"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
I'm every nightmare you've ever had, I'm your worst dream come true.
From the playground, the trip to Sylva doesn't take long. Although, it feels like forever.
Children are so easily distracted, it felt like every five minutes Modicum Mortem had to turn back to make sure the trio was still following ever-closely behind. Between the constant interruptions and Karat's incessant complaining, the clown realized WHY he never really enjoyed the presence of children in the first place.
They were fucking annoying.
No matter now. They are soon at the autumnal forest's edge, and the joker gives the foals a few minutes of time to run around, deep into the forest air so different from their own. Joy turns to pain quickly, this is just a lesson they would have to learn.
Having friends was so much fun! They had chased each other to the borders of Sylva, kicking and bucking when the mood took them. Well. He and Krom had. Karat was being a stick in the mud, dragging her feet and pouting.
He glided a few meters every once in a while, daring Krom to keep up. It was funny watching Morty get ticked off the longer they walked. "Hey guys! I'll race you to that big beech tree!" The blackberries and cream boy challenged his companions as the forest around them began to shift from green to gold. He pranced in place, eager to run against his newfound relatives. Even if one of them was a no fun girl.
03-27-2018, 08:40 AM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2018, 08:40 AM by Kromium~Karat.)
Kromium ~ Karat
Blood is Thicker than Water
"Are we there yet?" She called out every so often. Ok every 5 minutes at least. "This is taking foorrreeevvver! And there is nothing pretty to look at," she stops abruptly as her head turns sharply right. Lavender eyes glare into the forests and then roll back into her head, "Oooh, another tree!" The sarcasm thick in her tone as again she looks forward. Hooves soon to follow. The boys were a ways ahead. Kwartz showing off his flying abilities, "Pfft." Lavender lips fluttering in annoyance. All she could think was Mother giving them a good scolding for wandering off without her and for what?! Trees.
Morty stops and turns to view her with annoyance. Her head rises and muzzle lifts to carry horizontally. Tinted purple ears fall flat as she continues a prancy pace past him. Eyes shuttered closed as she continues on after the boys. She had no intentions on catching them but as she passes she huffs, "What are you looking at!" She had no need for an answer so she prances on. Not paying any mind to the dark freak that led them here.
Assuming they were now in Sylva, as Kwartz became more familiar with his location, the two boys continue on with their game. Krom barely notices Karat lagging behind until a sudden scream rings through the forest. He halts and whirls around at the familiarity of the voice. Emerald eyes land upon his sister and panick begins to course adrenaline through his veins. "Karat!" He calls out to his twin as his heavied hooves find traction amongst the dried leaves...
@[Kwartz] Morty, leaving this kind of open. Either Morty could do something to her or... She could chip a hoof. Your call XD
I'm every nightmare you've ever had, I'm your worst dream come true.
They finally reach the forest, and the boys rush past him to look at the old beech tree near the heart of the kingdom. Mortem decides it is as good a time as any to turn back and see what that little bitch was doing behind him.
When he sees the pink flick of a tongue stick out at him, his nostrils flair angrily. Her lack of respect for her elders was infuriating. As she trots passed him, a wicked smile stretches across the length of his maw.
He reaches out, grabbing a lavender tuft of mane and pulling, hard enough for her to his the ground with an audible (and no doubt painful) thud. She lets out a scream, and he cannot help but cackle.
"Maybe you should have listened to your mommy when she said don't talk to strangers, little bitch." He takes the opportunity to place a black hoof on her rib cage, slowly pressing more weight into the fragile bones. They pop and crack, and he lets out another satisfied howl.
The two boys approach from behind, the girl's brother coming up quickly. Modicum Mortem kicks out his back legs. The force of it was strong, and whatever it hit was sure to have some damage to it. "That'll teach you brats to behave, if your mother and father can't."
Icy eyes glare back to Kwartz, and the clown gives him his biggest, most terrifying grin. "Your mother lied to you, child." He steps over the injured children, staring deep into the prince's eyes. "She's lied your entire life." He does not reveal how, instead, he pauses to let Kwartz ask why for himself.
Modicum Mortem
@[Kromium~Karat] @[Kwartz] It's terrible I know. I'm sorry. xD Let me know if anything needs to be changed!!
A sunny day turned dark. Karat's shrill scream cut through the air like a razors edge, and for a split second, he does not register it. Three paces more, and the boyish contest is abandoned as quickly as it had begun. Whipping about on his heels, knees strike the earth with inelegant speed, and in the moments it takes him to rise again he sees the violent tableau.
