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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Help Is All I Ask For
    Siba just didn't know how much longer she could depend on him. After so many moons apart, the young filly and her dam finally encountered Nymphetamine in the Meadow, glad to see him following the Reckoning. Nymphetamine told the two mares that they were welcome to seek refuge in the Tephra, and Siba desired to follow, but Nitika had nothing to say after Nymphetamine left the two of them in the Meadow. Siba didn't really understand what was going on with her dam. First the mare wanted to see the blood-bay stallion, now she wanted nothing to do with him? Her thought process was going haywire nowadays, and, finally, it reached a boiling point.

    Siba couldn't take it anymore. She needed a new refuge for her dam, someplace that didn't remind her of the blood bay stallion that Siba had hardly seen in almost a year now.

    She had once admired her sire, remembering all those days they'd spent together in the Chamber as he taught her how to fight and stand up for herself. But after the Reckoning, everything changed, and whether or not Nymphetamine was doing well it the Tephra, Siba couldn't take Nitika there. Maybe one day, she's go there herself, to see her sire, but right now, she needed to get help. Because if Nitika couldn't make up her mind, Siba would have to do it for her.

    Siba knew it wasn't as simple as finding some other stallion her dam could love, or another that could give her a foal and something to look forward too. Maybe that was what her dam needed, another foal to focus her attention on, but the foals this season had already been born and there were no stallions out there seeking a mare for their harem. Siba didn't want that anyway, not for her dam. She didn't want her reduced to the role of a broodmare, not when she deserved more for raising the filly on her own and trying to make sure Siba still looked up to her sire.

    Within a few days after departing the Meadow, the filly and mare reached the border of a relatively new kingdom in comparison to the others. She'd heard a little of this place, Hyaline, but not much beyond that it was ruled by siblings, named Amet and Set if she remembered correctly. She didn't know how many horses lived here, or what king of system the siblings used to rule, but Siba didn't care right now. If the sibling rulers were willing to give the mare and filly a home, that was all she was concerned with.

    The two had been walking for a good while, but the sight of the red maples lifted Siba's spirits. She had heard this was a sign that the kingdom was within reach, so she trotted up the small incline, looking down over the hill at the kingdom's territory below. Her eyes went wide at the beautiful sight she took in, the land jagged and torn like it had been the subject of an earthquake but still quite majestic. A myriad of trees dotted the landscape, all of different types and colors, even some Siba had never seen. In the middle of it all, a lake glittered like ocean water, the bright color a mirror of Siba's blue eyes. The filly couldn't help but let out an excited whinny, drawing the interest of the mare trailing up the hill behind her.

    "What is it?" Nitika questioned. Siba withheld a gasp, just happy she'd heard her dam speak. The mare had hardly said a word since Nymphetamine left the two of them in the Meadow.

    Siba smiled at her dam, turning around to nuzzle her, "It's a lake down there mom. It's absolutely beautiful; there are trees and bright green grass and the land doesn't seem to end."

    Nitika didn't smile, but Siba saw a bit of her dam's spirit return. She'd learned to pick up on the minuscule brightening of her eyes, eyes so much like her own. The filly nudged her dam's shoulder before walking to the edge of the hill.

    "I'm going to see if anyone is here, to see if they'll let us stay." Nitika's attention had once again returned to the ground, but Siba did not comment on it. It would take a lot more than a new home to shake the paint mare out of this. Letting out a small sigh, the filly's eyes turned back to the lake, her one good eye brightening with excitement before she tilted her head back.

    Much like both her parents, Siba had inherited a powerful call. The filly tilted her head back and opened her muzzle, her throat rumbling with the high-pitched whinny she let out, calling for the kingdom's residents and/or leaders to see if any horse would come their way and see what their business was here. Whether one or both the mare and filly were accepted, Siba would not feel troubled. If only one of them could be taken, she would be sure it would be Nitika, because she wasn't sure if the mare could survive on her own right now.

    So, with that in mind, the filly waited, her one good blue eye scanning the jagged terrain to see if she could spot any approaching horses. While she kept an eye out, Nitika grazed, seemingly uninterested in what was going on around her.

    Siba stood close to her dam, weighing their options in her mind. She'd been to a number of kingdoms, but so far, nothing made Nitika want to stay. Pangea was definitely out of the question, since shortly after they left, it sank back into the ocean. Ischia was a no-go; Nitika couldn't make that journey in her state of mind. Sylva was a possibility; she'd heard some of her dam's friends still lived there. She could go back to the other places to, to check them out, but going through her options, Siba was coming to one conclusion.

    If this place didn't work out, then, more than likely, they'd have to go to the Tephra. Whether or not Nitika wanted it, Siba had to find a good place for her. Whether it meant seeing her sire everyday, Siba wouldn't be displeased, but Nitika might, if her state of mind was anything to go by. She could be upset at seeing him, or she might be thrilled.

    Either way, Siba would check this place out first. So they waited, hoping to see some sign of a kingdom inhabitant soon.
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    It's summer again in Hyaline, and Amet's spirits are soaring.

