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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    nothing but light in the dark; Tenebris


    “I’m sure it is magnificent.”

    “Oh, it is!” she assures him in something that is not quite a shout but an expression of her love and loyalty towards that singular place. Keeper never questioned how Hyaline had come to lodge itself in her breast like the tip of an arrowhead but somehow, it had. Her dedication to it snatched her breath away at times because she never know how a land could get under one’s skin like that but it had and it did and she never thought to dislodge it.

    She gives him a bright easy smile before saying, “Follow me!” and she leads him out of the field with no further explanation to the fact that they’ll have to ford two rivers just to get there. Two cold rivers that were probably not wholly iced over, not that she would have trusted the ice to hold up beneath them. Keeper is nothing but the small embodiment of persistence, and it helps that she has made this trek a couple of times before. First they cross one river. Later, they cross the next.

    Then comes the mountains that guard Hyaline. Mountains they will have to ascend but it is worth it because the view is spectacular to see all that the mountains hold in their arms - the blue lake shining like a jewel, the cherry and wisteria trees, and the small throng of horses that call that place home moving about. Keeper glances back at him from time to time, but cannot keep the excitement off her face as they near the mountains. She ferrets out a familiar deer trail that will take them right to the top for a rather exhilarating view.

    The climb is strenuous but not too terrible for them to make, she has made it before and he looks strong enough. Soon, she reaches the top and glances back to make sure he has followed her. Her face breaks into a grin again, “Well, what do you think?” as she takes a step back from the edge and encourages him to get his first good look at the kingdom below. The sun is just rising, the light bright as it reaches out towards the lake and sets the blue of it to blazing from amidst trees that have been stripped bare of their leaves. A few icicles glint from where they hang on the branches, catching the light and casting their glimmers far-off.

    Even from up here, Hyaline looks magical in winter.

    not knowing how deep the woods are and lightless

    @[Tenebris] went ahead and posted here for you! <3


    When I call, they come.

    The trek to her mountain home is not as grueling as one may think. He follows her at a respectful distance, finding comfort in the silence of their journey. Tenebris enjoys the wash of the cool rivers over his bodice as they pass them, pale orbs glaring with beautiful protest. Soft puffs of smoke escape his nostrils at they climb the magic filled mountainside. It is a quick realization that she has now decided to follow the path of deer. The blue roan smiles softly, watching the snow fall in soft puffs around them. And then, they have arrived. The land before him is beautiful. A blindingly beautiful lake gleams at him from beneath a cloudless winter sky. Though the snow beneath him is slippery he moves closer to the edge of their mountain overhang. She says something that vaguely sounds like "See what I have shown you?" He turns his large head to her, a smile gracing his wonderfully carved features. "It is as wonderful as I imagined." He whispers before turning back to the scene before him. Deep in the valley one might spot the soft brown and blue flashes of a mother and child. Fiato and Ryrm lurked here, two horses that soon he would meet. "So beautiful."

    [Image: 13.gif]
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