(( Kuna! I wanted to plop Mist in Nerine since Isobell is busy being with Ivar and I want Mist to get to know the kingdom that her mother and sister both ruled plus I may have Iso pop in from time to time. Would Wishbone mind shaping the yearling and making her into a strong woman?))
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
bottom of the deep blue sea; wishbone/any
07-01-2018, 02:13 PM
(( Kuna! I wanted to plop Mist in Nerine since Isobell is busy being with Ivar and I want Mist to get to know the kingdom that her mother and sister both ruled plus I may have Iso pop in from time to time. Would Wishbone mind shaping the yearling and making her into a strong woman?))
07-01-2018, 08:09 PM
Ardashir The voice reached ears but maybe not the ones that the once queen had hoped for. The ivory stag lifted his head and let a snort pass his pink nostrils. He knew that voice. His ears pinned a moment thinking back on those short moments when the Kelpie queen had led them all. Ardashir did not know her reasons for leaving, and so he was better off not judging the lady. He moved to the voice that had called for Wishbone. He turned his neck looking to the bay mare, “ You wanted an adventure it looks like you have found one.” Arashir kicked up the pace a little to keep Isobell from waiting long. The sight of the one queen made him at least bow his head slightly low as he approached and, he took note of the yearling with her. “ Greetings to you Isobell, and your charge.” He had stopped a proper distance from the two mares. He did not like to invade personal space, and could only assume that others liked it just the same. “ What brings you here?” He asked though he was not sure he should have been the one to. He looked between the two of them as he waited. The blue in an ocean of gray.. ( Hope it is ok that I sort of carried over the story from our other post. *rubs back of head*)
07-05-2018, 11:20 PM
WATCH THE FLAMES CLIMB HIGH INTO THE NIGHT Scorch Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle
07-09-2018, 05:40 PM
Ardashir Another presence made itself known as the small group had gathered. Ard turned his head a moment to look at the hairless mare. Scorch Her name came to his mind and she had another name at one point Queen . The time worn mare had led the ladies and some of the gentleman of Nerine for a time. He had to think a quick moment that it must have been after the passing of the ebony queen. Scorch spoke to Isobell and the filly that had come with her. He noted how she greeted the once queen and he flicked his ears a couple times before offering that silver voice to the group once more, “ Well. If we are all being so formal today. I am Ardashir orphan son, and champion of Nerine. I serve as protector to our Queen.” He did not bow his head but, he did not hike it up in any manner that might make them think he was a snob. Ardashir was anything but. He would protect this land and his queen, and those that served her. He scented the air a moment taking in all of the perfumes of those gathered here. The sea salt was still heavy on the tabino mare and, there was a hint of a male on her as well. He could only guess the name Ivar.. The porcelain stag stood in place like a statue. He was still very much a child before these two once queens. He looked to the younger of the group the mare that had come with Isobell, “ What is your story? He asked and flicked his ears forward to listen. The blue in an ocean of gray..
07-09-2018, 08:43 PM
she’s got jumper cable lips wishbone @[Isobell] / @[Ardashir] / @[Scorch] / sorry i'm so late! we can just pretend she was here the whole time :/ also, of course she's willing to bring her into nerine... please let me know what caste system you would like mist in. drom, i altered the timeline a little bit, but we can just say they were hanging out together, haha. |
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