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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Quand on n'a que l'amour - Warrick

    Her heart and mind are occupied, and full of the things that have kept her away from Tephra too long. Petty troubles, if you would ask her. Her mind knows, but her heart feels, and feelings just are. And from experience, they can get pretty troubling. Even in that state of mind, the ebony woman does not miss how the smile does not reach his eyes. Unconsciously she finds herself leaning in, to gently bump her muzzle against his, like a silent cheer.

    Amorette, too, glances up and turns her gaze to the sky. It was a rare thing, to be able to see the sky. The winter had magically been able to reach Tephra. Perhaps not in full force, snow would never ever fall, but by clearing the humid fog it was more than Amore had ever expected. She does not complain, the view is marvellous. “Never forget that, it’s something that what makes you, you.” Affinity with something like the stars, something a lot others could relate to, is what kept him equine, and not just a leader.

    She knows she had asked him for this information, but her heart dreads the change of subject. Not to hide behind pleasant things, but instead to know horrible things have happened. Amorette nods, that she, too, would’ve hoped, and encourages him to continue. “It does not matter where one is born, what matters is that he was Tephran when he was taken.” She shares his feelings, and is upset that they hadn’t been able to offer the protection their sanctuary should. Right then and there she decides that she should get to know these newcomers, and allow them to share their sorrow if they would want.

    But he is right. They can’t dive in blind and hot tempered, even if that would seem ones first reaction. It is not as if they can allow it to happen. “You were right to not blindly retaliate.. But we cannot do nothing..” she eventually ads, her dark eye finding his. Amorette hates violence, and she cannot say she is proud of what she just suggested, but a child separated from his loved ones through violence, that makes her even more angry, and upset. “Shall Wound and I travel to the other lands, to learn if they recently have had a similar experience with Sylva?”

    Like that, they wouldn’t go alone, and meet with Warrick’s decision that nobody was allowed to leave on their own. Though the two diplomats are probably not the best guardian for one another.

    @[Warrick] <3
    we are crooked souls trying to stay up straight
    Perhaps she feels it - the weight of the crown and how it occupies most of your thoughts, forcing you to focus on the good of Tephra and not yourself. Some days he imagines himself as he used to be, and if he was not Overseer, he knows that he would be hidden away in their underground grotto, watching Marble grow safely beneath the Tephran sun while he tended to Tangerine’s now-swollen stomach, preparing for the new child that will soon be arriving. But he cannot (he is riddled with guilt and solemnity), not with the threat that increases in the southwestern forest, or the fact that their army is less than he would want it to be. He not only has to take care of his own blood, but all of Tephra as a whole, and he wonders quietly to himself if Amorette can feel the weight, too.

    Warrick offers her a swift nod of agreement, the light of a smile curling onto his cobalt lips. He had always admired that about her - the ability to see everyone as equal, not to pass judgement too quickly. It had been one of the reasons he had given her the new title of Right Hand, as well as her calm way of weighing options before decisions were made. Warrick and Amorette are a lot alike in this area (a steady mind while also impartial), though he knows that when it came to protecting his family, he could easily be swayed into feeding his raw emotions instead of thinking clearly and logically.

    He inhales deeply, scanning the horizon as if the answer lay amongst the hidden stars. “Wound has just returned from Ischia; we remain friendly with them, which is a relief. Brennen appears to be a good king. Hyaline has been notified, so I believe you both should visit Nerine - since we have a full alliance with the sisters. We may need their help, when the time comes. I would like to let Hestia and Scorch know of our troubles, so they can be prepared.”

    “I will be flying to Ischia - to meet Brennen himself, and hopefully deepen our bond. We are neighboring kingdoms, after all. Ischia will be more of aide to us in a surprise attack than Nerine.” The Overseer snorts sharply as all of his thoughts pour out haphazardly from his mouth, a swift flick of his tail against his ankles. Nerine is powerful, but far from Tephra. A solidified alliance with the brotherhood would help immensely, especially if they are to take measures into retrieving those who have been stolen.

    This is kind of all over the place, lol, sorry!

