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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    baddie, whole family (kali birth thread!)
    He walks alongside Kirby, mainly focusing on keeping upright and in forward motion, content to let the man fill whatever silence there might have been. And he does, a lot. Not that he has many experiences to go on, but the boy finds himself thinking the guy is rather odd. The way he talks and carries on, and the things he says. But, he was promised some food and is definitely curious about this family he speaks of, and above all is happy not to leave the island. So he goes, letting him rattle on, storing away some of the things he tells about them. Trouble out on the ocean. On? He couldn't help wonder about that. From what he had seen of the ocean, he could imagine what troubles there could be out there. But he doesn't ask now, bundling it away for another time and focuses on marching on.

    At one point, he wants to ask how much farther, but does not. Hating the way his muscles ache and his lungs burn. His tummy is making just all kinds of awful sounds, twisting and churning inside him. Super uncomfortable. But he doesn't want to complain, just takes another heavy breath and follows along. He falls back a bit, but mostly hopes that it isn't so obvious that he is so wobbly and trips easily now and again.

    Eventually, the walking stops, and he is beyond glad. His breathing comes in pants, but he tries to keep it quiet, tries to lift his head a little higher to see what's before them as Kirby announces their arrival. Calling him a present, then describing how he looks a little like the three adults in the small clearing ahead. Strange man. But he supposes he does see what he means. He shrugs and ducks his head a bit as he tells them why he's here, feeling guilty for losing them all over again, and expecting shame from the others there. It didn't come, though. And the lady they call Lacey beckons him closer. He doesn't move at first, ears back shyly, but he isn't so much shy as he is unsure if he can walk another step. But the brownish lady seems so tired like him, and he feels for her, taking a step and then two toward her. Stumbles a bit when Kirby nudges him. His ears pin back at that, but he rights himself and brushes noses with the mare before pulling back again. She confirms she will feed him, but soon not now. Hesitant, but obedient, he moves back away, eyeing Kirby and then the other man. The big white one with the bits of red in his hair and on his head. Eyes so clear and a mixture of blue and green as he looks back at him.

    He's confused mostly, why everyone is surrounding the lady. What's wrong with her. Is she sick? Hurt? But he dares not ask, just stands off in the background and contemplates laying down too. No, better not. Because last time had been hard in the cave, and next time would be even more so. So he waits quietly, until soon after when the boy and girl Kirby had told him about came up. The boy stops cold when he sees Badden, and he frowns, shuffling a hoof in the dirt. He frowns further when the boy- Kharon, Kirby said- gets snapped at and slumps off. He simply keeps quiet and watches as Reilly goes over and murmurs something to the boy, ruffling his hair some before turning back to the lady. The girl, Kylin, steps out of the shadows and he watches how she moves so close to Kharon, in awe at their similarities. Pretty much just alike except for Kharon's wings and their eyes. And they stay so close together. So that's what twins are, he guesses. Two from one. Pretty cool, he thinks. He shivers a bit, and tucks his own wings in around his sides, warming him for lack of a sister's body to comfort him. He sighs, finding himself missing Rossi when all of a sudden, things start happening before them.

    A soft and fuzzy thing comes out of the lady. Another baby. Oh, so that's what Kirby was talking about. He hadn't realized that was where babies came from. Kinda gross. But a little after, Lacey gets the baby all clean and everyone can see it's a girl when she stands up. Wow, and she's really pretty too. Soft colors, not so bright like the others. Badden smiles at her from where he stands, realizing her splayed stance matches his own at present, and he works to stand taller, look stronger. Even though, she doesn't really look at him. In fact, she looks at Kharon mostly, and then Lacey. Of course. Tucking his wings in tighter to his sides, he looks up to Reilly and catches the man's gaze. It startles him, the look he sees there in his face, and some inner part of him recognizes something in that look as he glances around at everyone and then back at him. He swallows as the man smiles at him and offers a comforting sentiment. To which he nods. "Thanks." And then glances back to Kylin who asked who he is. Shifting a bit, feathers rustling, he says, "I'm just Badden. But they call me Baddie. Um.. you can too." He flushes and looks away, back to the newborn girl as she moves closer to Lacey's side.

