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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Cat's in the cradle - Klaudius
    Bored, bored, bored... Mother had been very clear that he was to remain within the stone boundary of the kingdom's heart. She was off on "kingdom business", whatever that meant. A lot of talking, saying one thing and meaning another. Politics, she called it. He snorted to himself, his one good eye rolling at nothing. 

    Same old clearing. Same old rocks. Same old trees. And he was alone, as usual. He was the youngest member of Sylva, the only child of the queen, and the son of... someone. Mother didn't like talking about his father, had always changed the subject when he brought the topic up. 

    When she had time for him, she told him stories of her homeland. He liked those stories. They were thrilling, filled with fierce battles and daring heroes, all taking place in blazing desert sands. One character in particular she liked to tell of, and her eyes got all peculiar and misty when she spoke of the fiery chestnut soldier. Sometimes, when he was particularly lonesome, he would pretend that the story-hero was his father, and would make up his own storied about the two of them and their adventures together. 

    It was a bit ridiculous, of course. He looked nothing like mother's descriptions of the man. He didn't look much like mother either, so he figured he must favor his father. The wings though, he did share with his mother. He flexed the appendages thoughtfully. Such wonderful limbs, and he hardly ever got to use them properly. It was still early in the day, and mother wasn't likely to be back until evening. Why shouldn't he stretch his wings, actually see a bit of the kingdom he was supposed to love? 

    Craning his neck about to check all sides of him, he flicked out the mottled expanses of his wings. His stomach roiled with excitement, thrilled with the idea of a bit of rebellion. He tried for mother, he really did. He loved the look she gave him when he played his part right, when he was her "perfect little prince". But he was a prince on a short leash, and he wanted to fly. So he did. 

    He did not get much practice outside of mother's direct supervision, and so it took him a couple of tries to become airborne. Once his feet left the trees behind though, the half grown colt could not resist a victorious whoop. He swooped and skidded through the breeze, let himself be carried higher by a helpful updraft. The ground was lacy and delicate beneath him, a pretty patchwork world. 

    Not being in the practice of flying much, he find himself growing tired before he was done with his adventure. He contented himself with landing on a rocky outcropping that looked over Sylva, tucked away in the southern mountain range. The breeze played with his hair, a cool counterpoint to the unseasonably warm autumn sun. Laying stretched out on his stone perch, the painted boy was happy enough to doze into a comfortable sleep. 


    Ever since the day he landed back on Ischia beaches in a furious flurry of feathers, she hadn't escaped his mind.  No, this would never be forgotten.  Then when he had found his children born of Ischias keeper, his sister, it had surfaced this feeling of betrayal again.  Sabra had been pregnant when he had went to find her and he always knew the foal would too be his.  So he found himself pondering over the idea of returning to Sylva again.

    He hadn't ponder long, maybe an hour or two, before his great expanse of wing was gripping at the turbulent winds again.  Each thrust of intertwined feathers carried him nearer to what he knew he needed to do.  Where he needed to be.

    It wasn't long before the ever autumn forests were in plain sight.  The sight did not cause him to smile though.  It was much to early for that.  From the height of the clouds he simply observed for some time.  Looping back around to watch for any movement.  Anything along the forest floor was near impossible to make out through the canopy.  

    Just as he grew bored and decided on moving in closer, a flash of cream and purple darted through the trees and dipped back down onto a rocky plateau.  The sight immediately perked his ears and spread a grin on his lips.  Following with a shift of his weight and tucking of his wings.  

    His descent is quick and precise.  Aimed for a clearing just near the southern rock formations, his hooves make contact with a slight rumble of earth awakening the slumbering child.  The lavender stallions presence here was most likely unwanted but there was no turning back now.  With a craning of his neck, silver eyes land upon the foal.  An obvious smile on his face as he pries, "Hello there.  Who might you be?" It's a simple question with a much simpler answer, but maybe the foal would release clues to confirm his suspicions...

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    There is a clatter of hooves against the earth. It wakes the boy with a start, and he is soon on his feet, blind side guarded against the rock face behind him. The stranger had appeared from no where, or at least that's how it feels. And this was exactly the scenario Mother had spoken of over and over again. Her exact reason for telling him to stay in the shelter of their home. Urg. Why did she have to be right so much of the time? 

    His indignance at the situation was short lived, however, as the stranger fully gained his attention. There was an odd intensity in the stranger's gaze, as though the boy was a riddle he was on the verge of having the answer for. He hadn't seen his own reflection well enough to recognize how well his clear right eye matched the stranger's mercurial irises. 

    At the pale lavender man's question, his countenance took on a prideful air. The tilt of his head was a careful study of how his mother looked when she was in the heat of negotiation. "I am Prince Kwartz, son of Queen Sabra and heir of Sylva. Who are you?" He stated matter of factly, voice lifting defiantly at the end. He was royal to every last inch of his bearing. It did not cross his mind that proclaiming his identity to a stranger might be a foolhardy action. He was just happy to meet someone new. 


    Just as predicted the foal sprung to his hooves as his landing among the rocky terrain completed.  Drawing his wings to his sides for now.  The boy shuffled his own feathers, eyes widened at the sight of a stranger.  He does not immediately noticed the child's handicap with the way he holds his head.  Very prideful and distinguished of another he knew too well.

