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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  You once said I wish you dead - Modicum Mortem
    I was there in the woods, always. And it had been easy, so easy, to do as he'd asked. Now it was time to report. It was not as though I were hard to miss in the darkness, pale as I am. He, on the other hand, was another shadow in a realm of them. He was the one to be sought out. "Modicum! I did as you asked!" I lifted my voice, hoping to draw him out. 

    I still felt full of energy. Buzzing with it in fact. He could ask anything of me at the moment, and I'd find a way to comply, I thought offhandedly. 

    @[Modicum Mortem]
    Lithe footsteps carry the clown through the ever-dark forest. He is content in knowing that the peaceful reign that lingered upon Beqanna was coming to a quick and painful end. Sylva is growing, Loess is growing, and the other kingdoms should be rightfully worried.

    He hears his name, and ebony ears perk up. Business, business always business. Long strides take the pony over to the familiar voice with ease. “What have you done for me, Kwartz?” he asks upon his approach. It was never hard to find the pale boy;.maybe one day he’d figure out a way to be less conspicuous (although Mortem really couldn’t talk, with the giant ass bulb taking over half his face).

    He surely hopes the boy has done something to prove himself.
    Modicum Mortem


    |Proceed with Caution|

    He appears, as I knew he would. The clown has mastered the art of being everywhere and nowhere at once. With an abbreviated bob of my head I greet him, sudden worry gripping my gut. Had my actions been enough to appease him? It had certainly felt like it at the moment, but now I wasn't as sure... ah well, it was too late to back down now. 

    Raising my head in a play of haughty arrogance, I looked down at the night black pony before me. "That girl Lepis needed to be taken down a few pegs. She tried to use her little magic trick on me and then changed her mind at the last moment. I reprimanded her accordingly." I explained offhandedly, shrugging a wing. For as much of a point as I had made to clean her up afterwards, I had let the blood on my coat dry to a reddish brown, marking my face and between my thighs with her fluids. It was disgusting and I longed to bathe, but the evidence felt necessary now. 

    Gritting my teeth at the memory, I snorted. "I'd like to request her... companionship. Little idiot saw fit to give me sarcasm and kick at me after her lesson, so clearly there is more work to be done. I think we could have her quite docile by the time autumn comes." My suggestion hung in the air between us, and I wondered which way the wind would turn. This could be a dangerous game to play, with Arthas so close at hand. But really. He should be more careful with his toys. They were liable to get broken. 

    @[Modicum Mortem]
    Mortem stares at the pale boy, covered in dirt and blood and whatever else he had been able to smear across his coat. The clown gives a look of approval (although it is short, haughty, it is approval nonetheless).

    He listens to the boys words, a creeping grin twitching his lips. “You’ve outdone yourself, Kwartz,” The clown laughs, eyeballing the blood between Kwartz’ thighs as he circles him. “Seems like you had fun with her. Sexy little thing, no?” He snorts.

    He brings himself to a halt in front of his warrior, smirking. “Youre doing a fine job, my boy. Now...let’s see if you have the gall to murder something. It’s a learning process, so watch me.”

    Mortem doesn’t have to wait long, before his satellites catch wind of a scurrying little rodent upon the forest floor. With almost cat-like reflexes, he catches it by the tail. “To some, murder comes easily…” He begins, dragging the helpless creature through the thick foliage. “Some have to work at it…” He picks it up with his teeth, showing it to Kwartz. It isn’t what he’d prefer to kill, but it was useful for this particular lesson.

    He places the risen back down, and with one swift movement, crushes its tiny skull with his hoof. “But in the end, all that matters is that you did it. Kill something for me, Kwartz. Let’s see what you’re capable of.”
    Modicum Mortem


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