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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm Holding On... [Open]
    you can have my isolation,
    you can have the hate that it brings.
      ”And yet, you are still here – why?” he asks softly, but there is something simmering beneath the surface of his carefully spoken words – a darkness slowly emerging, seeping through the crackling exterior of an otherwise stoic and steady presence. His skin, marred with pale, puckered scars, is yet again exuding warmth beyond any natural temperature, and where faint rivulets of perspiration lingered on his skin, steam rose in thick, wavering tendrils, rising towards the sky. She is still – too still; she had yet to heed his words and his impatience was growing like the swelling of high tide, higher and higher.

      Though she has withered away into some smaller sense of self, some supposedly meek and broken thing, he is not convinced – mere moments ago, she had been scathing, defensive, and chastising him when it was her that had trespassed where she did not belong. She that had challenged him. The once flickering ember had grown into a crackling fire, surging inside of him, stirring agitation within the blood coursing through his veins – and then, his burning, smoldering gaze is no longer settled upon her, but instead upon a more familiar face. Fierce and rigid, Nymphetamine thrusts himself forward.  With beads of perspiration lingering across his own brow line, while his lungs are heaving from the exertion, he is a sight to behold, but even with this slender, agile frame, he is nearly dwarfed by Offspring himself – though admittedly, most were.

      ”You are out of line, Nymphetamine,” his voice barely utters, low and careful – his tone a warning. ”I am not Killdare, and this is not your Chamber, and that is something I expect you to keep in mind.”He is quiet for a moment, holding his gaze steadily before glancing to her, studying the hollow of her cheek, and the golden sheen of her skin.

      ”I do not take lightly to trespassers – not after so much has happened, so much has fallen – and I do not expect many others would take lightly to it, either.” And slowly, softly, the fire dwindles into little more than a flicker once again. The adrenaline is still coursing through his veins, as heavy and as wearing as lead, and he is tired – weary – and beneath the heat of his burning eyes is a trace of uncertainty; where were these surges of rage – of uncontrollable ire coming from?

      ”If you are to stay here, I will not tolerate disrespect,” his deep voice mutters, though his gaze moves from the soft and subtle fluttering of her peacock feathers, settling yet again upon Nymphetamine – a warning spoken to her, but his watchful stare intends its meaning for more than just one.

      And quietly, he is drawn once more towards the rumbling volcano and the rivulets of lava that trickle down with long, meaningful strides, longing to feel something - anything - more blistering than himself.
    you can have my absence of faith,
    you can have my everything.

    Standing idle before him she felt as if she was a child being scolded for an act she hadn't committed.  She had simply seeked out the refuge under the willow near the river.  What mess have you gotten yourself into this time Aurora?! 

    And yet you are still here, why?

    Why?  Cause you've been circling around me, duh!  No, no, no... Play nice!  Her golden flecked eyes hadn't left the blatant red flare of his.  He stood tensed.  A pulsating anger boiled within him and she couldn't help but wonder why... If the heat of his flesh hadn't been so intense she may have thought to reach out to him.  To help him quiet the beast that raged inside.  She was, after all, kind hearted and cared deeply for others.  Maybe too deeply and it casted her into risky relationships with others damaged even more than herself... 

    An answer escaped her as a sudden crashing of hooves was heard approaching.  She turned her dished face to see another large form barreling towards them.  Enough... Was all that was bellowed at them until he came to a stop.  If she hadn't felt small before, she felt minusquel now.  The two exchanged words she didn't quite understand.  Maybe their lands had been in some sort of turmoil recently.  Her unannounced presence setting the stallion off.  Her eyes shifted to the Bay now as they finished.  Red eyes upon her again as he issued his finally piece before turning in land...

