"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
she’s got jumper cable lips
she’s got sunset on her breath. now i inhaled just a little bit, now i’ve got no fear of death
Autumn has begun to wash over Beqanna and with it comes a quiet like nothing Wishbone has ever noticed before. She’s only been through three years of her life thus far, still dangling in the gray area between childhood and adulthood, and in those three years Beqanna has been full of life and swarms of activity. Now though, they fall perfectly quiet. The commonplaces are subdued and hazy, the kingdoms are even sullen as chatter falls to a minimum.
In these quiet moments, however boring as she might find them, Wishbone has been thinking about Nerine. The northern kingdom is hers now, as much as it had been Scorch’s and Hestia’s and Isobell’s, and the mahogany mare is hellbent on making Nerine the best it could ever be. The Leviathans deserve it, but it will not come without hard, passionate work — work that cannot come from herself only.
She finds her council quickly, in the lull between time. While Wishbone could certainly settle herself under a tasteful tree and call her subjects to her like an owner might call a dog, the Khaleesi prefers to search out her Leviathans herself and greet them more personally. When she finds the subject she’s looking for, a smile grows upon her face so silky yet powerful it might’ve come from the waves that thrash themselves upon the granite cliffs. “Breckin.” Her voice is husky and warm. “I certainly hope you have some ideas for our diplomats.”
@[Breckin] / hi hi! please feel free to share any ideas breckin or you might have about the diplomatic caste whether that's over thread or in a pm (though i'd still like a reply either way). also, if you don't mind taking a look at the thread titled "important nerine information," there should be a section that details breckin's responsibilities as the idrilat <33
The dying summer heralded the crisper breezes of autumn, and with it a strange quietness blanketed her little corner of Beqanna. The lands of Nerine were relatively unchanging, though the many bodies she had come to enjoy watching from atop the cliffsides seemed to have dwindled from abundant numbers to an occasional few. Breckin knew many of the people had relations elsewhere and the alliances between the fairer kingdoms remained solid, so it was quite likely that some Nerinians had ventured beyond the northern kingdoms terrain. But she couldn't help but wonder if perhaps this was the calm before an approaching storm.
Atop the grey walls is where she stood now, gazing thoughtfully at the line where the sky married the sea. A lone pale ear flickers at the sound of someone drawing nearer, and her brown gaze meets the shape of the ochre toned sovereign. The young mare is quick to get to her reasoning for seeking the spotted woman out, and Breckin cannot help but smile warmly back. Wishbone was brazen and fiery, something that seemed to be a prerequisite for becoming an Amazonian queen, she was beginning to realize, though she did not doubt it was for good reasoning.
"Hello Khaleesi," she says smoothly before turning her body the rest of the way to face the other mare directly. Her smile grows a little brighter then, a slight mischief glimmers in her dark eyes, "It just so happens that I do not." The leopard mare took pride in knowing that she was not a liar and her words were spoken with sincerity. Not much time had passed between her arrival and quick ascension to advisor, leaving her little time to truly grasp the understanding of the leadership role she had been promoted to by Scorch. Though that would not keep her from trying her hardest to do the best damn job she could possibly do.
"I would like to gather the diplomats in the near future however, and get an understanding of who everyone is and what their capabilities are." Her sight drifts downwards below them then, watching a pair of wanderers momentarily, musing internally to herself. There is little she knows of her new queen she realizes, and though she knows where the young ruler is at in the present, perhaps if she could understand her past and her future hopes, she may be able to dictate a direction for the diplomats under her guidance.
Drawing her eyes back to Wishbone, she settles her weight into a comfortable stance. "I barely know you, and you barely know me," she says bluntly, though not unkindly. "Perhaps we should lay a good foundation with our own relationship first, so that I may better understand you, before I try to formulate some ideas for our diplomats. Why don't you tell me about yourself?" Of course the mahogany maiden didn't have to, and she only need to say just that; Breckin would never force someone to share their thoughts unwillingly even if she could. But she lays the question out openly with ears held in earnest attention and the soft smile upon her lips warms with the lazy autumnal sun.
