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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Only Time Will Tell -[Krone]

    She lost her parents.

    He knew she would never find them again, but he couldn't tell her that. She needed that little hope to keep her going, she acts depressed everyday. He knew exactly how she felt but Durotan moved on from the abandonment, Maiven is still processing it all. He hoped to find a Kingdom to settle into soon, a Kingdom that she could make friends in and come out of her shell. Duro knew it was not usual to approach a Kingdom but he was desperate, desperate to provide a home for her. 
    He leaves Maiven in the forest, just in case the Kingdom was not welcoming of strangers. He crosses the boarder of what he hears to be Ischia, though he is not sure. The last time he was in Beqanna Taiga was a reigning Kingdom, now it is just an abandoned rubble. 

    The large stag lets a whinny escape his maw, he hopes that someone is within earshot that he could speak to. He was desperate but still wanted to make sure the Kingdom he would call home was a good fit for the both of them. He hoped it would provide a proper home with gentle equines, and foals for her to play with. She was so shy, she needed to find some friends to confide in. Durotan was not the best with foals, his heart was still locked up when his sister and adoptive father left him. He shakes his own thoughts from his mind and scans the horizon hoping to stumble into another equine soon.

    Don't Let Go

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    Visitors seem to turn up more and more often on Ischia's shores. Most tend to be diplomats from neighboring lands, others are simply looking for long-lost relatives or loves, and the occasional few stop by to look at the bioluminescent plankton. Krone never really cared either way - as long as the island stayed busy, she was happy. 

    Her children are growing older, which means she is able to stray further from them and attend to things she had enjoyed prior to becoming a mother. Today, it was flying. She had woken up just as the sun began to crest over the horizon, left the thick canopy of the forest, and walked to the beach. Winter was coming to an end, and the cold air from the mainland was beginning to grow warm - it was perfect weather for flying. 

    While her brother's wingspan was large, her appendages were smaller and made her flight more agile. With one long stroke she ascends into the air, climbing higher and higher until she can barely see Ischia anymore. For awhile, she glides above the island with the parrots, she watches the sun fully come out and illuminate the sky a pale blue. She does this until her wings tire, and finally she decides to land. 

    Low tide had arrived, meaning visitors would be crossing the land bridge soon. Krone trots along the shoreline, eyes searching for any signs of a visitor, until finally she hears it. One satellite finds the source of the voice, and she begins to walk over to him. The midday sunlight reflects off her jeweled head. 

    He was a large stallion, standing nearly two hands above her, his bay pelt was covered in silver spots. He had a refined face and a bulky frame - and quietly, she finds herself eyeing him in a way she doesn't often do with men. "Hello," She greets as she comes up to him. "I'm Krone, the Keeper of Ischia. What brings you here today?" She keeps her voice calm, the conversation simple (for now), and gives him a dazzling smile. 
    you could be the King
    (but watch the Queen conquer)

    The kingdom he finds himself in today is quiet odd, as he digs at the snow it is mixed with sand. But there was also its fair share of trees off in the distance, that being said it appeared to be colder than he is used to. Of course it is essentially an island, surrounded by water that dragged in a cooler breeze, combined with the snow that fell.

    His attention quickly shifted as another appeared before him, he was so lost in his own thoughts he did not hear her creep up on him. She was much more petite and shorter than he, she introduces herself as Krone and then asks what him why he was in Ischia. He only gazes at her for a few breaths, he has not seen a mare for a few years. As he lingered on his own he tended to run into stallions, the last mare he spoke to was his sister. He was so caught up in finding a home for himself and Maiven that he forgot his own manners.

    He dips his head in respect to the mare before responding to her question. It is nice to meet you Krone, my name is Durotan. His voice is gentle, and his eyes gaze over the colorful mare she was bay with a shade of green like the trees on the island. The island suited her well, was she born here? They appeared to be a perfect pair. I hope I don't come off as a threat, I am simply looking for a home. Did he sound stupid? Begging a kingdom to take him in. I adopted a filly, I just want her to have a kingdom life to grow up in, like I once did. Surely his request was not crazy, any parent would want the best for there foal.