    Gown of emerald and gold hung loosely upon her back.  The very edges dangling to the grasses below her.  They swept across the ground as she turned to face the blood bay.  He was quick to circle her, prying for information as he came to a stop.  "Aurora," it was asked of her so it was given.  He allows her space and she settles into it as his questions reached for more.  Cream laced lips allowed him an answer, "I had just crossed the river to stand within the shade of this willow.  I did not mean to cause any trouble." Her neck twisted slightly as she glanced upon her plumage, "as you can imagine these retain a bit of heat."  Looking to him again she paused a moment.  Thoughts traveling back onto what had just transpired.  Almost missing his next comments.  Her voice soft once again as her gaze now viewed the horizon upon which the black stallion had disappeared, "What happened to him?" It may have been an inappropriate question for a stranger to ask but she was none the wiser.


    Not all that Glitters is Gold


    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones

    Nymphetamine doesn’t bother replying to Offspring’s implied threat, nor does he say anything about his reaction to the comment about Kildare. It isn’t that he didn’t want to, The black draft had taken Nymph’s reminder of the ruler he had known him to be as a comparison and judgement. He hadn’t, he had hoped recalling Kildare would have cleared whatever fog had taken his friend into such a dark space. Either way the dark leader had nearly imploded and Nymph knew to just nod, take his verbal lashings and move on. The blood abck knew better than to forget though, and he would have to talk to him again...in time.

    Nymphetamine had fought darkness, had his demons pull him down into a twisted sense of self and seen the consequences if it. The blood bay wasn’t sure what was happening with Offspring, or how to fix it, but he knew that he would need to be there for the draft. But that would have to wait, as the ruler left, steam wafting away in the breeze as she sauntered back to the volcano. Concern and sadness fill Nymph’s eyes as he watched him go, but he pushed it all aside to focus on the mare. She was fragile in a sense but there was a power there, internal and wanting. It just needed some direction, some support and that strength would flourish. But he had to be sure of her first.

    Her name came softly from her lips, as she looked out into the space that Offspring had been before. Aurora. Her explanation for being in Tephra seemingly innocent. But Nymph would keep tally on her to be safe. The bay only nodded to her reply, how she got into the lands had been a big enough production. Her final question, silenced him as well. He didn’t know. ”I’m not sure…” He sighed and went to move along with the conversation. ”I can tell you that many of the residents here are kind, and more even tempered. If you decided to stay here, I would imagine you would find friendship and support, maybe even purpose. But I’ll be honest, you will be under close watch, until we can be sure of you, given the….intrusion.”


    I faced when you left me, A rose in the rain

    ooc: these are poopy. :|
    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    Whirls of uplifted sands settled upon the land once again as the black stallions presence was but a ringing in their minds.  Still a flabbergasted look painted upon her face as her attention shifted to the bay beside her.  He seemed much more even tempered but one cannot judge a book by it's cover.  Knowing this all to well of herself even.  Most moments passed calmly for her but there was an internal fire that crept up every once in a while.  Mostly when threatened or degraded.  Trying her best to not let it fan into a raging fire...

    Golden flecked eyes examined him as his sights had laid where hers had.  He seemed conflicted.  Gone was her confusion and in it's place was more curiousity.  Carmel dished head tilted slightly as cream tresses fell to the lowered side.  He towered over her small stature frame but he was not threatening in the least.  Not to her.  Shifting her weight from one hip to the other she relaxed her taunted muscles. Ears twisted free of her tangled mane as she listened to him speak...

    Unsure of if she should stay -given the circumstances- she pondered his statement.  She did not wish to cause angst within the kingdom.  That had been the least of her intentions.  Causing tension between the residents hadnt been something she wished to create either.  Clearly she had done both.  "Perhaps it was bad timing.  None the less I do not wish to create trouble," a slight dip of her crown was given, "I will leave as requested."  Looking upon his face her gaze softened, a slight smile creased her lips, "It was a pleasure to meet you Nymphetamine.  If we meet again, may it be on better terms. Thank you." 

    She could not stay where she caused problems.  Turning about to face the river, in the direction of which she crossed, she ventured forth once again.  To where she was unsure, for what... she was even more unsure...


    Not all that Glitters is Gold


    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones

    Tephra was more barren than Chamber had been. Not a dessert, but not a the coniferous forest that he had learned to love. The wooded areas were thinner here, and shrubbery was the thicker than the trees. But he had grown to enjoy the heat, the sulfuric air and the lingering humidity. Before today Nymphetamine hadn't seen the Willow tree that had been the scene of the the day's drama. It was a curious thing- such a temperate tree thriving in the tropic terrain. But that was Beqanna, it always gave him something to wonder over.

