Not relationship material but good for talks and pointing in a direction, should you want some. Also good for heart-breaking before meeting the right guy, but not sure if you want any of that Tongue.
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
    I want to swim away but don't know how
    Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
     Roseen wandered the field, keeping her distance from any strangers as she walked by in search of a good grazing spot. A little area at the side of the field had less horses, which was exactly what she was wanting. It wasn’t as if she enjoyed being alone; heaven knows, for her worst fear was being alone her whole life. But, after traveling alone for so long, one couldn’t help but become less and less social. She was used to having other horses around her, they were everywhere, but she never really spoke to any. She didn’t know how to communicate anymore, and was constantly anxious she would say or do something offensive to someone else, or something stupid and embarrass herself. Oh how she wished she could be like she was as a filly. She sighed lightly, remembering those days when she was excited to meet others and make new friends. Back then she could approach any horse, whether stranger or not, and didn’t fear a thing. But she was young and innocent then; there was nothing for a foal to worry about. Until...well, let’s just say her father showed up.

    Shaking her random thoughts from her mind again, she lowered her head and began grazing on the lush grass. She allowed herself to relax, freed her mind from any worry and pushed all her problems aside for her to think about later. There were many things she needed to think about, but if she didn’t allow herself to relax every once in a while she feared she would go mad. Stress and anxiety took hold of her easily, so it would be no challenge for her to lose her sanity if she allowed it to go too far.

    Just as she was finishing up, she heard another horse come close. At first, she thought nothing of it, but when they spoke she lifted her head, mostly to make sure they weren’t talking to someone else, but also to see who it was. The stallion was a stranger -no surprise there- with a coat of silver bay roan, but it was the golden streaks in his mane and tail that really caught her eye. For a moment she was caught off guard, wondering why he had approached her out of all horses. “H-hello,” she replied poorly, her eyes averting a little from her shyness. Sheesh, even eye contact was difficult for her. “I’m doing alright. H-how about you?” Her heart pounded with anxiety, her mind swirling with all the possibilities of her making a friend, or of her completely ruining this opportunity.
    a nomad

    Your beauty is beyond compare -
    oh, if I could hear but one song from you
    I shall hail thee Queen of Birds...
    Looking for just that kind of distraction that the mare had already protrayed, he wonders what goes on in her mind. He has startled her apparently, and, while he doesn’t mind startling anyone because it’s usually a good laugh, and increases adrenaline which makes one wonder if it was just a start or something of a crush as well - he would honestly like to trade places for a day if he could. He can’t though, so he has to make do with whatever else he can get from her today - attention. A flirt. Or even that crush he thought abuot earlier.

    His tail swats away a fly absentmindedly as he studies her face. ”Thought I’d ask, since you seemed a little out of your mind. Sure you are okay? I startled you, didn’t I.” he concludes with a bit of a sigh as if chastising himself. He smiles at her though, right after. ”I’m sorry if I did. I’m Leilan, by the way. Can I ask what you were thinking about? I could use a distraction like that.” he confesses. Though he is curious, he surprises himself with that last comment, but since he cannot undo it, at least it probably helps a conversation going.

    It’s not every day he gets to make an impression on the young ladies of Beqanna, but, he tries every day anyway (at least whenever he meets someone new). Because it’s fun to flirt, and see how one reacts. Either there’s chemistry or there isn’t, but you can’t know without trying, can you? Also, it would help him put this other girl back into a corner of his mind. She doesn’t want his attention, so he should stop thinking about her. Maybe this bay mare likes to help with that?
    there's something here that doesn't make sense
    let's go and poke it with a stick

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
    I want to swim away but don't know how
    Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean

    Roseen nodded lightly, “N-no, I’m sure I’m quite alright. I’m just...not used to being approached by anyone.” She averted her eyes sheepishly, but thought bitterly to herself. It’s my fault for not having the gall to approach anyone. As she saw his smile and he introduced himself, she couldn’t help but smile softly in return. Though she still looked a bit awkward on the outside, inside her heart swelled with warmth. This was her chance to attempt conversion, and perhaps make a friend. “I’m R-Roseen,” she introduced herself with a light nod of greeting. “I wasn’t thinking of anything, really. Just trying to relax and forget about my troubles for a while.” She secretly hoped he wouldn’t ask about her troubles, for she might reveal something a stranger shouldn’t know. But, all she really had these days were nothing but problems. Nothing good happened to her in a while, so she wasn’t really sure what else she could talk about.