@[Wishbone] -waves- I don't mind figuring something out IC! Also I made sure to read about the idrilat position ^-^
she’s got jumper cable lips
she’s got sunset on her breath. now i inhaled just a little bit, now i’ve got no fear of death
The ocean is as familiar to her as the sound of her father’s voice. Whether in Tephra or Nerine, whether a southern ocean or a northern one, the waves are always rolling in a rhythmic dance to the song the moon sings. Sometimes Wishbone thinks she can hear that song, high in the sky among the constellations and the empty blackness of the night, and her feet will dance with the waves to the meter of the tides. She isn’t the only one of Beqanna to fall for the depths of the sea or the uniqueness of the shoreline and she certainly won’t be the last.
Wishbone finds her Idrilat looking out from atop a high perch, where the granite cliffs still remain among the hardy beach-grass and rocky shoreline. An autumn breeze rolls across her shoulders and further entangles her dark locks as the Khaleesi comes to a stop beside Breckin. The horizon rests in the far distance, a thin line between endless sea-depths and endless sky-heights. While Wishbone would certainly plunge to the lowest point of the ocean if she were physically capable, she must limit herself to nearly drowning in other ways.
Her eyebrows raise beneath the mass of her forelock (scents of sea-spray and wind-scrubbed skies linger on her skin and in the knots of her hair) when Breckin mentions having no plans. Wishbone doesn’t fault her; she’s only been a Leviathan for a few moments and the Idrilat for even fewer. “There’s no harm in that,” she reassures. Although Beqanna is on the brink of war, the diplomatic aspect of their kingdom is secure within the relationships of the Allies. “A meeting sounds like a great idea. I’d also like to possibly see some beginner-level warrior training… I don’t want our diplomats going out to the hostiles with no experience to protect themselves.” The Leviathans are strong, among other things, and they shouldn’t have weak-willed diplomats who must hide behind the strength of a warrior.
Wishbone’s amber gaze follows Breckin’s down to the sliver of shoreline below. The pair of Nerinians walking along the shore are too vague to make out and thus her eyes turn back toward the horizon. It’s a crisp blue sky, despite the threat of winter hanging over their heads, and a pleased sigh drifts from Wishbone’s mouth. She feels her wild spirit settle under the weight of the crown, as though it were a heavy blanket to still her restless thoughts.
Another smile, as strong and relieving as a cool breeze on a hot summer day, drifts over Wishbone’s mouth at her friend’s — the Khaleesi, at least, considers Breckin a friend — suggestion. There haven’t been very many Leviathans seeking out her presence and daring to get to know the young queen and it brings excitement to her heart that Breckin might. A pang of nostalgia pierces her chest for a bittersweet moment; the Idrilat’s suggestion is exactly the type of thing her father might’ve said in his youthful days before the crown of Tephra.
Nonetheless, Wishbone settles easily into a casual position, her adventurous gaze finding Breckin’s own. “I was born in Tephra and spent my first year there until the foal exchange happened.” Memories of ashen tropics and soothing hot springs cascade through her mind like falling stars but she doesn’t dare grab for them, merely watching as they drift smoothly past. “I’ve always had a thirst for adventure” — it’s something she’s always shared in common with her brother — “and when my father, Warrick, offered the opportunity to me, I didn’t hesitate.” She seems to come back from the realms of her mind, eyes scanning their surroundings.
“That sounds wise,” she replies momentarily after considering what Wishbone had said in regards to the diplomats receiving beginner level warrior training. If nothing else, at least basic self defense should be a skill known to all in the current changing times. It was a sad acknowledgement to have to make, but it was the reality of the world they were coming to live in. Who could say for certain what another’s intentions could be, if not directly voiced to them? Unless of course, they possessed mind reading capabilities. But nonetheless, some formal warrior training would most likely breed some self confidence, making diplomatic travels slightly more comfortable. Heaven knows the leopard mare could use the experience as well.