    Aurora seemed to ease into this place, her cream features relaxed, her feathers giving in to the forces of the wind, not able to remain still from the force of the breeze. He could tell his words were taken on a way he didn't fully intend… must just not be his day. His eye were soft ass she spoke as he felt for her, her situation and her softness. Why he seemed to care what would happen to the mare was beyond him. The bay surely had enough trouble on his hands with both kimber and keeps returning within days of each other. Though both conversations had yielded nothing to help bring clarity. But when Aurora said she would leave Nymphetamine resisted the idea. He wanted her here, but for kingdom or for self he wasn't sure. The urge to protect her was there though burning in his stomach, willing him to stop her. Externally he was calm his attention on her and he simply nodded.

    She turned, her curvature already growing smaller as she retreated. He watched her, unable to make himself speak, but yelling at himself to speak. Anything, something.. just do something to keep her here. What a mess, the blood bay surely enjoyed the torture that came with following his bleeding heart. He sighed and trotted forward, quickly catching up with her, siding up with her small frame. ”I should probably escort you… unless you want a tour while you are here? I prime you have cause no trouble, nor would a tour. Have you seen a volcano before? Be a shame to leave without seeing Tephra’s Biggest feature ”

    Smooth Nymphetamine, smooth. The blood bay stopped at the rivers edge, the cooler air a welcome feeling, as would the mares continued company.


    I faced when you left me, A rose in the rain

    Ooc: typed this up on my phone so hopefully it isn't a mess.
    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    As she bid farewell and turned to leave her heart sake.  Another attempt, another failure.  Why was she always failing?  Her thoughts haunting her as cream dipped legs moved her easily across the terrain.  A breeze came up from behind ruffling her preened feathers.  She took pride in the gown gifted to her by the fairies.  Stopping short of the river bank to adjust a stray.  Twisting her neck, she extended her muzzle to nip gently at the tangled shafts.  Satisfied at the result her navy eyes fell upon the distant bay figure.  Noting the tropical backdrop upon the horizon.  His figure began to expand in size and within moments he was beside her again.  Swinging her hind around to face him, carmel ears swiveled forwards.  

    A dazzle of interested in her navy eyes as he mentioned a tour.  She'd rather enjoy seeing something other than trees and meadow.  Gaze shifted as she thought of the proposed activity.  Cream tassels rested lazily at her hocks. Soon her wonderlust gaze returned to meet his, she questioned, "I have never seen a volcano before... What does it do?" Her naive nature never failed her in moments like these... 


    Not all that Glitters is Gold

    Mine are always on my phone so I get it Wink

    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones

    Her interest was sincere as she turned to face him. Her navy eyes seemed to glisten when she turned to him ears forward with intent. The bay was glad to know she was being earnest, for else he be made out to be a fool. Her wings lay neatly at her sides, the long plumes dangling down cascading around her as the train of a ballgown. It was boldly unique and each feather held a slightly different pattern, a different hue of blues, purples, and greens. He wondered if she could fly with such wings, he doubted it possible but would ask later for her voice pulled him from his momentary thoughts. What is a volcano? Her innocence was cute, refreshing from those he interacted with such old bones. He was quite older than her, his experiences led him away from home, and all across Beqanna. In such ways that Beqanna gifted him immortality, and his physical form stayed a peak age of 7..ish. He had started to forget exactly how old he was when his aging froze. But it was enough to know he wasn’t as young as we once was, mentally. He had grown and he was much better for it. He glanced at the steaming mountain in the distance, his nose turning towards it as his head jerked in its direction. ”That’s the volcano, that steaming mountain. Come.”

