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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Oh Look! Dry land!~ (Kerberos/Reilly, any)
    You suck my face : You lay me down : Under your skin : I'm so divine
    Jord pillars carried her jet black bodice up onto dry land, it had been a rather long journey waiting for the low tide sand bars to show themselves and then to cross them before high tide returned. Her auds stayed pricked as she listened to the sounds of the waves crashing against the white sandy beaches.  Her hazel orbs scanned the new tera before her.. cautious.. yet she came with good intentions. She did not wish to step far into the land as she did not know if they were hostile. She had barely heard of this land in her lifetime and was pretty sure she had definitely never met anyone from here. The land that she did see was very gorgeous, reminded her of her home in Tephra, but less hot. She gently lifted her maw to the sky "HELLO! Is anyone there?" Her warm, kind, alluring vocals called. She then lowered her maw and her orbs went into action looking for any signs of life as she stood there on the banks of Ischia.
    HTML by Call
    I try to make a habit of being around during low tide, hanging out near our little almost land bridge to the mainland just in case of visitors, friendly or otherwise. Wouldn’t do to let a bunch of strangers wander on in without so much as a by our leave, would it? So I’m not exactly far off when one such stranger shows up and calls out, “HELLO! Is anyone there?”

    Hm. Female, or a dude with a particularly high voice. Actually announcing her (presumably) presence, so probably not especially hostile. Always nice. Righto. “Yeah, yeah, I’m right here,” I announce, walking out onto the beach with my usual swagger and eyeing the dame who showed up. Yep. Female. Solid black, sort of fancy-looking with the set of her shoulders, the arch of her neck, the long, flowing hair, the hint of feathering. Pretty enough.

    Doesn’t mean she isn’t dangerous, mind. I’m not that dumb. But there’s nothing about her that screams power. Still, it’d be stupid to assume that means anything. Some of the strongest are the most subtle in their working. Well, SOME. I mean, sure as fuck not me. I wear my power right on my skin, always have, always will. Not much of a choice in the matter, but even if there were, I’d be loud and proud and shiny as fuck. Just who I am, baby.

    “What d’you want, then?”
    Bite my shiny metal ass.
    html code by Toli, design idea based on "Dovev" by Laura

    He tells her "ooh love".
    ”Hello! Is anyone there?”

    The call captures Kylin’s interest. How could it not? It was not that often that someone came to their island. Let alone a female. Other than Mother and her baby sister Kali she didn’t really have female friends. The lavender and white girl doesn’t answer, instead just makes her way over to the beach. But she isn’t the first.

    ”Yeah, yeah, I’m right here.”

    Father, no mistake in that. It doesn’t disappoint her though, she actually was kind of curious to see father interact with someone not from here. She had only seen him around Mother basically. And maybe he could watch over her as she was making a new friend.

    She comes within hear distant just in time to hear Father ask what the stranger came for, in a rather blunt way. Kylin slides up his side, lightly tapping his metallic shoulder. She wouldn’t comment on it in front of someone though. ”Hi. I’m Kylin” she introduces herself, her dished head slightly tilting. Curiously she takes in the tall black mare, coat smooth like velvet. So very unlike Ischia’s residents.

    You suck my face : You lay me down : Under your skin : I'm so divine
    It was not long before her auds picked up voice Yeah yeah, I'm right here .. it spoke to her, before her orbs fell upon a light purple stallion. His response was rather harsh.. did he rule this land? she thought to herself. She gently turned her bodice to face him, being sure not to make any quick movements. What'd you want then? He spoke. Man this guys kinda a ass.. Jord thought silently to herself. Out of what seamed like no where she saw a small lavender tobiano girl pull up beside the stag. Hi. I'm Krylin. the girl spoke. A kind smile crossed the madiens lips seeing the small girl, at least she knew her name. 

    Jord gently bowed her skull in respect of these people and their lands. She lived her skull once more before finally speaking. "My name is Jord. I come in peace from Tephra." She paused after speaking, orbs cautiously waiting to see any sort of reaction, not knowing if these people were hostile or not. "It is nice to meet you Krylin." She smiled at the girl once more. "And you as well sir." Jord spoke giving a soft nod to the man. "I have been sent here on a peace mission, if you will allow me to meet and speak with Ischia's rulers that would be of great importance." Jord's vocals spoke kindly, her voice warm, letting go of the stags rude demeanor.  She wanted to at least give the guy the benefit of the doubt that he's not a complete jerk, and even if he is.. she knows shes here for a reason.    
    HTML by Call
    Mmhmm. She’s got a smile for Ky, which is a good thing at least, and she’s not the only one. I smile at my daughter too, nuzzling her and lipping at her mane as she tucks herself up against my side. “Hey, baby.” Just a quiet little murmured greeting, stealing a moment away from some stranger’s visit to show my daughter I love her and I’m glad to see her. Aaand then I turn back to the stranger in question.