    Kylin asks what the baby's name will be, and he finds himself curious too. He watches as she goes to get her nourishment from Lacey and his tummy goes and rumbles really loud in answer. Oh man, that's embarrassing. It's all he can do to look at the trees and sky all innocent, as though that noise had not just come from him.
    Ah, shit. Poor Kharon looks pretty crushed when his mom pushes him away. Reilly comforts him a bit, but I saunter on over to nudge him and give him a winning smile. “Don’t worry, kid. Your mom’ll be back to her sunny, cheery self in no time.” Mind you, I whisper it to him, on account of I really don’t want to invoke Lacey’s wrath just now. She’s got a glorious temper on the best of days, and shoving a kid out is probably not the best of days.

    Thank fuck I don’t have to imagine trying that myself.

    I nudge Kharon’s shoulder and settle in next to him, keeping him company and staying out of the way while Lacey brings our little one into the world. God, she’s magnificent, isn’t she? So strong, so fucking fearless, such a badass. I’d do more than just sit back and witness the fucking miracle she’s working if I didn’t think she’d bite my face off for it. Or no, I’d do it anyhow if it were just that. I don’t want to hurt her more than I’ve already done though. So I let Reilly do that part, let him help and support her and be all...partnery. Or whatever. That’s how it should be, right? She deserves somebody who can actually do that shit for her, and a blind man could see Reilly loves her like crazy. So. Staying out of the way. I can do that.

    And then. Ohhh and then. In a mess of fluid and gore and all wrapped up in weird tissue, our baby comes into the world. She has eyes only for Kharon, so I grin and nudge him her way to go say hello while I go to Lacey’s side. “You’re amazing. She’s perfect,” I whisper, brushing the damp hair off her face and beaming at her. When she’s ready, I’m there to help her stand (not that I’m dumb enough to offer it and get my nose bitten, but standing conveniently nearby works well enough, yeah?) and then I wait my turn to go say hello to our little wonder. Don’t want to overwhelm her before she’s even gotten a meal in her belly, poor love.

    Kylin arrives while Kharon and the baby are getting to know each other, and moves toward Kharon the moment the baby makes for Lacey, curling up against her twin’s side and kissing his cheek. Hmm. She smiles at her mom and then at me, and I smile back, happy to see her as always, glad she made it to welcome her baby sister into the world. But I don’t miss the way she sticks to Kharon’s side even as she greets Baddie, only stepping away a tiny step to meet her sister. Later. I’ll talk to her later, or...or well maybe talk to Lacey about it, I’m not great at the feelings thing and girls, and hell if I want to make things worse. Maybe her mom should have that talk with her, like I did with Kharon. Hmm. Problem for another day, since I’m not about to burden Lacey with that kind of a talk just now.

    Ah. And Kylin has an excellent question, but the baby snorts and huffs and turns to stare pointedly at Kharon when everybody else starts discussing names. Like he should speak up. Like he should be saying something, because--oh. Ohhh. Right, that clever brain trick of his. “Kharon?”

    Oh. Oh, she’s got her momma’s angel eyes, and she turns ‘em on me just then. Puzzled, wrinkled brow, and then her eyes go wide with delight. Daddy may not be the cleverest thing, but now and again he gets it right, baby girl. “I think she’d like Kharon to do the honors, if that’s okay with everyone.” I glance at Lacey, reluctant to take the choice away from her, but it seems like it might already not have been hers to make. Looks like somebody might’ve made a friend already, hmm?

    I grin and lean in to kiss my new daughter on the forehead, taking advantage of her attention to get my own hello in. “Hi there, angel eyes.” It’s not eloquent. It’s not deep or profound or touching, just a couple little words to welcome her to the world, to our family. I don’t know how else to do it, to say she’s ours, she’s safe, she’s loved beyond words. How to tell her she stole my heart with one look, or that I’ll do my damndest to always be there for her, to never let her down, to break anyone who hurts her. All that’s better shown anyhow, isn’t it? So I just breathe in the scent of her, my sweet baby girl, and nuzzle her gently once more before turning to look at Kharon. Do the honors, then, won’t you, son?
    Bite my shiny metal ass.


    Reilly was here. She could hear him, smell him, feel him. He was here, and she was able to relax a little more. He'd been there the first time she gave birth, only a stranger at the time but the only person she had, and she'd wanted him here for this time too. Routine, almost. Or, as routine as these things could be. Giving birth was terrifying. She was barely a woman herself and here she was having another child. Another of his.

    And of course it was his.
    Because there'd never been anyone else.

    She wondered if it hurt Reilly, a quiet ripple of a thought in her weary mind, to see her birth yet another lavender child. Yet another that wasn't his, now that she knew he had feelings for her. She couldn't seem to look at him as she cleaned the baby's little nose, or even as he kissed her forehead and told her, Ya did good, love. All she ever did was hurt him.

