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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Terms of Agreement; Solace/Hestia/Scorch/Sochi/diplomats

    A little breeze goes a long way

    It's been a while ago that Hestia had visited Hyaline; so much has happened in that time. Too much, to be honest, but the terms of their alliance still stand. Back then, Ilma hadn't had an interest or a say in it, really. But now that it appears she has the only eligible foal for an exchange, and with the recent rank switches in Hyaline, suddenly she does.

    So when Solace had told her about the agreement and asked her to consider the foal exchange, Ilma had been in doubt a little. There was frankly, little she really know about the Nerinians, only that they were seen as 'the Amazons of old' in a new kingdom, and with that name came a sense of warrior women, not really much of caretakers at all.
    Thus, it is that Solace and she are here; on Ilma's request, to work out the details of the exchange. The white winged Andalusian is not about to just give away her girl and receive none in return; having a Nerinian girl in Hyaline will ensure she will get Tähti back safely. She's also not about to leave until she knows who will act as her first-and-only daughter's mother or caretaker; knowing about Kagerus' and Hestia's exploration of the dreamlands, it's not going to be Hestia herself. She is also anxious to ask Hestia about the demon baby. Whether or not she controls it; who will protect the Nerinians against it should she not be able herself.

    All in all, this will be a loaded visit.

    Winging herself to the north, the white female is thinking on all of this; she has hardly time to talk to Solace, even though she has asked her queen to come with her on this trip. Ilma can be named Ambassador for all she wants, that doesn't mean she suddenly has a lot of experience in tensed trips like these. Even if they all have a feeling she will do well; this is about her only daughter, and she is anxious about the exchange.
    They land in a clearing, and the white mare's whinny reveals their existence.

    This stubborn mother will not leave until she has her satisfying answers.

    @[Solace] @[Scorch] @[Hestia] @[Sochi]
    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time


    Despite the massive fluxuations taking Beqanna by storm, Nerine itself had fallen a bit by the wayside of the current dramas. Though they were newly sistered to the brotherhood kingdom Ischia, they'd yet to do much with that tie, nor with any of their ties. As time wore on, Scorch grew more and more impatient with Hestia's inaction - but with the rebirth of her husband Hestoni, she often found herself soothed and calmed to the point that she herself never took action, either. So in the end, she had no right to be angry - instead, the two women would now have to throw their shoulders into the weight that was Beqanna's politics together, or else be crushed beneath it.

    A call went out from near the center of the kingdom. Lifting her head from Toni's lap - they'd been napping of all things, after a little... ahem. 'Twas the season, after all - and anyone who knew them, knew they'd be trying for another child. Kissing her handsome titan goodbye, the ugly mare trotted away with a particular swing of her hips, giddy and teasing and for once in her life, happy.

    Before long, the sight of two mares greeted Scorch's keen dragon eyes. One was clearly young, and the other with a strange air of both authority and nerves. Well, she could relate well enough to that, having been Queen and pawn-mover not so long ago with her own children (and even to this day, considering the amount of her progeny that lived in Ischia). Whinnying in return to let them know that she was coming, Scorch soon popped out of the underbrush, approaching and stopping before them at an appropriate distance.

    "Greetings, I am Scorch, Advisor to Queen Hestia." Her charred voice came abruptly to the greeting, low and gravelly from the trauma it underwent a lifetime ago. Her molten red-yellow eyes passed from the older representative, to the little filly-pegasus that clung to her mother's side with bright, eager eyes. Scorch offered a little smile to the girl, though she knew that her kind expression could easily be taken as horrific considering her mutilations. But she couldn't help but be kind; she loved children passionately, and had raised many, not excluding adoptions.

    "It has been some time since the scent of Hyaline has graced Nerine's cliffs," She said in a friendly tone, raising her gaze back to the alabaster mare. "What can I do for you? I'm guessing it has to do with the child exchange that has been discussed in the past..."