That awful grinning mask hovering over the princess's prone form. Violet threads hung from his leering teeth as a jet hoof pinned her to the ground. Blood rushed through his head at the sight. "AHHHHRRGGGG!!" The half grown colt howled wordlessly, half running half flying towards the damned clown. The fearsome man kicks towards him and Krom, applying more weight to Karat's ribcage.
A sick feeling rises up from his gut. The threat of nausea roils and clutches at his throat, and he gasps as the cruel kick stabs at his left wing joint where he could not see to defend. Sharp little forehooves flail out, hoping to force the deceiver away. Oh gods, oh fucking gods, what was happening? Please don't let Karat be dead. Where was Mother, where was anyone? Hot, angry tears pooled in his eyes as he waited for Krom, for some kind of backup.
And now the ebony attacker is grinning even more broad, mockingly so. What is he saying, that mother lied? What does it matter, as long he is holding the girl hostage? "Let her go, you let HER GO!!" The pied colt demanded. This was his kingdom, dammit, and his mother was going to absolutely raise hell when she found out about this.
Everything happened so quickly that Karat hadn't had time to react further than squeal in pain. A tight grip around her crest and a pulling at her lavender locks, sent her tumbling to the ground. That's when her voice shrieked and legs began to thrash for traction. Little was found as a heavied weight pressed down upon her ribcages and her breath vanished. The next thing she remembers hearing is Krom screaming her name. Lavender eyes look up to find the joker creepily grinning but words do not protest. At least not her own. Quickly Kwartz is nearing, shouting at the black beast. Only when the pressure subsides does she realize the stallion has turned his anger on the Sylvian prince. Landing a sharp kick to his wing but it doesn't seem to phase him much.
Attempts to bring herself upright fail. The pain along her side was agonizing. A soft whimper releases as she tries again. She settles for scooting towards where Kwartz was. A hardened anger burned in her eyes as she glared back at the stallion, but what happens next surprises even her...
Krom didn't have speed on his side. Not with hooves of solid iron. He still hadn't formed enough muscle mass to move with the ease of a normal equine and he was definitely no match for Kwartz' flight. Emerald eyes watched in horror as the stallion caused his sister pain. Watched as he kicked out and injured his new friend, family even. Anger boiled within him as his hooves made contact with the earth below. He could feel something in him changing and suddenly the weight of his hooves was no longer a burden. His body was quickly being consumed by the iron within the earth and by the time he is within 20 yards of the trio, he is solid iron. Silver and shiny. He doesn't notice it though. All he can see is the pain in his sister's eyes and the blackened stare of the dark beast. His own emerald eyes narrow upon the stallion as he gallop forward another stride. Wishing to trap the dark creature so he could no longer harm them.
Wish it and it shall be...
Pillars of metal rise from the earths surface directly in front of the stallion. Blocking any further advancement. With another stride, more pillars rise at the stallions sides and quickly behind. They stand nearly 5 ft tall and stagger in width. Some having larger gaps than the rest. It was good enough, for now.
Finally arriving at Kwartz and Karats side, he lowers his muzzle to his sister lovingly. "Let me help you up... We must go, now!" Pressing the bridge of his metallic emerald nose into her shoulder to help her to her feet, he doesn't realize the shock in her eyes. Nor the reflection of himself in them. Kwartz may have been just as confused but that was the least of his concern, "Kwartz! Go get help. You are faster than we are." His emerald eyes look seriously into his cousins eyes. Pleading almost.
With much pain and persistence, Karat rises to her feet. Favoring her right side as she limped forwards, leaning into her brothers hardened body. She wants to say something but the pain is too great, so she continues away from the iron clad prison holding her attacker, their kidnapper. She winces with each step and just when they are 100ft away Krom turns back, "Keep going Karat! I have to stay here and make sure the cage remains. Head in the direction Kwartz went and when you can't see me any longer hide. I'll find you. I'll always find you Karat." He nuzzles her lovingly before turning to head back. His new found strength brings him quickly back to the cell.
Sliding to a stop he stares at the creature housed inside. Searching for an escape. A weakened spot in the metal pillars or large enough gap for his dark body to squeeze through and he might find one, but Krom was ready...
So as the Iron Child forms large pillars of metal around him, he is calm. Only a wicked grin now paints his face, and he watches from his cage as the Sylvan Prince and the little bitch run away.
”Run from me children, but you can’t run from who you are. You can’t run from your damned truth!”