    Don't Let Go

    He seems sweet, gentle (at least, more gentle than any other stallion she’d encountered), and when he dips his head to her she gives him a warm smile. Many horses had decided to settle here as of late, but this one, he seemed different.

    ”Durotan,” she speaks his name, testing it on her tongue. She listens to his story, of his daughter and of his journey to find a home and her heart melts. Despite his stature and deep baritone, he seemed to have no bad intentions on the island kingdom. ”Well, all are welcome in Ischia. There are children for your daughter to play with and it’s quite secluded here. No threats,” So far... ”I could show you around, if you’d like? She gestures to her side, towards the trees where the parrots sang loudly.

    @[Durotan] blah sorry it’s so short! Will get longer as they talk more! Smile
    He was a stranger who entered her lands, it would not be unfair of her to attack him or lash out with unkind words. But it was the opposite route she took, she welcomed him to her land and even invited him for a tour. A smile tugged at his maw and he gave a nod of his head Yes I would love to see more of the Kingdom. his eyes were generally dull and emotionless but today they changed to excitement. She caused his curiosity to grow, excited to see what this Kingdom held. He was not sure he could love another Kingdom aside from Taiga in which he was raised in. He was also not sure that he could care for another but here he is caring for a filly. His wall was slowly coming down and he was not sure how he felt about it.

    He followed the bay and green mare, allowing her to take the lead and show him the lands as she desired. There are no foals here you said? He gazed upon the green scenery still amazed that she matched it so well Are any on the way? I guess I have not heard of Kingdoms to be foal-less. was he over reaching? The kingdom seemed like a perfect fit, the only down side was there were no foals. It would be unfortunate that Maiven would have no foals to grow up with, but there was always the common areas she could meat others. How long have you lived here? he asks curious how long the Kingdom has even been standing.

    Don't Let Go

    @[Krone] not a problem :p
    A wide grin spreads across her lips as he accepts her offer. She turns, leading him over the shoreline, glancing back and forth from him to the path before her. They walk side by side, and she she folds her wings closely to her sides to try to avoid giving him an unwanted tickle.

    "There are two here so far," She informs him. "The prince and princess - my children. Sadly, as of now, they only have each other." She thinks of her babies, and suddenly is wondering where they have run off to today, and what trouble they might be causing. She stifles a laugh - those two were always getting into things.

    "I came a few years ago," She admits to him, thinking back to that day fondly. "A former queen abandoned the throne. Only one inhabitant was left." Poor Kylin, all alone on this stretch of islands. "A mare, Circinae, came to claim it. I followed shortly thereafter along with some others. After Circinae disappeared, the island..." She comes to a stop, wondering how to explain this. It was such a...weird phenomenon that had happened to her, would he think she was crazy?

    "A shell...a emerald jewel shell...chose me one night as Keeper. And now, here I am." Her jewel shines brightly upon her forehead, proving her words to be true.


    They walk side by side, they stop by a shoreline and he gazes in amazement. He has never been so close to water like this, and he really enjoyed the greenery that inhabited the island. The island even had a bridge you had to cross to get to the island, if someone wanted to attack the island they would really have to be dedicated.

    The silence was broken and Krone noted there were two children, the prince and princess. her children. His eyes grew wide , he was with the QUEEN! Out of all the equines to bump into, it was the queen of the Kingdom. He was impressed that she had such a gentle and kind soul as she did. I did not know I was in the presence of a Queen he pokes fun before settling back into listening. She begins to describe her coming of the Kingdom, it was at one point abandoned all together leaving a single soul. She lists a few leaders before pausing. Only continuing to note that she was chosen by a shell

    He cocked his eye and stopped in his tracks A shell ya say? he laughs gently I have heard crazier he lied, but he really did not care how she came to be Queen. A leader is someone others want to follow, so the shell chose correctly he laughs gently nudging her shoulder. He moved forward hoping to press with the tour. I was raised in Taiga, I left Beqanna all together for a brief time, when I came back Taiga was no more. There was no more to mention, perhaps the reason why he is here now. I love the Kingdom so far, I would love to stay if you will have me A smile tugs at his lips, had he finally found a home?
    Don't Let Go
    A warm feeling rumbles on the inside of her belly. It isn't often she feels so comfortable around a man, and it isn't often that she gets to be herself and not just another queen doing diplomatic duties. His jests cause her to give a sarcastic roll of the eyes. "What, you're saying you've never met royalty before?" She flips her mane jokingly to the side, letting out her loud, genuine laugh. God, how long had it been since she's done that?