    Quietly she listens Warrick speak of her fellow diplomat – Tephra’s head of peace, and friend – Wound’s recent activities. It relieves her to know that the bay mare had been here, and had not failed her duties unlike herself, as it is a relief to hear that Tephra is still on good terms with Ischia. Watching one front is one thing, but two at the same time an entirely different one. “How is Krone under this all? I haven’t seen her since..” an awkward pause, in which she glances away. Her own absence still leaves a nasty taste in her mouth. She has to clear her throat before continuing. “It must be hard on her, and her family?”

    “There is truth to your words, Warrick. Ischia is close, and therefore an important ally. One we should cherish, but the feeling must be mutual. The sea is easily crossed, when the tide is right. Both Hyaline and Nerine are on the other side of Beqanna, with Sylva and Loess as a sore eye in between..” Which also meant they had the two hostile kingdoms surrounded, but to what cost?

    Her eyes wander back to the bay and navy blue stallion, studying him silently. Underneath the weight of the crown, Amore still sees Warrick. Perhaps because she had known him long before he ascended the throne, perhaps because their relationship is one of close friends. It saddens her to see it, and her heart wishes that she is able to lift even the tiniest bit from his shoulders, but she cannot. He has given up many things in life, for the sake of the kingdom, and it does make him a better king. “How long has it been since you’ve taken a break?” she ask, a little out of the blue, but unable to keep the question sealed behind her lips.

    Kind of went around the whole visiting Nerine thing, since that is not needed anymore.
    we are crooked souls trying to stay up straight
    “I have not seen her, Amorette. I am afraid her scent has died on the wind.”

    His voice is solemn, and his face suddenly grave. It is not a good sign - a missing person, let alone a refugee that has come here for sanctuary. It made the Overseer uneasy, and wondered how her disappearance would affect her loved ones. His jaw clenches beneath the sharp angles of his face, lifting his chin slightly as if to hide the emotion that flourishes there. He cannot protect them like he said he could, and it burns like heaping coals in his throat. “We must be prepared for anything, Amorette.” The words are an echo of the same he had said to Wound; the world around them is hungry and starving, and they must be ready for the actions they might have to endure.

    There is a pause in the conversation but he barely notices. Her voice then alerts him and a single ear flickers towards her, brows rising in thought. “I...I don’t know.” There is a sound of a laugh in his chest, a wrinkle of his nose showing his amusement. “I guess that isn’t a good sign, is it?” He chuckles then, lightly tossing his head in disbelief. “I’m about to be a father again, you know. Any day now.” He’s grinning, set alight by the thought. He thinks of Tangerine, in the grotto, and his eyes are clear for the time being. Another thought strikes him, and he turns his face towards Amorette. “And also a grandfather,” he adds quickly, watching her for a reaction. He had almost forgotten the news that Solace had given him, and in that moment he remembers her face (the smell of Hyaline, wild and robust) and he is no longer the Overseer.

    He is just Warrick, walking along his beach with his friend.

    She is unable to keep the worry from showing upon her features. Had something happened to Ischia’s ex-keeper? She sincerely hopes not, but the fear that holds her heart makes her doubt that her hope is futile.

    Her muzzle finds his shoulder, both seeking comfort in the touch and offering it to him at the same time. There does not come an end to all things that had happened during her absence, one even more unsettling than the other, but little of them hold any joy. Would things have been different, if she had been there? Amorette is not able to not blame herself, even if deep down she knows that there is nothing she could have done. Except for offering Warrick a shoulder to lean on.

    The change of subject had meant to lighten the mood a little. She is genuine interested in Warrick, and his family, both because it says something about his own well-being and because he is her friend. A frown appears upon her face, and when Amorette nudges his shoulder it is to show her dismay. “Not really..” she admits, shaking her head so the golden tips of her mane sway. The prospect of new life, however, brings the smile back to her face. It is gentle and soft, just like her voice when she congratulates him. “Congratulations, to both you and Tangerine.” She is genuinely happy for them, even if her own family dreams are far beyond reach. She wants what they have, and although Warrick is busy as ever, she knows that he treasures his family. “What are you doing still here then? Go to her, support her, spend some time with her, and Marble. Your family needs you, too” she encourages him with a nudge of her nose, then pointing it in the direction of the volcano. A smile upon her lips, genuine but not fully reaching her eyes. “Go, Tephra will survive one night without your ever watching eye.”

    Tonight that will be my burden to bear.

    @[Warrick] <3

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