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]

    She is quick on Scorch’s heels and hears her introduction clearly enough. The black of her mane and tail are wind swept. She knows she looks wild female and fierce as she approaches the group. Slipping in where she has a wide berth from others. She still can’t bring herself to touch anyone. Not even one that she’d considered friend. Though that word holds little meaning for her these days. The thing tags by her side. After the meeting with Brennen she’d though it would be better to have it not attend any more politics in the future. They spent days arguing it over, in the end the most logical argument won out. It could tell her what they were all thinking.

    She stands there vacant in expression. Not needing to introduce herself. Even if she isn’t trying to be rude, Hestia doesn’t really even nod. She listens, wondering if this thing would destroy the alliance she has with Hyaline. If Solace would turn tail and run at the sight of it. She’d hoped to one day begin a friendship with Solace herself, but now would that queen even want to look at her if Kagerus has already told her about Oblivion? Hestia can already feel the rift between herself and Scorch. The lull of illusion had taken her in. She’d found what she thought was friendship with several in her kingdom, she found security in alliances, and now she is once again alone. No, she’d always been alone.

    The jackals are here, they stand over her corpse triumphantly. She’s already a bygone queen trampled to the wayside as new and younger rulers take the spotlight, and those under her begin to conspire her official demise. She’s already ripe for the taking. They don’t trust her anymore. They look at her, and all she sees is the shadow of suspicion and fear in their eyes. She wants to reach out, wants to feel real again. She can’t, if she does she fears she will crumble to dust being carried off on the wind and forgotten. If she leans on her once friend, they will all see her weakness. She can’t let any see her weak. They already want her dead. The black queen’s mind reels with all these possibilities day and night.

    Often, she wakes in a night terror, sweating, screaming, cold, and alone. She must bath that day away several times a day. They can’t find out. No one can know. They will rip her apart if she slips up. The more time she spends around the thing the more the fears consume. The fears that once kept her sharp and on top, now build and stretch her until she flicks her eyes to Scorch looking at her suspiciously. What was the once queen planning? She likes power, is the power that she has now not enough? If Oblivion’s fear aura hadn’t been working on her constantly over these summer months maybe she would see the ridiculousness of that thought, of all these thoughts. But now these are just the daily madness that consumes her.

    Sochi should be here soon, these are the first words she speaks. They sound so normal, so foreign on her lips. The thing still stands by her. She keeps her distance from the others. She looks around the group wondering what they are thinking. Knowing that at any moment she can ask Oblivion and the demon would tell her. One would think that this would bring comfort, and security. It doesn’t, she begins to question their thoughts. She knows that thoughts can still hold lies. Before she begins trembling and clammy sweat starts to pour out on her glossy body she changes the course her mind is on. They have three strong alliances, they have a spy branch being built, she’s given them tasks that they must fulfill. The foal trading is underway. She is currently working with a few new members in Nerine. She needs to meet with Sylva’s new leader, along with Loess.

    The last one she thinks that she will bring up today and see what Solace thinks of the him. Thinking on tasks seems to help, visibly she relaxes, and she stops thinking on her fears. If she’s a bygone she’s a bygone. If she’s still on top she’s still on top. She likes to think that Nerine is still on top. They are strong with strong alliances. They are not good they are not evil they are not neutral. They are just Nerine, warriors, loved and feared. At least she hopes so. No one tells her what they think of Nerine so she has no idea. She can only hope. But those fears…


    The devil whispered in my ear, you’ll never survive the storm
    I whispered back, I am the storm

    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]
    Ever since she volunteered herself to go to another Kingdom in a child exchange, Sochi has been both anxious and excited. Anxious because she isn’t quite sure what to expect, knowing nothing of Hyaline, but also excited to see the world again outside of Nerine. She vaguely remembers being in the outside world with her mother before they’d come to Nerine, but she had been so little, and the world for her had consisted mostly of the Forest and the Playground. Now, for almost a year, the world has consisted of Nerine. The salty air, the craggy cliffs, the sand beneath her hooves that turns into sweet salt-grass further inland, the caves and cliffs inaccessible to hooves that she has explored on the padded feet of her tiger-form.

