and in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times
02-24-2018, 02:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-24-2018, 08:00 AM by Kyra.)
it's been a fuckin night my dude.
She;s staggering. Right staggering. Just absolutely fumbling around the fuckin place casue goddamn, wow, standing up is a while new adventure. There's people to see, places to be, AND SHE'S GOING THERE. You think she's not going there? You're wrong. So wrong. Her minimal bay overo hide. man, that's a sight to see, HAVE YOUA EVER SEEN SOMETHING SO BEAUTIFULL. beautiful is spelt with two ells. Kagerus knoews. that.
The madow is gorgeous. Filled with ponies. Have you ever seen a pony? They are magia=cal. But Not in the usual way. In Beqanna, Magical horses atre magical with fuckiing mAGIC. LIKE REAL MAGIC. LIKE THEY CAN DO CRAZY FUCKING SHIT TAT NO ONE IS IN CONTROL OF.
Except Cassi? Cassi is control of the magic.
But Kageurs doesn't know this. She is just wild with that magic shieet, especially since Cassi approved that self same magic shieet, so like, she's pretty rad. Pretty fucking rad.
Lately she's been in the common lands a lot, beenj seing some dudes and gals, making them taking them to dream lands. tHE dream lands are important.
(Guys I've been doing a lot of backjspacing to make this elligible for you, YOU ARE FUCKING WELCOME.)
Kagerus is weird and minimally bay overo. She likes dreaming. She likes Kavi. She ALSO LIKES RAPT. @[Cassi]. Boy oh boy though she is going to hjate being pregnant. But that's important to her character develoipment.
She whinnies into the meadow. Challenging the on lookers. "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THIS?" She doesn't thinkthey can. Nobody can handle this. She is too good. Too much too handle.
![[Image: kag]]( dreamweaver
Hestia is out and about. She's been talking to so many people, been found in all her favorite hide-away's. She thought maybe, just maybe she'd find quiet in the meadow. Maybe duck her head behind another black horse so no one can recognize her. meander around and find solitude among the crowd. It's such a weird idea though. She's not very good at it. In fact she can see the filly from the field from where she is at.
What a strange sight she is, ignore it the voice warns. Highly irritated at her for not heeding it the last time. need I remind of how this goes? She flicks her ears around, but something looks so wrong with the girl. Hestia trots up to her head low and nares flared out searching for any scent that might let her know what is wrong. You okay Kagerus?
and in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times
"I am more okay than I have ever been before in my life, Hestia."
It's nmot true thoughj. She is less okay than she has ever been. She is singing justin timberlake and smiling like a pretty girl, because she is a pretty girl. Is that surprising
? I don't think so. She is having the time of her life, and frankly, seeing Hestia again is very welcome. The last time she saw hestia, they were both mad at that mare Amarantha in the field. That Rant wasn't nice. But Hestia seemed kinda nice, in a mean way, in a way that if Kag had ben sober right now, she would have thought Hestia was nice.
Don't you agree?
"Hestia, if you could be anything in the world, what would it be? A shower? A lovely dove? Tell me."
"I am surprised that I know how to bold my own dialogue text."
Maybe she can read her mind, but Kagerus doesn't care. Her spelling is on point right now. She kisses Hestia's cheek. Good girl.
![[Image: kag]]( dreamweaver
She starts talking.... singing? the black mare's ears warble. Maybe she sounds good, but Hestia doesn't quite know what to make of it. in a way though the girl is so adorable, Hestia doesn't tell her to shut it like she might have to a less cute version of this.
Then she stops singing, and Hestia's search of what could possibly be wrong must end. what would she be? She'd never thought of that before. Always been me, don't think I'd know how to be anything else/ But now she has Hestia thinking, she's got wings, never thought she'd fly, her son can turn into whatever he wants on a whim, so its not really that far fetched an idea when you think about it. So she pauses screwing her face up in thought.
Before she can think of anything a kiss is planted on her cheek and Hestia snorts startled for a moment. shifting her eyes to look around before she nudges the girls shoulder affectionately in return. what would you be?
and in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times
"WEll, you could be so much more my guy, there's filthy animals out there and I think that they are your kink. If your writer wrote you as sexily as some people, well, Beqanna would be full of smut. But you are a good girl like I said."