Breckin’s thoughts had begun to drift, staring thoughtfully at the wave-crashed coast. The lapse of her cognition snaps backward suddenly when the mahogany mare answers her inquiry, nearly forgetting what she’d suggested in the first place. The smile she’d worn had fallen, but it flickers back to life to a grander degree as Wishbone’s words register.
“A thirst for adventure is a characteristic we both share. I spent a year traveling Beqanna before I decided to settle in Nerine with Scorch’s blessing.” A sudden sadness dissipates her smile, breaking away from her companion’s warm gaze. “I don’t have any memory before that.” If she tried to backtrack any further than meeting Brennen and Scorch in the field that day, her prying eyes would only be met with disappointment as soon as they came across a gaping, black void; a place she could only assume was the unreachable gateway to her past.
Meandering thoughts threaten to drag her under again, but her curiosity manages to buoy her before it was too late, returning her dark gaze to meet the Khaleesi’s, while her head tilts inquisitively, “I’m glad to hear you have no regrets. Is this where you would be at such a young age?”
Enough of the formal talk, Breckin decides suddenly, turning to square up with Wishbone while simultaneously dropping her diplomatic tone in favor of one more akin to a budding friendship. “Just so you know, I’m here to help you any way I can. All you have to do is ask. I mean that sincerely.” The grin she wears widens mischievously, “Now that the boring, important stuff is out of the way, what do you like to do for fun?” You can’t keep your sanity with all work and no play, after all.
she’s got jumper cable lips
she’s got sunset on her breath. now i inhaled just a little bit, now i’ve got no fear of death
Growing up with diplomatic parents had both its victories and sacrifices. Often, Wishbone would spend a day traveling out to the common lands of Beqanna with her mother, her long dark legs prancing through fields of grass higher than her slender head. Those days were always fun ones — in spending her restless childhood in Tephra, she quickly discovered every inch of the island and it was blissful to explore new places — and the girl would frequently bounce among newcomers, asking them questions about the world beyond Beqanna. Such thoughts were on her mind perhaps more than they should be and such thoughts continue to linger when Nerine is quiet in activity.
Wishbone’s brows raise curiously to hear that Breckin doesn’t remember anything past the first year of her time spent in Beqanna. She is older than a year — perhaps even older than Wishbone — and to not know what was done in the time between birth and arrival in a new land must be confusing. The mahogany wonders if it is thrilling as well. Breckin could imagine any history for herself rather than confine herself to the reality of what her younger days truly were.
Rather than focusing on a potentially upsetting topic, Wishbone offers her newfound friend a gentle smile. “I’m glad you chose Nerine, Breckin.” The spotted mare has truly made a home for herself among the hardy beach grass and even hardier Leviathans. In spending time with her Overseer father, Wishbone was able to identify the differences between lackadaisical members and hardworking members; Breckin will be a valuable, hardworking Leviathan among Nerine.
Yet their conversation is twisting again and Wishbone has always been one to move easily with the tides. “Honestly, not quite. I’ve been given chances to travel all around Beqanna, both with my family and as Khaleesi, but part of me wishes I could travel more freely.” She’s seen nearly every kingdom in their land, and the ones she hasn’t visited she has at least wandered through. Yet to be able to simply leave her home and explore without abandon for days — perhaps even months — on end is not a luxury she can claim.
“I appreciate that, Breckin. Truly.” Wishbone knows the weight of the crown will grow heavy under her head with time; although she is young and lively now, eventually she will become bone-weary and sunken as responsibilities swarm her. To know that she has friends like Breckin who will stand at her shoulder and help carry the weight brings relief to her heart.
Wishbone matches Breckin’s mischievous smile and the expression highlights the lithe, wild features of her mahogany face. Tendrils of her knotted mane drag against one high cheekbone, shielding the color of an amber eye that shines with feelings of amusement and eagerness. “Just about anything. I’d normally go for a quick swim, but I have a feeling you might not like the way the ocean numbs your legs.” She laughs, the sound of her amusement tangling with the rush of the waves many feet below them. “And what of you? We should do something you enjoy.” Whether her Idrilat takes the sentence as a command rather than a suggestion between friends is up to her, but Wishbone means it out of casual friendship.