    The wisteria and the cherry trees have all blossomed beautifully, their purples and pinks mingling with the boughs of red maples and flamboyants. The dragon king is in love with his home, both its appearance and the protection it offers to himself, Iset, and Sakir. A small group of ducks have decided to call the crystalline lake home, at least for the time being, and the gold-and-bronze stallion has taken to watching them swim, their butts occasionally kicking up into the air as they submerge their heads in the hunt for fish.

    Hyaline is quiet today, aside from the occasional quack or rustling of branches with each gentle squall. The warm summer air is pregnant with the scent of the blossoming foliage, and the young Amet is in his own heaven. His nightmares of the Dunes, the ones that wake him in the middle of the night with a body lathered in sweat, have nearly stopped, and Iset has not caused any trouble (that he knows of) recently. The commencement of summer has been quite smooth.

    Another light breeze moves through the valley of Hyaline, bringing to him an unfamiliar scent. The Akhal-Teke stallion pivots beside the lake and moves towards their border, moving for the outer foothills of his home. The dragon-scaled Amet moves leisurely, his lithe frame weaving between the colorful foliage so that he can better enjoy his journey to greet the visitors.

    It doesn't take him long to find the two painted ladies, one of which seems much more interested in Hyaline than the other. Nevertheless, the dragon king gives them a warm and welcoming smile as he approaches, his ears thrown forward to give them both his attention. "Hello! Welcome to Hyaline!" he calls pleasantly, his tail waving casually at his muscled hindquarters as he comes to a halt in front of them. "My name is Amet. How can I help you?" His amber eyes watch the pair curiously, his lips still tugged into a smile.

    A voice called out through the silence, startling Siba from her thoughts. However, the mare kept it quiet, not wanting the new arrival to know she'd been startled. She couldn't afford to let herself be seen as weak, not right now while she was shielding her dam.

    A handsome stallion a few inches taller than Siba appeared from the tree line, his light bay coat glittering in the sunlight. Siba had to admit, seeing him appear like that had her a bit flustered. She almost forgot to voice her own words when he walked up to them, introducing himself by name and asking what the two painted mares were doing here.

    Shaking her head to juggle her thoughts back into place, Siba nodded her head to the stallion, glancing back at her dam to see that she too was looking at Amet. Siba gave him another once-over, getting a better picture as he was closer this time.

    His light bay coat glittered with a metallic sheen, his dark brown mane and tail a few shades darker than Siba's splotches. Looking a bit closer, she also noticed it was not a totally normal coat; it seemed more like the texture of the reptiles and lizards Siba had seen among the meadow grasses growing up. She still didn't like snakes since that incident in the Falls a number of seasons ago.

    She looked up to speak to him, and withheld a gasp. He had startling amber eyes, so much that when she met his gaze with her one working light blue eye, she didn't know what to say. What should she say, looking at a stallion like this?

    After what seemed like an eternity (but in reality was a few seconds), Siba finally spoke to Amet, "Hello. Well met Amet; my name is Siba. This is my mother, Nitika," she motioned to the mostly-white painted mare standing slightly behind her.

    "We've actually been walking for a long time, in search of a home. Our previous escapades haven't turned out as successfully as I had hoped. We had heard tales of this place and I wished to come have a look to see if it could be suitable, and, of course, if we can be accepted by the kingdom's leaders."
    goddamn right
    you should be scared of me
    Her approach to them was slow, languid, almost lazy. She had become accustomed to people in her home. Children mostly, which was the way the siblings liked it. They wouldn’t ever have to relive their past if there wasn’t anyone who threatened their future. And they would do anything to defend that future. 

    Though she’s not nearly as in tune to Amet as she is to Sakir, Iset can tell when her eldest brother is uncomfortable. Those situations had been plentiful during their life in the Dunes, and without fail she would interfere; take the focus off of her brother and pull it to her, because she could take it. Her mental and physical skin had become so tough and scarred that His words and blows simply rolled off of her back after the initial sting had faded. 

    She could sense it now, her brother’s discomfort. And though she enjoyed letting him stew, at least for a little bit, she did (usually) have some mercy on her brother’s inability to be anything but stable and kind to newcomers. This pair looked older though, something that they hadn’t seen much of in Hyaline yet. 

    Two mares, obviously related in some way or another, stood staggered to each other with Amet standing proudly across from them. She entered quietly, waiting for the mare to finish speaking before she began. A loud, tired sigh heaved her narrow chest and she locked eyes with the mare, opening her mouth and effectively cutting her brother off. 

    “Look. You two seem nice enough. And we get the homeless thing, really we do. But fact of the matter is, both of you are too damn old to be here; we’re cutting of admissions at age six, and your mother especially doesn't make the cut. And we have a lot going on as it is. So I’m going to need you both to scoot,” she finishes abruptly, keeping the venom from her tone even though her words are harsh.

    She nudges her brother lightly with her nose, signaling to him that her part in the conversation was done, and she would be returning to her solace exploring in the mountains. She tosses a robotic nod in the direction of the mother and daughter before putting her long legs to use and striding away.