The other boy is still there, keeping the pillars grounded. Mortem doesn’t look for a way out, he simply walks around the perimeter, keeping his nose on where the child was.
”We could do great things, you know,” He says, nearly humming. ”Your parents, your sister, they don’t love you. They could never appreciate your gift like I could. If they loved you...they never would’ve lied.” His laugh is low and devilish. The child is smart no doubt, but would he be smart enough to stay away from the clown after he hears the betrayal of his family? Could Mortem trick him into becoming his own personal weapon?
Well, he would certainly try.
”Kwartz isn’t your cousin, child. He is your brother. Your father planted his seed into Queen Sabra just after fucking your whore mother. Krone knew what she was doing, she wanted revenge for Sabra trying to take her throne.” Lies, and he knows it. ”Along came the three of you and your mommies made up, which is why they’re together now. Their meeting was to cure their own lust for each other. Face it, Kromium, your mother is a lying slut.” A shrug of the shoulders. ”And your father is nothing more than a mongrel that will stop at nothing for some pussy. Your family is fucked, why not come with someone who can truly teach you the ways of war? Who can bring you glory and greatness?”.
@[Kromium~Karat] @[Kwartz] fun little twist. Lmfao. Krom can come to the dark side if he wants, or just runaway. I’m cool with whatever
Oh this was bad, this was bad, this was so so bad! Kwartz knew better than to leave with a stranger. Hell, he knew better than to leave period. The warm, sunny day faded to a monochrome nightmare as the playground was seen to be clearly empty. Nature itself seemed to condemn the day as summer storm clouds thickened around them. Much more of that, and it wouldn't be safe to fly.
Of fucking course it had to be Klaudius who found them. Skin still flushed, face still damp from their carnal activities, it was about as undignified as things got. And now the children were missing. Flying in tense silence, she kept pace with the other two. How could a day that was meant to have been enjoyable turned so dark so quickly? Lustful energy had twisted into something bitter and blaming, and it was directed right at her... the kids had better all be ok.
They had been flying in widening circles, searching for some sign of direction. It was a trail of beaten down grasses that gave them a heading. Kwartz' scent was clear, not very old. They couldn't be very far away. "Kwartz! Baby, where are you?" She called out once they were airborne again. The playground waa meant to be a safe place, children weren't supposed to be able to leave unattended! "KWARTZZZ!!!" Her shrill scream echoed over the deep woods below them. Golden boughs began to appear, and her heart sank further than she knew possible. The trail they followed was leading her home.
Had Kwartz decided to bring his new friends home? It didn't make sense that he wouldn't have tried to check in with her first... a flicker of violet caught her eye then. "I see something." She declared to the other two, before folding her wings into a dive. She broke through the canopy with less care than usual, twigs and leaves catching on her as she returned to earth.
Her first emotion was relief, followed quickly by intense anxiety. It was in fact Kwartz, accompanied by his half sister. The girl's twin was no where in sight. One of her son's wings was spread protectively over the filly's shoulders, and they had both been moving slowly before the adults had arrived.
A closer look revealed the foals pained expressions, Kwartz' left side wing dragging at his side. A hopeful look lit up his face when he saw them, though he didn't move from the bay girl's side. "Mama... Klaudius... you found us. You have to help! Krom... Krom... he did something, you have to help him!" The colt pleaded, trembling where he stood. He'd done his job, he'd found help. Better yet, he'd found parents. The pain in his wing was making him woozy, thoughhe knew Karat was in worse shape. But he was just so scared, and now there were adults here who could make things better. They had to make things better.
Sabra paced to her son's side, gently assessing the damage to his poor wing. It just looked dislocated, thank the gods. He wouldn't be ground ridden forever. "What on earth possessed you to leave the playground!? We told you we'd return, didn't we?" She started, before the misery in the boy's eyes gave her pause. Tears began to leak from his silvery hazel eye, his breath began to come in short, panicky bursts. "H-h-hee said you would meet us here! M-morty said you wanted him to bring us h-h-home cause of the storm!" He stuttered out over a choking sob. The painted mare's heart stopped on a beat.
04-12-2018, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2018, 07:01 PM by Kromium~Karat.)
Kromium ~ Karat
Blood is Thicker than Water
Krom had turned back towards the cage. Leaving Kwartz and Karat to make their escape. He didn't know the extent of his powers but he was sure they wouldn't last long if he had left too. He needed to give Karat time to get away or hide. Needed to give Kwartz enough time to get help. He doesn't know, that as he returned to his post, Kwartz had remained by Karats' side and soon their parents would find them...
