02-22-2018, 10:30 PM
Snick snick snick
Is the sound her talons make on the ground. She once asked her mother if that particular sound was terrifying to which the mare had replied that to some, it just might be but not to those that do not fear little fillies creeping around in the dark. Even ones with an undead appearance to match the sound her unnatural feet made. The mare’s answer had seemed to satisfy something in the predatory black of her latest daughter’s eyes - eyes that had seen too much already at such a tender age.
Sometimes, she wasn’t quite sure how the mare could stomach to look upon or even touch her. Not that she cared because she knew she was loved as much as the mare was capable of such a thing. But most shied away from her because of her peculiar appearance of patchy fur that occasionally fell out on its own to the bits of muscle and bone laid bare for all to see. Wounds festered on her skin at times, weeping pus and blood until she exuded a scent of decomposition that she wore with all the grace she could muster. Mother had explained that she was a throwback to her grandfather who apparently suffered the same undead affliction that she suffers now but he had used it to inspire fear.
Vertebrae had no answer to the unasked question in the mare’s eyes as to how she would turn out to be. Neither saw much merit in declaring themselves wholly good or wholly evil when the world required a balance between the two. But she had already been exposed to the fearful and disgusted looks on the faces of those that they’d traveled past in the forest. She had borne those looks with a stoicism well beyond her age and placated herself with thoughts of realm-jumping as soon as their travels ended.
They ended with the mare depositing the undead girl in the midst of a field full of voices that sounded oddly young. Vertebrae knew then that she was being left to her own devices for long enough to perhaps learn or gain some much needed social skills. However once her mother was nothing more than a receding speck on the horizon, the filly went perfectly still and her black eyes filmed over as she projected herself to another realm - usually the land of the dead because she fit right in there. So there she stood - there but not, as her filmy unseeing eyes stared off into space.