    She bows a little pretentiously, but hey, some people just are that way, all formal and shit. Whatever, no big thing. Just ‘cause we’re pretty laid back and casual here doesn’t mean everyone else has to be. Introduces herself, all politeness and caution, and I shrug and introduce myself in turn. “Kerberos. And her name’s Kaaaaiiiiilin, not Krylin.” I draw the sound out so Jord can hear it better. Maybe it’s an accent or something. Just helping, right?

    Huh. Peace mission. Sounds...sketchy. Send some underling in to scope the place out and see what the mood is, or what the defenses are, what? I mean, I could be wrong about the underling thing, but she doesn’t have the...hmm, the arrogance of a leader? Nah, doesn’t have to be arrogance, Ru isn’t and neither is Amet. Mmmaybe the weight or something, I don’t know, she just doesn’t give off an I-call-the-shots vibe.

    But I might as well hear what she has to say, anyhow. Particularly if it’s a matter of great importance.

    “Sorry to disappoint you there, babe, but you’re looking at him. Or one of us, anyhow. I’m in charge here, along with my buddy Reilly. Well, and our delicious Lacey, but she’s the quiet type, doesn’t like dealing with people or their shit, so we do the dirty work for her. As, I suppose, it should be, right? Why bother keeping us around unless we pay our way, yeah?”

    I glance around, but I’m not especially expecting Reilly to show. We don’t tend to patrol the same spots at the same time after all. And what do you know, there’s no sign of him. So I turn back to the Tephran emissary and ask again, “Sooo. Like I said...I’m right here. What d’you want, then?”
    Bite my shiny metal ass.
    You suck my face : You lay me down : Under your skin : I'm so divine
    Jord silently shook her head for a moment.. Great job idiot! Get the freaking leaders childs name wrong!..The woman thought to herself. 'Soooo.. Like I said I'm right here. What'd you want, then?' He spoke  Gotta be more on point. Clearly this guy doesn't want me wasting his time.And I rather not stay here longer than needed Her mind raced. "Nice to meet you Kerberos. As I said earlier I have come representing Tephra. We are curious as to any alliances you might have and whether you would be receptive to any future conversation in regards to alliances" Jord spoke, her voice now a bit more solid as she wanted to be taken seriously, she was representing her home after all.
    HTML by Call
    html code by Toli, design idea based on "Dovev" by Laura

    Like a flower waiting to bloom.
    Seeing the black woman smile, made Kylin smile in return. She liked her smile, just as she likes Father’s. ”Hi dad” she softly greets him in return. She stays close at his side, but her attention is soon back on their visitor. The little bow made her giggle softly. Never before had she seen such formalities, but she was curious and polite enough to bow her head in return. Very unlike dad.

    Jord then introduces herself and just when she’s about to finish the greetings by telling it was nice to meet the other mare, Jord does it for her. And mispronounces her name. Honestly, Kylin doesn’t know what to think about it. Never before had such thing happened to her and she doesn’t know how to deal with it. It could very much just have been an accidental mistake, she hoped so at least. It’s Father who comes to her rescue, it would’ve made her flinch if she had been in Jord’s hooves. ”I’m sure Jord didn’t do it on purpose” she replies softly, her muzzle brushing her father’s metallic shoulder.

    Then the conversation takes a turn to somewhere she didn’t really had much knowledge of. Kylin had never gotten involved in politics, her young mind busy with other things. Dad gives Jord a long reply, even bringing Mother in the conversation, but it basically summed up how they lived in Ischia. But Jord doesn’t give up. And honestly, she was rather curious to this Tephra she came from. Ivar had mentioned some of the other lands to during his last visit, and Kylin never really had to explore any of them. ”What’s your home like?”

    you can have my isolation,
    you can have the hate that it brings.
    ”It’s hot, humid, and filled with ash.”

    His voice is heavy, laden with brimstone and fire – his throat is dry, and thus his tone is rough, parched from the dry air that lay between the two islands. The salty brine of the sea is trickling down the broad surface of his back, where beads of perspiration become emulating steam – the fire within him is burning brightly, moreso than usual. Along the slope of his spine lay a thick line of fire, flickering beneath the bright, unyielding sunlight – the sun is much less hindered by ash and smoke in Ischia comparatively, and it settles onto his already scalding skin.

    His dark, searing eyes peer first towards Jord, giving her a faint nod of acknowledgement (he had sensed a reluctance when she had set off on her task – uncertain, but she would learn and develop her own sense of confidence in time – diplomacy could be difficult, and interpersonal communication between tense and terse kingdoms could be stifling – impossible, even).

    However, the burning embers of his bright, vivid eyes are soon settled upon Kylin, youthful, draped in ivory and lavender (of Silver Cove, no doubt – and perhaps, Kerberos too, covered in blinding, shining metal), before tracing the gleaming, metallic surface of Kerberos’ skin, if it could even be referred to as such. He is stoicism personified, and neither the corner of his mouth nor his intense gaze bares any semblance of a flinch. He had heard rumors, but rumors were merely at, and without any clarification, he would not bear any judgment on those he did not know.