    She looked over him for a moment, thinking they could possibly talk about him instead. Though, that wouldn’t really be fair, she figured. He mentioned he needed a distraction, so she assumed he too had issues he didn’t want to talk about. Everyone did. Actually, she found herself growing rather curious about him. What was he really like? What were his likes and dislikes? Did he have a mate? Wait, what?

    Once she realized she had been looking at him for too long, her eyes widened a bit and she averted them, smiling sheepishly. She soon discovered that keeping her eyes off of him was surprisingly harder than she thought. He was handsome, and that smile of his suddenly made her heart flutter. Silently she scolded herself for being so sensitive. It didn’t take much for her to fall for a stallion if he was good to her. 

    She was in trouble, wasn’t she?

    a nomad

    Your beauty is beyond compare -
    oh, if I could hear but one song from you
    I shall hail thee Queen of Birds...
    She nods, stutters a no, then says she is all right. Leilan smiles at the contradiction she offers. She is quite adorable, and she talks to him and seems happy, so, he is happy too. For the moment. As she continues she exlpains she isn’t just to being approached, and he shrugs. ”Well, I’d say that is the field,” he tells her confidently, then reverts to even more of a low whisper, ”Kingdom recruiters everywhere. Watch it.” with a wink, he retreats his head to resume a normal talking stance. He takes in her name with a nod, slowly repeats it, almost thoughtfully, tasting her name as it were. ”Roseen.” He looks her in the eye as she again flees his gaze in shyness, though he tries to follow.

    Forget about her troubles. Hmm, not a very cheerful idea. ”I guess we all are. I’d hoped you found the cure for that.” he grins, ”or maybe you can be a cure. For mine, that is, and we’ll see if I can help you forget yours.” he offers - a little more direct than he usually would but, the situation seems to call for it.

    His gaze leaves her for a moment to look around the field, making him wonder somehow if she made a living here. Returning to ask her just that, it seems he caught her staring, and her eyes widen when she reealizes. He chuckles, knowning well enough that he had the looks, and the charm if there was a click between them. If? More like when. Just like now.

    Trying to keep it a polite conversation, he ignores what he just realized (that she seems to get a crush and that he likes her well enough to possibly act on that too), and motioned with his head to the field. ”So, did you come here to be recruited to a kingdom, or just to enjoy the view?” he wonders. Small talk, casually. He can sure put her in a direction he assumes befits her, if she wants him to, or if not, find something else to talk about. It doesn’t really matter what the subject is, any more.

    Trouble is just a matter of perspective.
    there's something here that doesn't make sense
    let's go and poke it with a stick

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
    I want to swim away but don't know how
    Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
     Roseen giggled at his joke, and found herself averting her eyes afterwards. She couldn’t tell if it was because he was a stranger and she was so shy, or if it was because of how attractive this stallion was. She hadn’t talked to someone in so long. Yet, averting her eyes could be her substitute for blushing. The thought raised some flags in her head. She wasn’t already crushing on this guy, was she? Oh no. No, no, no. She knew nothing about him. Crushing on someone because they were physically attractive wasn’t the way to go. She already knew from experience that never ended well. She needed to keep on guard and put some walls up.

    That was herder to do though, for his next words really took her by surprise. She could be a cure to make him forget his problems, and he can be a cure for hers? Seconds after deciding to put walls up they come crumbling down. How was she supposed to respond to that? Her voice escaped her grasp, her mouth opening then closing when no words came out. Well that went well.

    Roseen shook her head to clear her thoughts. “My, my. So forward,” she giggled a little, and was slightly confused by her own response. “I-it certainly sounds like a tempting offer.” Aaaaand there’s the stutter. Oh how she wished she had more confidence, and could speak more forward like he did. It would make things so much easier for her. Making friends would certainly be easier for sure.

    He spoke again, and her ears perked, facing forward with interest. There were kingdoms??? “Uh, well, that’s what I’m trying to figure out,” she chuckled sheepishly, and was instantly reminded of her troubles. Her smile faltered a little, “As of right now, I have no home. So, I came here to find one. I see there are many paths to take from here, yet it seems this place wouldn’t make a bad home. So, I’m trying to decide what to do.”
    a nomad
    It was true, Arthas had fallen off the face of the earth, or at least beqanna. But he was back, and before he went to find his pregnant lovers he decided to make a quick pit stop to the field. Curious to what equines lurked around today, he was about to be busy with three foals this season and he was surely to be in trouble with the lack of his presence for the mothers.