    Why was he always so nice? She didn't think she deserved it.
    She didn't deserve him.

    "You're amazing. She's perfect," Kirby said, brushing her sweat-dampened hair from her face and smiling that goddamn smile at her. I know, she snipped with a glare, hating him for that ache of hurt he still put in her heart. It didn't stop her from using him to stand and steady herself. It was the least the bastard could do. But she let go immediately once she was holding her own weight. God, but she was exhausted. She couldn't wait for the baby to take her fill and let her lie back down again. Let her disappear while everyone cuddled this little beauty.

    It seemed everyone was there, the whole family. Kylin too, at her brother's side, of course. Always at each other's sides. She asked what Wallace would name her, their newest little sister, and she sighed quietly. It was probably best she not name the girl. Reilly was better at names. Maybe he should name her. Or even Kirby this time maybe.

    But she didn't get the chance to even suggest it. "Kharon?" Kirby prompted, and her baby girl gave him the biggest, beautiful grin that sent another sting through her heart. He was such a good father. Reilly was perfect too. She was a terrible mother. "I think she'd like Kharon to do the honors, if that's okay with everyone." He glanced at her, and she instantly turned away from those gray eyes, masking her face and giving a shrug. Whatever.

    She moved carefully to Reilly's side and waited silently. Finally, everyone got their hellos in, Kharon named her Kali, and her Kali came to nurse. Her muzzle bent to nudge little Badden, guiding him to eat as well. Twins might have run in her family, maybe, but she supposed Baddie would sort of be Kali's twin this time. Or something. Handsome little thing, he was.

    She let Reilly's large body shield them, wishing they'd all just go away already. She loved her family, but she hated all the attention even if only the barest bits of it were directed at her. Maybe it was a mother's instinct to want space for her and her newborns, but her growing annoyance was clear in the edgy way she shifted her weight impatiently, hiding behind Reilly like he could keep the rest of the world out.

    She was a terrible mother. Terrible at family in general, it seemed.
    Terrible at everything, really.

    Kylin came to his side and nestled in close. It was completely natural to lean into her, press closer and touch his nose to her cheek. He was glad she was here with him. It made everything else hurt less. Mother's snap at him and now this new kid taking his place. At least he wasn't replaceable to Kylin. They would always have each other.

    Each of his dads came to reassure him, though, with calming touches and ruffles through his fluffy mane. He smiled hesitantly, a little afraid to trust their offered comforts with such an attractive little brother come to take his place. Kali would probably prefer him better too one day, growing up together as they would. Maybe even Kylin. And the thought made him settle in closer, already afraid to lose his twin.

    Then there she was, his Kali, and he stared in tense silence, waiting to see if she would recognize him or remember him. And he knew immediately that she did, as soon as she looked at him. He smiled carefully, flowing into her mind with relief and surrounded her in his affection. Kali.. he whispered silently to her, stretching his nose to help her reach him. My Khari, he heard and his smile grew, giving a short nod and pressing his forehead to hers. You remember, he thought softly, I was afraid you would forget. I've never met someone before they were born.

    He almost didn't hear Father prompting him, but his eyes didn't leave her as he answered. "Kali. Her name is Kali." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, passing a last thought before gently slipping from her mind. Remember to use your voice. Only I can hear you this way. He couldn't wait to hold her on his own, or take her out places, or tuck her right in the middle between he and Kylin all curled together.

    And Baddie. Her brother.

    He glanced at him, already hating the idea. Why'd they have to bring a boy home? Why'd he have to have wings too? Kharon used to be special once. Now he was just another son.

    Kharon turned away, burying his face in Kylin's neck with a sigh as everyone else greeted Kali. She knew of his telepathy too, of course. She knew everything about him. But he still tried not to use it often. He still wanted -needed- to keep it hidden and he didn't want to get too used to it and let it slip one day. He ignored that desire today and filled her mind too, letting her sense his fear that she wouldn't love him as much as Baddie one day. What if they all liked him better?

    Let's go, please? I don't want to be here anymore, he asked her, not mentioning that Mother didn't want them there anyway with her Kali and her little handsome boy. Whatever. He and Kylin should just go be alone together while everyone was busy and distracted. He started walking, holding her close to his side where she belonged and placing a light kiss on her cheek.