    It’s that form she is in now, the rangy skinny body of a tigress that hasn’t reached physical maturity. Some day she will be stocky and powerful in the way of big cats, but her cat is maturing at the same rate as her natural form, and she is still a rangy yearling, her mane mostly upright, her hip awkwardly higher than her shoulder in the way of a youngster yet to finish their next growth spurt. Keep black-tipped ears pick up Scorch approaching and her words to the foreign strangers that Sochi is stalking, concealed by the underbrush and careful to keep downwind.

    Scorch identifies the strangely un-salty scent of the strangers as Hyaline, and the girl is poised to emerge when their black Queen joins the party, and she drops back down to rest on the ground again, whiskers twitching in distaste as the scent of the Queen’s strange black foal reaches her. She is sure she will miss the familiar surroundings of Nerine, miss her mother and Mina her playmate who has already departed for her own adventure, but she won’t regret leaving Hestia’s strange creature behind and perhaps finding it happily gone when she returns. She doesn’t like the way the creature makes her cat, in particular, feel.

    But Hestia speaks her name, and the time for hiding in the growth has passed. Sochi stands to her full cat-height, which isn’t enough to clear the brush more than just the tips of her ears, and darts forward to perform her newest and most favorite trick – becoming a horse again while she’s running. She shifts just as she reaches the edge of the grasses, orange to black in a heartbeat, so quickly that they might miss the transformation of cat to horse entirely if they’re not watching closely. Then she slows to a trot for the last few steps to join the group, turning her blue-marked face curiously to the strangers as she slips around to stand on the side of Scorch that gets her farthest from Oblivion. “I’m Sochi,” the yearling chirps with the effervescence of youth.
    [Image: sochi.png]

    I was less than graceful, I was not kind
    be out watching other lovers lose their spine



    . . .

    Solace knew Ilma was on edge. With changes happening across Beqanna too fast to track, they all were. But she was unaware of the depth of the anxiety which the white mare carried. The swift clip at which she traveled could easily be mistaken for determination, and it could easily be assumed the lack of conversation on their trip was due to the fact that they both had a lot on their minds.  It was not Ilma's fault that her young queen failed to properly assess the situation before they left.

    The journey isn't long anyway. Solace is pleased to see that their presence is almost immediately noticed - not for her own convenience, but because it is a sure sign of Nerine's good health. "Scorch, Hestia," Solace address both mares in turn, giving a small dip of her head to the later despite her distracted look. Her cerulean gaze lingers on the dark queen, floating between her and her spawn as she realizes that they are expected to ignore the creature. She is content to play by the rules here in another queens land, and she hopes that Ilma will do the same. The point of this exchange was to bring their nations closer together, and she suddenly wishes she had pulled Ilma aside to discuss the day's expectations.

    But her reserved political front wavers momentarily as a shifter appears. Solace has a smile for the gawky youngster, Sochi, who joins them. But it is a fleeting thing, and before a silence grows she is addressing them all.  "I am Solace, The Caretaker of Hyaline, and this is Ilma our Ambassador, and the mother of Hyaline's exchange student." Hestia may know her, but she does not assume the other two do. "Much has changed in Bequanna since we last spoke, but we are here to re-enforce our alliance. I'm not sure how much you have already learned, but Loess and Sylva are now ruled by new kings who are rumored to be evil men. Hyaline has taken on a handful of displaced residents from these kingdoms, and we watch our southern border carefully until more can be learned. "

    She pauses then, waiting for the questions this information is likely to bring, she was more than willing to share any knowledge she had with their closest neighbors, and maybe they had some for her too. 

    This is crap, but I'm on a time crunch and trying to not hold up the thread any longer <3

    A little breeze goes a long way

    It had escaped Ilma’s attention at first, but the ebony filly, named after the small dot of a star on her head, had been following. By now, at about half a year of age, she had the will to follow and combined with an insatable curiosity, she had managed to follow after the two adults had taken off and by the time she had been discovered it was too late to turn back. Ilma had gritted her teeth, and after her travkes had exchanged a glance with her daughter that promised words later.