His focus turned to the dark figure grinning within it's makeshift cell. Emerald eyes narrowed as the creature began to spit lies at him. He didn't interrupt though, not yet. He had better manners then that. The child abducter went on to call his mother grotesque names. Anger began to boil inside him and when the stallion was about finish he shouted, "ENOUGH!" His right fore hoof stomped into the earth as his ears pinned. "You are a LIAR! You lied about us coming here and you are lying about my family. They love me," he snorts at the end of his rant.
A commotion draws his attention from the cage and to the direction his sister and Kwartz had traveled. He could hear voices. Concerned words and slightly angry tones. Where's Krom... He faintly heard in his father's baritone voice. Immediately his ears perked. "DAD!" He shouts happily. All thoughts of the creature trapped had disappeared, and with it his iron pillars. But that was behind him as he had lunged forwards already into a steady gallop. Quickly finding Karat, Kwartz, Aunt Sabra and his Dad grouped together. Karat and Kwartz were being examined and interrogated. Even his mother was present.
His forward motion only stopped when he collided into his father's chest. Sliding underneath his neck for security. His father is quick to ask what happened and presses for details. He gives a summarized version, Morty was probably gone by now anyhow. A puzzled look befalls his face as "what happened to you?" also meant, "why are you metallic?" Krom doesn't pay it any mind. His emerald muzzle reached for his sister, "Karat...Are you ok?" His concern was always first for his sister.
Karat turns to her brother and limps closer to him. Embracing him with her neck, "I'll be fine Krommie." A slight smile creases across her lavender lips as she rests her head across his back. Leaning on to him for support. The grown up were busy bantering over the situation and she nearly drowns them out. All she wanted to do was go home...
Krom allows her to lean into him. His eyes find Kwartz shooken up and extends his muzzle to him as well, "Kwartz... Thank you." It's all he says and he hopes Kwartz knows for what he is thanking him for. A gentle smile is given to Kwartz before he turns to their mother, "Momma... Can we go home now?"
After having found the two queens fucking in the meadow, he had left them to cross into the playground. He decided the ground would serve better in his quest for them. Either by sight or smell. When he finds no children present physically, but their scent faint in the air, he picks up their trail. Intertwined is a musky scent of an unknown equine and chills began creeping up his spine. Teeth gritted, he follows their scent west. Kwartz was with them so it was unsurprising that they were headed towards the autumnal forests.
Extending his wingspan, he lunges into a gallop and takes to the air. Quite certain of their projected destination and as Sabra flies past overhead towards her kingdom, he is confirmed in his speculation.
He trails her and somewhere in the mix, Krone is there. Sabra calls out as they cross over the golden kingdom and he follows. Diving under the canopy to soon have come into view one of his sons and daughter. Sabra begins drilling the frightened boy, who stutters his answers obediently. It all happens so fast that all he does it draw Karat towards him. Examining her first, "Karat... Where are you hurt?" She is quick to begin crying as she says the stallion tossed her onto the ground then stepped on her. Before she could cast any armor he was crushing her ribs. "Where's Krom...?" His question directed towards Kwartz. Answers weren't coming quick though as the boy was still answering his mother and before he can give one hoofbeats are approaching. A turn of his lavender head was all he had to give to see Krom barreling towards them. Silver-hazel eyes examine the mysterious sheen to his son body as he nears. Soon to cross under his neck.
"What happened to you?" Krom looks up to him and replies briefly. Not exactly the answers he was looking for either. Once all his children were gathered and known to be alive, his hard gaze turns to Sabra. "Who's Morty, Sabra! Obviously Kwartz trust him enough to follow him so who the hell is he? I swear to God if you had something to do with this..." His nares are flared as he impatiently awaits answers. Was the queen of Sylva stupid enough to try have someone harm the twins on purpose? He hoped not but any argument she had wouldn't save her or this Morty from his wrath...
He hears Kroms request and with a brush of his muzzle to the boys crest, he leans to turn towards home. "Once I get them home I WILL be back to discuss this further," he threatens between clenched jaws. Looking to Krone if she had anything to add before they headed home. Willing to walk the great distance back to the island to ensure their safety. As they begin to head north he looks back towards Kwartz. Reaching to nudge the boys cheek, "Kwartz, it's not safe here... Come with us to the island?" He pauses to let the boy answer. If it was yes, he was happy to escort him as well. If not, he wouldn't force him...