    Lavender ears twist atop his high carriage as the boy announces his name plus more.  A satisfied grin curls onto his pale lips as his suspicions are confirmed.  The age of the child much the same as the twins.  The wings were commonly seen about these lands but that color.  Oh, that color was certainly special wasn't it.  

    The colt finishes and he dips his crown before beginning, "A prince you say.  Well it is good to meet someone of such importance around these parts.  Is your mother near perhaps? Or father?" His eyes meet the boys waiting for something to trigger inside him along knowing.  Kwartz was young though so he doesn't hold his breath.  His head lifts to normal height and twists to look out across the canopy.  Wings shuffling at his sides and loosening a bit.  The royal hue shimmered in the sunlight.

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    His narrow chest puffed out a bit at the grown up thinking he was important. He was important, wasn't he? It was why mother had so many rules for him. Why he was meant to stay within the kingdom unless he was with her. But she wasn't here now, and things were going alright? 

    He had to admit though, there was something a little unsettling in the way the man was still staring at him. And the particular way he wanted to know where the splashed child's parents were. A bell of warning flickered in his mind at that. 

    "Mother will be back soon. She's going to give me a flying lesson this afternoon, I'm supposed to be meeting her..." He shifted his hooves uncomfortably, not sure why he had fibbed. Mother didn't hold with fibbing, and he knew full well that his next lesson with mother wasn't until tomorrow morning. But for some reason, he didn't want it to be known that he was alone right now. 

    His eye drifted over the tall man's face. Something was bothering him. Several somethings, actually. Who was this man? Why did he want to know where mother was? Maybe he was another one of those 'bassador people who kept visiting. He liked what color the man was. It reminded him of his own flashy coat, though solid and several shades lighter. 

    His half grown tail flickered uncertainly, a vaguely worried look slowly coming over his princely features. "Sorry mister, but what did you say your name was?" He asked again, prideful countenance draining away in the wake of his confusion. 
    It was often remarked on that the little prince was mature for his age. He didn't feel very grown up right now though. Right now he was rather plainly  just a little boy well out of his depth. 


    The boy does exactly as he predicted he would.  Straightening with his head carriage heightened and chest all puffy.  He would have chuckled if he hadnt wanted to indulge the boy farther into conversation.  

    The pied child answers his question promptly but there is a hint of something more on Kwartzs face.  Immediate betrayal.  It's the look most children get when they just tell a lie.  Silver-hazel eyes study the young one once again as no mention of a father comes from the boy.  Typical, Sabra was so prideful she never told the child his father's name.  There was the tiniest bit of hurt aching within the lavender pegasus' chest.  It would be right the child know who his father is.  

    He is about to comment but the words are interrupted by a question from the boy.  He smirks as his thoughts form as to how to answer.  He could outright admit to being the boys father but maybe that wasn't his place.  So he simply offers his name, "Klaudius." 

    His gaze returns to the autumnal forests again.  Wings becoming heavy at his sides. "Say Kwartz, I'm not busy at the moment so maybe you'd like to show me around your kingdom?  We can wait for your mother together," he offers in resolution.  A smile curls his lips as he adds, "I'm quite good company."

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    Getting the stranger's name makes him feel instantly better. It took the 'stranger' bit out. He smiled again up at the purple stallion. At Klaudius. He blinks at the suggestion of his new friend, but doesn't think it's a bad idea. He wouldn't be leaving the kingdom, after all. And mother was always having Lavendel show visitors around. It couldn't be that hard. He nodded happily, fluttering his wings. 

    "C'mon then, I'll show you my favorite places! There's the stream, and the big rocks I jump off to practice flying, and the old riverbed where the old badger lives." He was animated again, excited with this new task. He prances in place, before remembering that he's a prince and is supposed to "act with more dignity". He stills again, content to just vibrate with energy, tie dyed tail swishing. 

    As they set out, he positioned himself on Klaudius' right to cover his blind side, close enough for their wings to brush. It was how he walked with mother. 
    "So what did you want to see mother about?" He asked, wanting to be involved. Kingdom politics were usually boring, but sometimes something interesting came up. Klaudius seemed like an interesting kind of horse.


    Silver-hazel eyes examine the boy, prince as he becomes less weary of his presence.  It's not long before the pied lavender colt is assuming his duties and leading the way.  

    Following alongside him, he remains a step behind the colts shoulder.  Looking about at all Sylva has to offer.  He's seen it all before of course, he grew up here, but he doesn't let that foil the colts pride.  Not yet.  Lavender ears swivel to capture Kwartzs' excited ramblings and then his question.  He grins at the thought of his answer before speaking, "We are old friends, Kwartz.  And she has something of mine..." He pauses briefly to gauge the colts reaction.  Expecting it to maybe be confusion that twists the colts facial features.  Another stride forward and he elaborates, "Have you ever gave someone something Kwartz that you cherished dearly and they didn't share it with you...?" His gaze that had been cast to their surroundings redirected to the colt, "Well I gave your mother something special and I'd like for her to share it with me." His face turns again to view Sylva as he stops abruptly.  His memories of the land from his childhood serve him well and he knows where they are.  His smile returns as he lowers his head to the princes level, "Did you know I grew up in Sylva?!" He nearly whispers to the boy as if it's a secret to be kept... 

    I was lightning, before the thunder


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