    After a bit of thought, she tosses over her shoulder, “You know, Nerine could be a good place for you. Both of you,” and with that, she leaves the three of them for the high, craggy hills that were her destination. 

    ooc: I promise that this is just her personality, its nothing on your ponies xD
    Before the young stallion could offer any words, another voice cut in; an unfamiliar one, but harsh from what Siba could tell. She had seemed to appear from thin air, cutting off the young stallion as she began to rant at Siba and Nitika.

    She went on about how she understood their situation, but could not take them in because of... wait, was Siba really hearing her right? This mare wouldn't take in the two paints because they were too old? It didn't seem like the words were meant to be that harsh, but based on how her dam flinched, Siba could tell the words stung like a bee.

    "Even if you understood, you would hopefully at least hear me out," Siba tried to explain, but her words fell on deaf ears.

    The filly departed with a nudge to the colt's shoulder and a few words about Nerine before disappearing toward the hills Siba spotted in the distance.

    Siba felt like charging after her, but felt that wouldn't leave a good impression. So, instead, she focused on the colt, her eyes glazed over with anger, but still pleading.

    "Look, I understand what that filly says. But even if you have a lot going on, at least take my mother. We've tried various other kingdoms and she needs a place of rest, even if only temporary. She is a trained warrior and can help watch over the younger ones. She raised me and has taken care of other foals that weren't hers. Please, at the very least, take her and let her prove she can pull her weight. Or will you follow the filly's judgement despite the fact that I would leave?"
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    The younger mare (though still older than he) is pleasant but straight to the point, something that Amet is still learning to appreciate. Respect had been ingrained into the Akhal-Teke from the moment his mother had walked him into the Dunes for the first time. They were not always pleasant lessons. He had learned, though, that sometimes it is the simple pleasantries that are most effective. It had come to pass, though, that those in Beqanna who knew what they wanted would get to the point quickly.

    His golden ears twitch and his jaw remains shut as the painted mare explains their visit to Hyaline. His lips twist into a frown, saddened by their troubles, and he opens his mouth to invite them into their home, but Iset beats him to the punch.

    He spins quickly, startled by his younger sister. His surprise is short-lived, though, as discomfort blossoms. "Iset..." he tries to stop her, wishing that she would see that this was a great opportunity to be seen as a welcoming place, but he doesn't expect his interjection to succeed. He snorts with exasperation as she continues and he tries to see her side of it and, while he knows he should, he just doesn't want to agree.

    Iset parts swiftly, her soft nudge and lack of any real fiery outbursts leaving him more confused than angry. Perhaps he is growing on her, finally.

    The dragon boy turns his amber gaze back to the pair with a sheepish look. "My sister, Iset," he indicates with a toss of his narrow metallic head. "We took this place as our home to build a sanctuary and learning grounds for the young. She can be... prickly, but she does it because we has a specific vision for Hyaline." He sighs, uncomfortable and upset with the pleading he can see in Siba's eyes.

    "Nerine is the first territory to the north of us... she is right, that it would be a good home for you. But, you have to pass through Hyaline to get there, so," he pauses with a mischievous grin, "take as much time as you need. Please. Just promise me you will visit Nerine as soon as you're ready."

    After the filly's - Iset's, as Amet introduced her - departure, the colt turned back to Siba and Nitika with a sheepish look in her eyes. Siba's, on the other hoof, were boiling with anger. What kind of vision did this place have exactly? Were these rulers really so willing to eliminate two possible recruits simply because they were older than six? Siba herself was only a year above that, and Nitika, while older, was still in her prime. Really, Siba had never met a more narrow-minded horse than that filly walking away from them.

    Amet apologized for his sister, explaining that the reason for her behavior was because of the vision that the two siblings had for the kingdom they had taken over. Siba just continued to stare at him, as if challenging him to say one more thing that would offend her. Instead, he was careful, just giving directions to the kingdom of Nerine, the one that Iset had suggested.

    Siba was getting more upset the longer the colt droned on. By the time he was done, she was ready to stomp him into the ground. A reminder that Nitika was still nearby cooled her temper, and even if they rejected the two mares, Siba didn't want to leave a negative impression. Not right now, anyways.

    Siba's blue eye met the left golden amber of the colt, "If we have to pass through your kingdom to get to Nerine, then we will not be taking our time, not if that filly sister of yours is going to be breathing down our necks for still being here. Obviously, your mind is made up, so go back to your life and leave us to get where we need to go."

    The paint mare snorted and stomped a hoof at the colt, her ears tilting back as she stepped between him and Nitika. Urging the paint on, Nitika said nothing, having heard the conversation but knowing anything she had to say would not matter at this point. Iset obviously ran things moreso around here, it seemed to the two mares.

    When Nitika was on the move, Siba glared back at Amet one last time, "You can stop with the playful attitude; obviously it's not going to work on two mares you're pushing away. Have fun recruiting for your ideal kingdom," she droned on sarcastically, flicking her tail at the colt before the two mares left out of earshot.

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