She turns into a dream then and when she comes back, she is a velocoraptor. I dont know what they look like and my friend Rebecca can;t can't pronounce the word, but that is indeed what Kagerus looks like. A di-no-saur. Who is waitng for Venge to post because she loves Venge.
She gets an affectionate nudge in return and it's honestly the nicest thing that's ever hjappenmed to her, wow, maybe she is in love?? But no. Hestia is too much like Scorch. BITCH. But Kagerus still loves her. In her own secret wa.y That is what is important. They will have an alliance soon so Kag must love her. Perhaps she will propose. She has knees after all.
"My dear Hestia, oh speaker of cruel and fiery words, I would be a clock. To tell time. To be the teller of time. A kind of God, like Carnage, but better. With nothing holding me back. Tick tock.
I hope Venge posted."
![[Image: kag]]( dreamweaver
He's pretty and sparkly and probably a fucking murderer, because that's how all of my characters turn out. There's something dark and pretty about him, his eyes look like the sun crashing into the ocean and his pretty white spots are a-twinklin' like stars when they catch a blip of light. Because iridescent.
Makin' his way downtown, walkin' fast, faces pass and he's meadowbound. It isn't long before he comes across two mares and they look pretty but not as pretty as his woman over in the Land Beyond The In Character boards.
"You're a bold woman, sure. But I am italicized." Adrian says, flicking his tail, because without my character being able to shapeshift I have no fucking idea how to enter a thread.
and in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times
Venge, you enter a thread very well, I just wante dyou to know. Please love yourself from now on.
"Italics are for SISSIES ADRIAN" Kagerus yells, there's probably people looking at her funny. Adrian most of all. He must have a firm tongue. That's why Cinzia likes him so much.
(Shhhhhhh we dont know what Im referencing)
"Hestia, Adrian is a snakc. I am introducing you two now. This is Adrian's first post anywhere other than the Other board so please pay close attention. He is beautiful and shiny. Iredescent, Like Venge said,:
I have to eat a snack now. We love you all. Kegerus kisses boith of their cheek.s Cinzia screams from the Other board.
![[Image: kag]]( dreamweaver
Nah but like I want to have him fly in like a dragon or pop up from cricket form, instead he's just mulling around like a regular horse and trying not to poop and ruin his mysterious mystique.
"I'll have you know I am a very manly man and not a snake, Caw is a snake sometimes," Adrian huffs, wishing he could turn into a snake and constrict her or at least shoot her with water like Azriel at least he has water guns by god his trait is so fucking useless and ruins his chances at getting laid. Except that one time and maybe he'll have a baby.
"Venge just used a big word to get by with the fact she wanted star markings." He turns to Hestia, swishing his tail again, because I need to remind myself this isn't the other board and they aren't people. "I wish I was a burrito."
and in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times
What does a burrito with a tail have to do ANYTHING with horses, Venge??? Do you know what a horse is? Or even a burrito? Maybe you should eduacta=te yourself before you get all up in Hestia's face like that. Hestia' is a GOOD GIRL!!!
"The manliest man here is Hestia let's not even kid ourselves. Have you seen her? She could eat you in a single bite. Is that what you want? I do NOT thjink so."
She closes her eyes then, and dreams. She's still a velocoraptor, no one seems to be reacting to that. But when she wakes up, Adrian has wings like he wished, becasue she is magic and can make that happen within the definition of her trait.
She turns to Hestia. Her clouded leopard marks re showing even though it's not moonlight out.
'Can I grant you a gift? Call me Kagenie.
![[Image: kag]]( dreamweaver
Adrian is now a sparkly rainbow camel with hummingbird wings. He frowns at Kag, because this is just terrible and it's like winter and he should be in a desert or at least have a bird feeder available, but she's busy fawning over Hestia. Cinzia would NEVER TREAT HIM THIS WAY and he is a very unhappy burrito.
I'm just hungry and want a homemade burrito.
"Uh I prefer throwing piss on my enemies, it scares them off and I don't have to fight anybody."