    It was not long that he was in the heart of the field, he was about to continue onto Loess but a familiar scent filled his nares, he came to a halt and scanned the horizon. A smirk grew upon his maw as the roan stallion came into view, Arthas picked up a lope and bound towards the roan stag who was accompanied by a mare he had never met before. Most likely someone he was attempting to recruit to Loess.

    He came to a halt as he approached the pair barely catch the end of the sentence from the mare  Leilan! Buddy! He smiles as his gaze met the stallion, how ironic it was not Arthas dropping in on Leilans conversations. His gaze trailed over to the petite mare, he dipped his head slightly in greeting Hello, my name is Arthas, and you are? he asks the bay mare. I live in the kingdom called Loess, it is certainly the best kingdom Beqanna has to offer. You should come to visit at the least His smile was warm, adding himself to the mix as he heard the end of there conversation.

    Dangerous Business

    The vastness, unique to the Field in its own right, was overwhelming.  Sure the obvious sight of endless rolling plains was impressive, but what was even moreso impressive (at least in her opinion) was the expansive range of differing types of horses scattered atop the land.   There were small groupings of energetic yearlings ready to take on the world, larger gatherings of mare with their freshest batch of foals, and the lonesome outliers dotted here and there.  She’d been one of the latter not so long ago, and could still relate to a simple desire for a life more akin to solitude.   It would have been an easier life, she thinks. But would it have been as purposeful or rewarding?  No. Definitely not.

    Nerine had been lulled into a bit of a slumber, and a burning urge had lit like dry kindling to scope out potential prospects fit to fill the ranks of her home.  A breath of fresh air needed to find its way to the coastal kingdom, so of course the first logical thought was to start within the Field and work up from there.

    As minutes passed with every rhythmic footfall, her heart began to grow heavier with bitter disappointment.  None stood out to her, none seemed worthy of the Leviathans, none showed any semblance of a tiny spark of fire that was ready to catch light.

    The leopard mare was about to change directions when a distinct shine caught in the light.  She’d nearly suffocated the familiar yet foreign twinge in her gut, when curiosity stopped her cold. With an exasperated sigh, her dark gaze trained back towards to where she had last seen the gleam.  A part of her had hoped she would be mistaken, and a part of her had rejoiced when her suspicions had been confirmed; she knew who those metallic strands belonged to.

    Heavily her lids fall to close, and the rumblings of a fierce battle of better judgement quickly ensue.  But sheer stubbornness divides the line effortlessly, rising to lead the force behind the mare’s ultimate decision. She would seize the opportunity to test whatever mental and emotional boundaries had been reformulated.  It had been a long time coming now, and she would not flee.  And dammit, if nothing else he had a good eye for a potential recruit.

    Determination fuels her movement towards the twosome that quickly becomes a threesome. Her approach was from behind and to the side of Leilan, hoping to keep her presence masked until she was closer.  Finding the moment to be the perfect chance to dabble in her newfound skill, she finds a small pebble nearby.  With a delicate effort by her cognition, the stone rises from the ground stopping at Breckin’s eye level.  The stone moves silently in an arch behind Leilan, as a similar arch is mirrored in the curve of her growing smile.  For a moment she holds the stone there, before tossing it towards what she hopes to be the opposite shoulder from where she had been approaching.  The goal was to draw his attention away briefly so she could close in from the other side. But she does not wait to see if the stone had made contact with his roan flesh, nor does she wait to see if her ruse had worked before she moves into the cozy circle.

    “I beg your forgiveness, gent, but I would have to disagree with you,” she says cheekily as her brown eyes sweep from the dappled stallion to the sooty mare.  “If it’s a kingdom you seek to call home, I could help you with that.  As far as a nice view goes,” slowly her gaze drifts back to the grey fellow before falling upon Leilan, holding his line of vision boldly, before adding, “I’ll leave that to these two handsome fellows.”  The wind shifts and so does Breckin’s attention back to the other mare, offering a sincere smile.  “My name is Breckin, I hail from the kingdom of Nerine.”

    @[Roseen] @[Leilan] @[Arthas]

    Your beauty is beyond compare -
    oh, if I could hear but one song from you
    I shall hail thee Queen of Birds...
    Speaking of personal troubles - as long as he was staying in Beqanna it seemed they would catch up to him. Especially the troubles who turned out to be living, breathing and walking horses.

