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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Site wide disscusion #1: First BQ Horse
    Everyone reply with your first BQ horse and some memories associated with it.

    Mine: Dez, a buckskin mare. When I joined her she became friends with Rum (maybe it was Why Is the Rum Gone?) played by Jeje. Anyway, Rum had been recruited by Texas to Dazzling Waterfalls, where Dez lived for awhile before I killed her off. I used picture of Hollywood Dun It for her and she was pretty easy going overall. I think like...6 months later the Disruption happened.
    Ajatar - Harmonia - Sunday
    I haven't been here long(though I know back in the day I played-no idea who but spitfire sounds familiar).  My first BQ character is Neon cuz honestly that's my OOC name in different games and I had no idea what I was really doing when I joined XD.  I hope to get her active again but I have soooo many plots going on right now.  My first PMP was Karaugh and she's perfectly me XD.  Now with her new shifting trait she is even more perfect and love that I got a color change to buckskin(bay is one of my favs but soooo dominant in breeding lol) Smile
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    My first was Dusted Feathyr, who was taken into the Brilliant Pampas herd by Achilles Legend (Ace). She was a lovely herd mare who was of course in love with Ace and enjoyed herd life with her 'sisters' and kids. Brilliant Pampas was interested because we kinda had our own mini plots going with natural disasters that drove them out a few times. More importantly Feathyr's first kid was Nikkai, who left the herd to join a Kingdom with her friend/stepsister Achilles Song and that started my long long affair with the Dazzling Waterfalls and Nikkai's descendants there, who were pretty much active there from that time until we lost those Kingdoms in a game change.
    i know the first character i joined was named Kahz, because i was a cool kid and made my ooc name my character name plus IE. He was a silver dapple <3

    The first character i remember being active with was Blueness. She was a herd mare in the Wildflower Plateau, and had a lot of babies with Crucifixion. I started playing their daughter, Red Cross, and was super stoked when she was invited into the Chamber to be one of Zion’s mares. I still play descendants of Blueness because i am unable to give up my fave bloodlines
    Texarkana. Heart
    At least, the oldest I can remember. Offspring was a close second. :| But I was a dumb young teen and named him THE Offspring because using full band names was the cool thing back then.

    Tex was a simple dark bay and lovely and she just ambled around; fell in love with Devi (played by Broken) but had a daughter by Atrox (Devonae, later my favorite character of all time) and it was a mess of drama and I loved her. @[broken] and I just recently revisited their romance in the meadow for old times' sake. Smile
    I don't remember the first character I ever joined but I know I brought quite a few over from another RP. Death Wrench (wtf even Affs), Kelsi, and maybe a couple others?

    But the first truly active character I had was Sicke. He was a liver chestnut (w/ flaxen mane/tail, V IMPORTANT) drafty stallion who was "evil." He was part of a really confusing love plot with Error, Sincinnati, and Lustful; Sicke had a weird thing where he was obsessed with Sin and so was Error, but Error's lover was Lustful. Sicke and Lustful made a baby together and she tried to play it off as Error's, but Sicke was basically like "lolwuthe'smine." It was pretty dramatic. :| He had a herd in Flaming Meadows I think was the land? It was so long ago omg. He finally "settled down" with Moonlove but she ended up cheating on him. >:|

    Him and Mohan also had this big thing where they hated each other I think.
    My first was Gràidh, based on a Irish Cob colt with the same name that I couldn’t get out of my head. He was just too adorable with that little heart shaped marking in his blaze. I joined him as a colt, posted him in the Den first I think.

    From there he got adopted by one of Absolution’s mares, and as lead stallion he was obviously not happy with a male not of his blood. Other than that, I didn’t write him a lot. And he’s been in my closet for years now. He was just a sweet little boy that was home and motherless.

    Not that much special xD
    #English is not my native language.

    Amorette - Gyps - Jinju - Kylin - Reeva
    All are only semi-active.
    My first BQ character was Rou, but he was also my first RP character ever. He's very special to me, and every site I've gone to I've taken him with me. I was 10 when I made him (even the backstory is the exact same).

    I don't remember much from his earlier days, but my favorite memory of him here would have to be recently, when he met Aurora. <3
    My first character here was Que sera sera, aka "Sera." She joined Rapture of Death's herd and became ~lead mare~ and then at one point I decided to make her leave the herd and posted a dramatic post that involved Alice Cooper lyrics and I had this idea in my head she was gonna go to each kingdom (there were only three back then, I am so so old) and become queen in each one. Then I realized that was hard, so she returned to ROD, but WAIT. Another mare had been promoted to lead mare. And upon Sera's return, this mare (played by Catty, or Cat, or something like that) STEPPED DOWN and gave it back to Sera and I was so touched at her niceness.

    Also Sera's kids are pretty much part of my foundation line, and I think she's related tonmost of my characters nowadays.
    lmfao @[Cassi] "then I realized that was hard"

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