    He turned with a smile and lead her away from the boundary channels that made Tephra an island, away from “I hope to see you again,” and the unexpected panicked feeling as he watched her go to leave. He took her into Tephra, winding a scenic path through the center of the terrain. Over small shrubs, and through the denser trees spotted hills. He turned occasionally to ask a question of stopped to help her over the lava streams. ”Be careful of these, they will burn you badly if you touch them.” He leaped over one tucking his limbs up over the red-black stream. He stood still on the other side and watched to make sure she came over safely as well. ”So where were you before you landed yourself beneath with willow?” He was curious about her for more than a just personal curiosity but also for the security of Tephra (though mostly personal, let’s be serious).

    The path the were on eventually took them to the base of the volcano, and Nymphetamine didn’t take her closer. His tall lean form halted there and let her take it in, the heat, the steam, and the sulfur which was stronger here than the dissipated scent that lingered from time to time in the outer regions of the islands. The heat was already more intense at this distance, and surely Offspring was higher up the mount and the diplomat didn’t feel like putting his skills to use again. The time had passed him by more quickly than he realized the sun already descending back below the skyline. He allowed her to take it in, he remained silent and enjoyed reading her reactions from her facial expressions. But as the sun grew dimmer and the sky turned as colorful as Aurora’s wings, he nodded away from the molten mountain in a silent question. There was more to see, and he didn’t care to stay at the volcano at night. ”We can go to the shoreline, or...I guess I’ll take you back if you want to go.” The sun setting behind them had the sky make a brilliant background. He didn’t know if his hopes showed on his face but he enjoyed the company thus far, and maybe, just maybe, she would stay.

    He knew at some point he would have to figure out the whole picture, as surely Kimber and Keeva would continue the conversation and at some point, his head would make his heart decide. But after years of back and forth, and never getting a serious affirmation it was nice to just enjoy a conversation, for it to be easy, or better put comfortable. The blood bay wasn’t foolish enough to assume there was substance between them, but he was wise enough to recognize and be open to the possibility.


    I faced when you left me, A rose in the rain

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    With a child-like innocence she peered up at his towering stature.  The red of his coat a vibrant shade she hadn't seen before.  His ink dipped edges contrasted well with such a color.  Unlike her he did not bare any ivory markings, nor feathers upon his back.  She hadn't been born with such an array of colors upon hers either.  Feeling his gaze shifting upon the gown she pulled them tightly to her sides.  Conforming to her frame, concealing the secrets they protected...

    That's the volcano, that steaming mountain. Come.

    Following the redirection of his gaze, her navy eyes landed upon the mountain spewing clouds into the sky.   Her brow cocked in wonder at how a mountain could form the clouds above.  As he moved off she settled easily at his side.  Quickening her pace to keep up with his longer strides.  Winding through the more tropical foilage of the inner island.  Occasionally stopping to view a floral display...

    A sudden stop coaxed her to look down at a stream of molted rock.  She could feel the heat burning off it as he warned her of it's danger.  Lowering her muzzle to view it better, the toxic smell filled her nostrils.  A snort fluttered from her nares as her crown lifted sharply.  Seeing the stallion gather himself easily over the flowing liquid.  Her brow furrowed as she contemplated the tasks before her.  In such cases having useable wings would be ideal.  Lifting her wings slightly to avoid their dangling she gathered herself, leaping swiftly across.  Upon landing she looked back to gauge her clearance.  Taking note of any damage to her plumage.  Seeing none her sights landed upon the bay as he questioned her, "I am not from Beqanna.  The fairies brought me here.  They helped me." Looking to the nearing horizon before continuing, "I have been in the commonlands mainly.  The playground and den mainly.  I enjoy children." A smile swept across her cream laced lips as she thought of Fox.  He had been so excited to share his gifts with her.  "Do you have any children?" Her question innocent enough but perhaps out of line...

    Soon they were standing at the base of the volcano and she now knew where the sulfur smell had originated from.  Twisting channels of red lava flowing from it's mouth.  The steam curling into the darkening skies above.  The backdropped of the evening set perfectly behind it.  Streaks of orange, pink and yellow as the sun kissed the world good bye.  It was a sight to behold and she smiled happily to having agreed to witness it...

    We can go to the shoreline, or...