    They were first greeted by an older mare who had clearly seen fire up close; way too close for anyone’s liking, the white mare would bet. But she had a warm smile ready for the girl who half-hid, half-peeked, and this made good on many if not all things for Ilma. Her name was Scorch, she held the title of the Queen’s Advisor, and with her obvious love for children, Ilma felt she could trust her.

    Which was a relief that lasted shorter than she had expected. The black mare in the distance spoke, calling attention to herself, announcing Sochi, a shapeshifter but clearly a teenager, and Ilma realized they would sent a yearling for the exchange - one slightly more experienced and learned, than Tähti.
    Now this wasn’t so much a big of a deal as the thing. While the ebony filly seemed ovcupied with taking in the surroundings and the mare talking to them firstly and foremostly, the white mare could not help but stare for a while.

    She composed herself way too late, when Solace made introductions. She nodded to the girl near her hindquarters, giving her a loving nudge. ”This is Tähti, our, and my, only foal. I am hoping she will be protected and cared for, because she is not as old as I would like her to be, for us to part already.” She smiled at Sochi - she is likely to be the one travelling back with them today. When she spoke the word protected, she glanced at Hestia, trying not to speak aloud what her thoughts screamed - ‘what can that do and who of you is in control - is it safe to leave her here’.

    She addresses Scorch, because Hestia had not introduced herself anyway. ”I there’s any way to secure I don’t get nightmares about this, I would be glad to know who will guide my baby when she’s here.” Of course, at the mention of her name, the raven filly had made a face and again now that she was called her mother’s baby, she did so again, and looked at Sochi now, wondering if perhaps she would be a friend or if they both might never really speak due to the exchange. Of course, she had already met with Kiwi, but that was for none of the adults to know. She hoped.

    Hadn’t implied Tähti was with them already but I guess she could be for sake of moving on with the exchange right after the discussions (:
    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time

    The amount of time she’s spent around the demon has clearly affected her psych. It doesn’t take long for her mind to be turned to other matters more pertinent to the meeting at hand though. Sochi is quick to approach, giving her name and shifting into the foal that she is. Beautiful and strong, the black queen is proud of the progeny that Nerine is producing. She’s not yet been made aware of the influx of foals that would be coming into Nerine after this year’s season. She will be made proud of her home, just as she is already proud of those whom inhabit her borders already.

    Solace introduces the party that surround her, and Hestia nods in acknowledgement. Welcome, she may not have all that much time for frivolities, but she will be gracious as a hostess. When matters of recent changes come up, her green eyes focus fully on the other queen. Have you had a chance to speak with either of these leaders? she inquires curiously. It’s a serious matter and she intends on finding out all that she can about these new kings. Sending her spies will be top priority. When the concerns have been addressed Hestia continues to other political matters just as important. We have become sister kingdoms with Ischia and hold an alliance with Tephra. I have yet to speak to these new leaders having only recently found out about it myself. I will visit once we’ve gathered more information. We too have received a few new residents due to the changes.

    Ilma is quick to bring the attention back to the reason they’ve gathered in the first place. Hestia not really paying much attention to her reaction to the creature at her side responds easily enough. Then why did you agree? Hestia can’t help but to ask the question. It’s only after a tender smile is placed on Nerine’s girl that she turns her attention to Hestia. A voice whispers in her mind repeating the words that Ilma thought as the white mare stares at the queen before her. The one called Ilma says, ‘what can that do and who of you is in control - is it safe to leave her here’. She doesn’t trust me around her daughter. They hold each other’s gaze, and Hestia narrows her venom colored eyes towards the white female in return. The black queen study’s every inch of her who questions Hestia’s authority. Before she can say anything however, the mare continues to speak. This time blatantly ignoring the queen, looking instead to Scorch. As if she has more authority or would be better suited in this situation then the one who rules here.