    When he notes he's heard crazier stories, she snorts. "Well really? I believe we grew up in the same world, Durotan, and I can't say that I have heard much weirder," Krone chuckles. "If I was hearing it for myself, I don't think I'd believe it. But since it happened to me...I guess I kind of have to." She follows his pace, relaxing her feathered appendages as she grows more comfortable.

    He talks of Taiga and her heart sinks. It reminded her so much of what had happened to the lavender mare her and Circinae had come across that very first day on the island. Save for the destruction and desolation, everything Kylin had known was taken from her...it sounded like Durotan had much of the same fate.

    "We would love to have you," She tells him, leading him into the darkness of the forest, towards the parrots. "And your daughter too."

    @[Durotan] Smile

    To his relief the bay and green mare was able to find humor in his joke. She kicked back with a joke herself and even flipped her mane dramatic like a filly. He laughed at her actions I guess I have never been around a Queen who was not uptight. his laugh was gentle and it was nice to see her grow more relaxed with him. It is generally expected kingdom members to trust there leader and respect them regardless of there own feelings. But as fate had it, Durotan was able to choose for himself before he even discovered her ranking.

    She notes that they grew up in the same Beqanna and she had not heard anything stranger than her own story with the shell. Well dont you remember that one time.... he pauses as if he was thinking No you are right, that is the craziest thing! he burts out laughing, poking fun once again. After he composed himself he found her gaze once more But really Krone, I don't care how you came about Queen. The others follow you, and thats all that matters.

    They continue adventuring the island and every turn is no less beautiful. He is truly amazed of what it has to offer and only hopes Maiven will enjoy it as much as he has. Krone appears happy that he has chosen to stay in Ischia, and welcomes his daughter as well. He dips his head overjoyed Thank you, I will bring Maiven by as soon as possible. He smiles thinking of the young filly, it was perhaps the safest kingdom for them. Do you have warriors in your Kingdom? He is unsure of the ranks the kingdoms held now a days. I was training to be a warrior before I lef Taiga, I would love to be one for Ischia He was a large horse, he was basically built for the warrior caste. Diplomat never suited him, especially now. He was generally much grumpier in conversation, Krone just made him forget all of his abandonment issues. He would probably scare off more equines than he could recruit.

    Don't Let Go
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    "Awh, Durotan, are you telling me I'm one of a kind?" She jokes at his words of uptight queens. However, he wasn't wrong - nearly all royalty she had met were uptight, demanding, sometimes even downright rude. Circinae was never like that to her or any others, and when she became the Keeper, she vowed to keep it that way.

    She lets out a giggle as he pokes fun at her. "Normal is boring," She replies. "I think that's what makes Beqanna so fun...not many horses are normal. All of us are weird...in some shape or form." She shrugs her shoulders, and grins at him. The canopy they travel under is thick, and any humidity becomes trapped inside, she looks up to the familiar brand of birds that live there, and she nudges her companion's shoulder. She nods for him to look up.

    The parrots come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. They sing a harmonious song as they fly beneath the treetops. She stares for awhile in silence, before finally she speaks. "It is truly great to hear that, Durotan. Thank you," She admits, hazel eyes glancing towards him. "As you can imagine, sometimes being a leader is a thankless job...sometimes its nice to hear I'm doing well." She smiles at him, then continues with the tour.

    "We do have warriors. We're looking for more." She grins. "Two of our own are in the alliance. I would be honored to have you within the ranks here."
    you could be the King
    (but watch the Queen conquer)


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