08-25-2017, 04:32 PM
My heart saw the things my eyes couldn't see
For just a second (the briefest of seconds), it seems he had stirred her. Had broken through that hard, calloused exterior to reach the tender heart beneath. The choked ‘thank you’, two simple words of gratitude that tell him everything he needs to know. The bright smile that touches his lips at that is warm, true, his eyes sparkling with earnest warmth as he shifts closer to her. Close enough to touch. Close enough that he can reach out, offer a gentle press of his velvet muzzle against the softness of her neck.
“You’re very welcome,” he whispers, his breath slipping against her warm skin. Lips stretching into a grin, her finds her mane, teeth tugging gently on the the shimmering strands before he withdraws, once more allowing her her space. A merry twinkle is evident in his amber gaze as he seeks her eyes once more, his tone, slightly louder now, low with good humor. “I like you, Iset.” His voice drops then, a faint of teasing entering the timbre. “Thorns and all.”
But then she is withdrawing, pulling back to allow him to slip alongside her. It seems she didn’t wish him getting too cozy here. Not that that particularly bothers him. There’s plenty of time as it is something of a hike to Tephra. And frankly, he’s pretty good at wearing a body down. In a good way, naturally.
“Oh, the cold ain’t got nothin’ on me,” he quips with a faint chuckle as he easily falls in alongside her. He matches her pace, bright gaze shifting as he divides his attention between the rocky and path and Iset. He rather likes looking at her. She is quite pretty, after all. And didn’t we already mention he’s a bit of a connoisseur of beauty? Well, if not, he definitely is.
“So Iset, tell me about yourself,” he continues, easily filling the silence as they walk. “I mean, Hyaline is so new I’m sure you couldn’t have been born here. At least I hope not. If that’s the case, I seriously need to re-evaluate my observation skills.” He laughs at the last, taking a quick peek at her from the corner of his eye. “So where are you from? And I suppose I should ask, where else have you been?”
“You’re very welcome,” he whispers, his breath slipping against her warm skin. Lips stretching into a grin, her finds her mane, teeth tugging gently on the the shimmering strands before he withdraws, once more allowing her her space. A merry twinkle is evident in his amber gaze as he seeks her eyes once more, his tone, slightly louder now, low with good humor. “I like you, Iset.” His voice drops then, a faint of teasing entering the timbre. “Thorns and all.”
But then she is withdrawing, pulling back to allow him to slip alongside her. It seems she didn’t wish him getting too cozy here. Not that that particularly bothers him. There’s plenty of time as it is something of a hike to Tephra. And frankly, he’s pretty good at wearing a body down. In a good way, naturally.
“Oh, the cold ain’t got nothin’ on me,” he quips with a faint chuckle as he easily falls in alongside her. He matches her pace, bright gaze shifting as he divides his attention between the rocky and path and Iset. He rather likes looking at her. She is quite pretty, after all. And didn’t we already mention he’s a bit of a connoisseur of beauty? Well, if not, he definitely is.
“So Iset, tell me about yourself,” he continues, easily filling the silence as they walk. “I mean, Hyaline is so new I’m sure you couldn’t have been born here. At least I hope not. If that’s the case, I seriously need to re-evaluate my observation skills.” He laughs at the last, taking a quick peek at her from the corner of his eye. “So where are you from? And I suppose I should ask, where else have you been?”