    She is quick to respond, not giving Scorch a chance to assert herself in this situation. The black queen won’t have anyone challenging her in this backstabbing manner. I understand the difficulty that comes with parting. better than Ilma could ever fathom. If you would like some time alone with you’re daughter? She isn’t harsh with her words, but she has little sympathy for her protectiveness over the girl. If she really wasn’t ready for this to happen then she had no business offering in the first place.
    Her eyes blaze with the flame that threatens to burst through her skin. She flutters her wings in agitation, the flames rippling with the movements. This is her kingdom, and if someone was going to come here, announce their willingness to partake in a trade, and then question her authority or ability to lead and protect. Well, she’s not been made a phoenix for nothing. Her voice comes out firm with the power that she holds, pulling her conviction from her bones. Who is this woman to disrespect her in this way? She almost scoffs, almost mocks, but she won’t. There isn’t only one that will be involved in the care of Tahti. I will protect her, as I do for Wishbone, Tephra’s princess. Hestia makes sure to mention this last bit clearly, not to prove her capability, but to give Ilma an insight to the degree of her insult. The child had tried to withhold this information from her, which Hestia could understand having been a princess herself, but Oblivion had let it slip later when the two were alone.

    Her attention pointedly turns to the child in question, ignoring the mother in the same manner that she, herself had just been ignored just moments before. Softly as anyone who’s experienced motherhood she speaks to the girl. You may choose to learn from whomever you wish. Nayl heads my warriors, Scorch my diplomats, and you may find it interesting to tail Djinni. If she will allow that.

    She then turns to Solace, I personally keep tabs on the children that enter our borders under these agreements in order to keep them safe. Nerine doesn’t have just one in charge of them, any and all who are willing in my kingdom will assist when necessary. She may trust Scorch, and ordinarily she would let the mare speak, but when slighted like this, Hestia knows she must assert her authority in order to keep it. This time she does mock just slightly, but this is all already known, as per our last meeting. I do not understand why it is that someone might have… her gaze snaps to Ilma along with her head before continuing, nightmares over an agreement already made in trust and friendship. Her tail flicks with her indignity.


    The devil whispered in my ear, you’ll never survive the storm
    I whispered back, I am the storm

    @[Solace] @[Scorch] @[Ilma] @[Sochi] @[Tahti]

    Don't worry about her temper. She's not going to throw away the alliance. And would still love to be friends with Solace. <3
    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]
    Scorch raises her eyebrows at Ilma's decision to treat her as a higher authority than Hestia. Damn, though she might have the balls to do that to an actual undeserving leader, she'd never consider doing it to one as dedicated and thorough as Hestia. Without even a thought, the mare allows Hestia to do the speaking, a wry smile climbing her lips at the fire that she spews. Admirable; the queen has a backbone like none other, and Scorch is proud to be her right hand - and nothing more.

    Hestia says all she will say, and Scorch finds nothing lacking. Her eyes go briefly to Solace and she dips her head in respect to the monarch, wondering how she'll take Ilma's blatant disregard of Nerine's Queen - but she had been a handful as ambassador back in the day too, so frankly she just sympathizes with Ilma. On that note...

    "I get being scared to part, Ilma," She says with a flat conviction, "But rest assured that Tahti is safe here. There are many to watch over her," myself included. Finding this suffice in the wake of all that Hestia had to say on the subject, Scorch receded into the background of the conversation, not one for the catty back-and-forth of estrogen-fueled mares, though she once had been.

    When all is said and done however, she is the one to step forward and retrieve the filly from her mother.


    This is literal trash but Scorch doesn't have much to say. I figure it's time to wrap this thread up anyhow.  Let me know if you'd rather keep going. I left the ending to be interpreted as me closing the thread, or you guys can continue with the knowledge that that's the outcome. I just know that we're all swamped with posts right now, and this one is pretty much done through enough. Lmk
    [Image: scorch2.png]

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