    While Roseen reverted to the cuteness of her own stammers and probably blushes that were hidden under her dark coated face, he only smiled, but nodded more seriously when she told him she didn’t know much but might like a home. At this point, he quickly went over Beqanna’s kingdoms in his head; his own brothers in Ischia would not make her feel at home, Loess was a kingdom for hire which she did not seem to be the type for, Nerine... well possibly, but she seemed so shy he thought she might get overrun there. Unless she strengthened herself like Breckin but, did he want to go there and let her ruin her innocence so quickly? Besides - if he was fair with himself it might be better for him if Roseen and Breckin never met, should he want to take this budding crush any way forward from here. Hyaline or Tephra then. Sylva was out of the question of course. He was just about to open his mouth and ask her if she preferred heat or cold, when a dapple grey stallion greeted him way too jovially.

    His brow raised, and he mouthed the word ‘buddy’ with a questioning look to the stallion. But either he did not see it or chose to ignore it, the man continuing to talk to Roseen and call Loess the best place for her. The roaning stallion chuckled low then, a bit humourless to one paying close attention, but not unkindly. ”I’m so glad to see you try out a normal way of recruiting, instead of stealing the horse in question, Arthas.” he acknowledged the man with a small nod mockingly, before continuing. ”But Roseen-for-hire doesn’t seem to fit in my mind, Arthas, as much as I do appreciate the Wolfbane kid. Loess is pretty though. It’s worth a visit.” he told the sooty bay mare honestly. Hot springs, hills, and green expanses of grass, the land was definitely worth it. But it would mean for her to toughen up and be easy on who’s a friend and who’s an enemy which as he had come to understand could change seasonally in Wolfbane’s new kingdom concept. That’s something he wasn’t sure was a Roseen thing since she seemed a little naive, but maybe he could be wrong.

    But oh, yes. The troubles of a handsome stallion in his prime. Besides having to put up with the once-king of Loess who had seemed fit to steal him - which had caused strife between Loess on one side and the front of Ischia and Nerine on the other, which Leilan had felt really bad about even if it really wasn’t his fault - because there had been nothing wrong with Loess other than that they had let the Sylvans roam freely through it, the way he saw it. That time was over now with Arthas appointing Bane to rule so, that had finally set Leilan truly free.
    Besides Arthas then - there was still Breckin. Joyful, sweet Breckin. Although he’d never tell her that, because she wanted to be a tough lady (or that was what he assumed anyway). She’d always find a way up his mind, even if he tried to put her in a dark corner to forget about her. Somehow that just never really worked out long.

    Speak of the devil and you’re stepping on his tail. Think of it and he shall appear. To be frank, he thought often about the spotted mare but, always suppressed that. Replacing her with the next best thing, a flirt here, a touch there (even going so far as fathering a foal, but, he doesn’t know yet) - all substitutes for the real thing, because the real thing was something he could not have.

    Because she’d walked out on him with that sad smile. Meaning she really did not want him to follow, not this time, and so he was rooted to the ground until way too long after she was out of sight. No way to mend, well, whatever it was that needed mending because she hadn’t explained that either.

    When one of your problems presented itself it usually did not come alone, so, ta-daa, excellent timing, there she was. He had been caught up with talking to Arthas and Roseen enough not to immediately notice her scent, and with the pebble striking him from one side, he pranced two steps in the other direction with a snort, his head turned slightly but seeing no-one there.
    But his side-steps had brought him painfully close to the warmth of her skin when she stepped forward on his other side. Wide-eyed, he stepped back the other way, a little ways further than he had been before as if she’d been electrically charged. His ears flicked, attention fully on the one girl he thought he might be imagining, ignoring Roseen and Arthas. He didn’t register all that she said, but caught the word Nerine and then his earlier tease of a nice view nicely backfired at him. The only good thing - had he been thinking on it - in this situatoin was that in the very least she would still call him handsome.

    Trouble is, that just wasn’t enough any more, coming from her.

    But he’s too caught up processing the whole idea of Breckin is standing here that he has completely shut down and doesn’t have a response, and ignores all else in the world around him.
    there's something here that doesn't make sense
    let's go and poke it with a stick

    @[Roseen] @[Arthas] @[Breckin]
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

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