    ”It’s our own oasis on the sea, not unlike your own,” he says quietly to Kylin, his gaze flickering from one and to the other (though there is a softness when he is looking upon her – he has always had a soft spot for children, and though she is caught between her youth and her womanhood, there is still a tendril of innocence clinging to her). ”with cool streams and watering holes, tall grasses – a volcano.” The fire that sheaths him flares then, as his darkened eyes meet with Kerberos’ own.

    ”My name is Offspring, King of Tephra, and as Jord stated, we are only curious as to where you stand.”
    you can have my absence of faith,
    you can have my everything.
    “Baby girl.” I nudged her gently, lowering my head to look her in the eye. “Of course it probably wasn’t on purpose. But there’s nothing wrong with telling her she got your name wrong. We don’t tell her now, maybe her whole kingdom’s calling you the wrong name, and it’s a hell of a lot more hassle to correct twenty people than one, yeah? You’re worth the effort of getting your name right, even if it causes her a little embarrassment. No censure on her, just a fact. Now she knows it, and I’m betting she won’t forget it.”

    No kid of mine should go through life not knowing for sure how very much she’s worth.

    Mini lecture done, I look our guest over again. “Okay. That’s...interesting. But--” Aaaand before I can finish that thought, our newest visitor joins the party. “Sounds...charming.” I give him a nice, thorough once over while he looks at his...compatriot, or whatever, and then eyes up my daughter. Not, I think, in a lascivious way. He’s hard to read, what with the blank face and the absolute lack of emotion in his eyes. But at least probably he’s not dumb enough to be ogling my daughter as his first move.

    And then he’s looking me over, again with the blank red stare. “That’s nice. Or, well, ashy. Whatever works for you. So here’s the thing. I know your name, and where you live, and that’s great and all. But I don’t actually know fuck-all about you, so why the shit would I tell you any of that? I stand right fuckin’ here, is where. Who I’m friends with and who I’m not, that’s really none of your damn business on account of I don't know you. And coming in and asking about it without so much as a hey, nice to meet you, lovely weather we’re having, here, have a nice shiny rock as a token of our goodwill or whatever, well. Not really the best way to get somebody to want to confide in you, is it? Kind of intrusive, huh?”

    I raise a brow, looking him over from head to toe again. “And I’m sure that’s some nice fire you’ve got there or whatever, but hey, bit of advice? Not the most chill way to make a good first impression. How ‘bout we try this again, shall we? Hey there. I’m Kerberos. I watch over Ischia, along with my friend Reilly. Good to know you’re in charge of Tephra. Should we ever have any beef with someone who belongs there, we’ll come have a chat with you, hm? If any of us are inclined to make a visit, we’ll try to be a bit more with the oh, I don’t know, friendly. Now. As muscle-bound and lickable as you may look, I’m really not in the mood for molten metal today, so if you could either turn that shit down or go back where you came from, that’d be great. We mean you and yours no harm, and we’re not interested in getting caught up in anyone else’s bullshit so we’d appreciate the same. Just want to raise some kids in peace on our little island here. Does that answer your question?”

    ((...oh my god Kirby why? :| I...loooool I'm sorry.))
    Bite my shiny metal ass.
    Oh goodness. Daddy was in a sassy mood, Kali could hear it all the way from behind the trees. She peeked out, and sure enough, he had that glint in his eyes that meant sass for sure. Slipping out from behind some tall palm trees, she pursed her lips and walked on over, looking up at her dad with doubt on her face. “Hello, new friends. Um, Dad? That doesn’t sound like a good way to make new friends like you maybe. Isn’t his fire nice and pretty? You could tell him--”


    Ohhhhh whoa! What on earth was that? Falling right out of the sky, but that was definitely not a sky creature. Or at least not anymore. It started out looking like an eagle, but it quickly started changing, ballooning out to massive proportions. Also if it were a sky creature for real, probably it would be falling slower. And also maybe not getting sooo much bigger. “Ummm, Daddy?” Taking a nervous step back, she glanced up at the strange creature taking shape, and back at the ground. “Maybe...um, maybe we should back up some?” If it got too much bigger, it might just fall right on them and squish them, and it would be terribly difficult to make new friends squished.

    But of course Daddy was not especially willing to be reasonable. “Go ahead, love, I’ll be fine.” She swiveled her ears and watched the big scary something fall, but she stood next to her dad. Well, maybe a little bit behind.

    Right up ‘til the creature landed, and then she was hopping forward to inspect it, eyes wide and full of delight, just as it was flopping forward to meet her too. Ohhh it was a whale! But with a huge pretty hoooorn, and teeny tiny wings. “Whoa! What are you? That’s so cool! Daddy, what is--” Oh. Oh goodness, but it got better!

    Because the whale turned into a person! “Hiii! Oh hi, yes, for sure, come live here! Me an’ Kylie, we can show you all the best places to play, and you can show me how you did that neato trick, and ohhhh we’re gonna be best friends, okay? My name’s Kali, and I’m Kylie’s little sister! What’s your name?”
    Kirby and Lacey's
    little whisper girl

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