    She dismissed the rest of his question as her thoughts remained upon the promise of seeing more.  Their was a twinkle within the dark of her eyes that even the stars would have envied.  Dished profiled turned to find his, "I'd love to!" The sudden excitement in her voice startled even her.  Casting her eyes downwards in slight embarrassment.  "I mean... I'd enjoy that very much.  If you don't mind," her soft voice more controlled this time.  The pitter patter within the confines of her ribcage quickened.   Having already strained her welcome she didn't want to overstay it too...  


    Not all that Glitters is Gold


    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones

    Her outward eagerness was endearing, and the bay can't help but laugh out loud at her outburst. There was no hidden message to decipher and he couldn't help but enjoy the simplicity of her company, effortless she corrects herself, but there was no need to he was glad that the formalities were leaving her, that she seemingly felt comfortable with him as well. He reached out with across the small distance between then with his back tipped nose and nudged her softly stating, ”Come along then,”/b> he smiled at her, as he moved of to the shore. He fully intended to actually enjoy the breezes of the ocean air as he rarely made it to the black sand beaches that lined most of Tephra. He kept a pace equal to hers, not rushing or pushing her shorter legs to move in an urgent manner, theirs was just a quiet stroll. ”I am not from Beqanna originally either, but I am glad I ended up here, she's been good to me,” he stated after some time had passed, it wasn't an awkward silence,at least for him, but he didn't was to sit there and be silent either. It seemed a natural topic given she had shared she wasn't from Beqanna either, but he wasn't one for small talk. He could do so rather seamlessly, but he preferred honest words and meaningful conversation when he could.

    The landscape became more barren as their journey continued. The loamy soils of the inner lands transitioned to sandy layers as the neared the beach, and when the gusting breezes finally touched their faces, it was obvious that the beach was just ahead. The grade began to slope downward, and the brittle grasses thinned to nothing, not able to hold root in the loose sand, The stallion closed his eyes and let to cool breeze wash over his sweaty coat, a welcomed chill to his warm skin. He glanced over at Aurora then, preferring to take in her reaction than just asking her. What had been mid day when he first laid eyes on her and melted away to dusk from their travels around the string of Islands. He knew that she would leave unless he convinced her otherwise. She may have had a rocky start but she would be fine here. She would sure meet others that would make her feel at home. He eventually broke the silence with that in mind. ” Are you still decided on finding residence elsewhere?” He wouldn’t ask her to stay here for him, no that would be cruel. To have that form of dependence would be unfair, and unwanted. If she were to stay in Tephra it would be her own choice.

    He waited for her reply, quietly resting next to her, his shoulder grazing hers. There was no pressure from him, and it she left he would surely visit her, wherever that may be.


    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

    He broke into laughter at her exclamation.  A contagious giggle broke her own cream laced lips.  Come was all he said and obediently she followed.  They headed into the breeze.  Pushing the sulfur smell behind them and bringing promise of something new.  Carmel ears tilted to him as he explained of his existence in this world.  A story similar to hers, though he did not know the harsh reality of her full story.  

    Not yet

    The sea salt breeze grew as they neared the sanded beaches.  The lightweight of her body moved effortlessly atop the grainy soil.  Buckling her hunches she merely slid down the steep slope to the shoreline.  A few feathers had ruffled from the journey, and more were displaced by the swift breeze.  He landed beside her, face into the wind, enjoying the way it cooled the heat from their bodies.  Her navy eyes looked out into the vast abyss before her.  The breathtaking skyline reflected off it's surface scattering a rainbow of color in all directions.  She smiled then.

    His interests shifted to her.  A prying question on his lips.  Her brow furrowed in thought at the question before looking upon his face.  "I am not sure where I belong," her statement simple enough but filled with truth.  "I don't think I can stay here though.  Not with the way things were left back there." Her eyes fell again as the breeze shifted her wing.  The secrets they hid exposed momentarily before she straightened them.  A flashed glance to his face to gauge his reaction.  Maybe he hadn't caught a quick glimpse of her past.  The hideous gray scars that lined her hide beneath her wings embrace.  Beqanna had been good to her, but for other reasons, she was sure... 


    Not all that Glitters is Gold

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