07-26-2018, 10:52 AM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2018, 11:02 AM by Breckin.)
"Yes, I think I'd prefer to keep the sensation in my legs for now," she responds to Wishbone's remark with a rapidly growing smile. The Khaleesi's own question stills its increasing size for a moment, considering what they could possibly do. Aside from travelling to other kingdoms and trying to learn as much as possible, or trying to figure out her own muddled emotions, there was not much else the spotted mare could come up with. Perhaps there was one thing Breckin could think of, but it would entail divulging a bit of a personal secret to the deep bay mare. Brows begin to furrow then, momentarily scrutinizing the possibility of the outcome, before her pale features begin to relax again, resolving to recognize the deeply engrained instinct that she could trust Wishbone.
"I'd like to show you something," her soft voice says at last, shifting her body ttowards the slag ridden path leading back to the shore. The leopard mare doesn't bother to look back to see if she follows, the sounds of dulled hoof falls behind are indication enough.
When their hooves meet with the cool granules, she begins to speak again, heading methodically towards an inconspicious place where the beach and grey cliffs meet, "I like to collect small things of interest from my journeys," she explains. A warn stone the size of a horses head lies within the nook of the cliff, and this is where the spotted mare stops, finally looking back towards Wishbone. "I tend to favor sifting the coasts though, you never know what might wash up with the waves."
Looking back to the rock, her concentration deepens, willing the inanimate object to gently rise and shift to the side, revealling a shallowed hole filled with various relics in differing shapes and sizes. "In my spare time, I like to also practice this odd ability I seem to possess now," she says with a shaded smile, sifting briefly through the pile before finding the item she had sought. Daily she practiced her gift, but each day was a new struggle. So many new limits she could push herself to, it was thrilling and infuriating. The best she could lift was the size of the rock that concealed her treasure, but the girl seriously hoped that was not the maximum she could accomplish. It was yet another barrier she hoped to break someday.
A small sapphire toned object rises upward and between the duo, allowing Wishbone the opportunity to see it in better light. It's coloring was bright and muted at the same time, jagged in appearance, but its edges worn smooth. Apparrently, it had been weathered long enough for a small hole to perforate the middle of it.
They'd only just met, but when Breckin's deep gaze finds Wishbone's, there's an unspoken request for her Queen to trust in her actions as she moves the piece into the sun touched tangles of her mane. Though many adornments are already ensnared there, she finds a place to gently string the sapphire piece, smiling softly as she imagines the lovely sound it would probably make in the right wind if it shifted alongside one of the other ornaments.
"I don't think it's original to Nerine," she explains while she works steadily, "but in truth neither are we. That doesn't really make it less Nerinian though. It is not a perfect relic. It's shaped from it's past, fractured even maybe, but still whole and withstanding, polished upon Nerine's grey coast; something a couple of young broads like us may relate to." A teasing laugh follows, before she adds, "But I'd like you to have this, as a reminder of the ancient Amazonian resiliency for wherever you go."
When her work is done, she slowly retracts the fingers of her telekinetic whims, brushing along the full length of the jet strands delicately, intricately stirring a soft jingle of the newly placed seastone upon its mantle. Breckin withdraws her ability completely then, searching for Wishbone's reaction to the Idrilat's gesture. Sincerely, she hoped that the mahogany mare would not react adversely to what she'd just done; afterall, Breckin had just shared not one, but two carefully guarded secrets. No one else knew of the stockpile she kept or the ability she possessed.
"I'm glad I chose Nerine also, Bones."
@[Wishbone] the blue thing is actually a piece of sea glass to give you a better idea. if I need to change anything let me know, I tried to keep her curiosity subtle and not so subtle at the same time. Wanted to leave it open to Wishbone's interpretation, whatever she feels ;]