    I'll come see you soon, he promised their baby sister. When Mother is more inviting. She doesn't want me here right now.
    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy
    Talk talk talk, her family was very good at talking, so many voices from so many places. Kali tucked her head up against her mommy’s side and closed her eyes, scrunching up her face a little. Lots of words, lots to say, and none of it was soft and muffled by...well, by Mommy’s insides, apparently. She pressed her ear against Mommy’s belly, but the familiar thud of her heart sounded different now, and she could still hear all the words so loud. Plus so many faces all at once? Oh, it was a lot.

    But her Khari’s voice, all tucked away inside her head as he pressed his forehead to hers, that was lovely. You remember, he said, whispering all cozy in her mind. She peeked at him, and a smile lit up her eyes and turned up her lips. How could she possibly forget?

    Of course I remember. You’re my Khari. She rubbed her nose against his face, sighed a happy little sigh, and pressed a kiss to the top of his nose. I could never forget my Khari. Never never. And now she could reach him, with her whole self instead of just him tucking himself up against her mind and cuddling her in her head.

    As distracted as she was by Khari’s attention, she didn’t miss the word name when someone said it, and Sister was asking the wrong person. No, not Mommy, Khari already named her! Khari! She snorted, and huffed out a grumpy little breath, and stared at her brother. Don’t let ‘em wrong-name me! You already gave me my name, and it’s mine.

    Oh, but clever Daddy didn’t let them do it. “Kharon?” he asked, and at first she thought maybe he meant to name her the same thing as her Khari, which would be very confusing, wouldn’t it? Oh, but he was looking at Khari, and yes, that! Good job, Daddy! Kali smiled so big, as Daddy leaned in to kiss her on the forehead and say hello. She reached up and tickled his chin with her nose, and it was not soft at all, not like her Khari’s. It was solid and unsquishy and probably would not feel nice to bop against, but tickling it was okay even if he didn’t giggle.

    Then her Khari was saying her name, and chin tickling didn’t matter anymore. She nodded as he said it again, grinning at him and snuggling closer. But sometimes I like it when only you can hear me, she told him, rubbing her face against his shoulder. He was soft and comfy and familiar; it felt just like when she’d cuddled up to him in her mind, except bigger somehow. More real. And that was lovely. Besides, she didn’t want to use her voice yet, not when there were so many voices already.

    So many.

    And everybody wanted to say hi, even in little bitty ways like a smile or a soft little touch. She smiled at them too, and let them cuddle her, but there really were so many. A mommy and two daddies and three siblings and her, and that was an awful lot of hellos and an awful lot of faces to remember all at once, and ducking under Mommy’s belly for a snack was a quick little getaway from all of the attention. Too much attention. ‘Cept when she was done and peeked back out, Khari was walking away.


    Oh. Oh she did not like this new feeling. Achy in her chest, and tight in her throat, and burning in her eyes as her vision went funny and blurry. I'll come see you soon, he whispered in her head as she blinked and a tear trembled on her eyelashes, and her lower lip quivered. When Mother is more inviting. She doesn't want me here right now.

    But… Kali curled in on herself, hunching her shoulders as her head drooped toward the ground. She peeked up at Khari’s retreating form, sniffling once. But Khari, I want you here.
    Kirby and Lacey's
    little whisper girl
    html code by Toli, design idea based on "Dovev" by Laura

    He tells her "ooh love".
    She had asked Mother what the girl’s name would be. Reilly suggest another name starting with the ‘K’, so that it would match her and Kharon’s names perhaps? Or would she – like the twins – be named after their Father too? Kylin was close to suggesting the name to start with a ‘B’, so the girl’s name would match Badden’s. That would be cute, right?

    But then, then Father calls for Kharon. And says the girl would want Kharon to name her. Kylin’s hazel gaze moves from the girl to their father and then to Kharon, who stood at her side. The confusion clear in her gaze. Had she missed something? Was there something he hadn’t told her?

    Kharon names her. No, not names, he introduces her. As if she already had that name prior meeting them all. But before she can ponder over it too much, he pulls her out of her thoughts. She presses closer against him, her neck bending a little to ghost her lips over his skin. Then he’s in her head. Kylin shudders, a small smile tugging on the corners of her lips. Of course she would go with him. Didn’t she always? Unless the times he trailed away from her side for other things.

    She turns with him as he moves. She makes sure to keep close at his side, buried under his wing. Those wings she loves. Very much so. Kylin does not look back when they walk away, it’s not like they would miss her presence anyway. Kali held their attention.


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