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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    something destructively daring; zor (idk, probably M, let's be real)
    See, that was perfect. The way he touched her, caressed her, rubbed her back so sweetly. Lovely, it felt so lovely, and she melted into his gentle touch, tender and warm and loving. His words settled into her soul, easing the fear and the worry and the stress that had taken her over these last months. Because of him, she could finally relax.

    Everything will work out. Everything will be just fine.

    It repeated in her head, a refrain of reassurance that finally started to feel like truth as it echoed through her. With a relieved sigh, Dizzy smiled over her shoulder at her brother, a soft little thing that played at the edges of her lips. “That feels so nice, baby,” she murmured, her eyes drifting half-closed as he hit just the right spot. “Mmmm. Right there.” She leaned into him, arching her back to get just the right amount of pressure, wishing...wishing it could always be this way.

    Wasn’t fair though, was it? Not to him, not when he wanted so much more. Her brow furrowed, and she glanced back at him. “You’re so good to me, Zor.” Too good, really, when she’d done almost nothing but hurt him lately. She stepped back, maneuvering her growing belly ‘til she could reach him to brush a kiss against his forehead, push the hair from his eyes, those lovely brown eyes flecked with lavender. “What did I ever do to deserve you, huh, baby?” So soft, her voice was barely above a whisper, and she kissed him again on the bridge of his nose, the velvet softness of the tip of his nose.

    Maybe she could be more for him, like he wanted. Like she’d been before. Was it more cruel to try when she wasn’t completely sure? Or to hold back, when trying could make them both feel so good? It wasn’t the same as with Dov, but...her gaze dropped to his lips, lingered for a long moment before she closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against his. Trying would be worse, if she didn’t know.

    “This baby needs a family. I don’t want to screw that up. That’s one thing I can at least get right, isn’t it?”

    do something about it
    He feels her melt under his ministrations, those knots loosening, the pressure and tension leaving her. It would be so easy to lose himself in her in that moment. So easy. But for the anger swirling and roiling in the currents of the sea in his mind. It is dark, ominous within, yet quiet on the surface. Calm ripples and flows, welcoming. Little did one know the formidable force biding its time in those depths. He focuses on that surface, letting Dizzy guide his touch. When she voices her approval and arches her back, he gives her more, just the way she needs it. His body sings and tingles spread down his spine as she moans, and he feels his breath hitch just a bit when she leans into him. Mm, yes. More.

    He continues his path of tending her, seeking out more aches and pains. Soothing, for once, rather than causing them. And it felt good. His lids were drooping into the sensuality of the moment, his blood heating to boiling level. Just as he was melting more and more into her, about to lift his head enough to ask if she liked it.. She turns her face to him, brows knitting together over those chocolate eyes. "You're so good to me, Zor." Yes, good. It's a good thing, is it not? He sworls his lips and teeth over another spot in her back, working at a bundle of pinched tissue there, reveling in her statement. A compliment, and yet her expression and tone are enough to give him pause. Like an invisible hand shoving him gently away.

    His face tightens against the unseen pressure, fighting to remain stoic as she backs away from him and his touch. Why. Why does she keep pulling away. His beast growls, a low and deep rumble, as he finds his answer raising its dark and bone-plated head. Unseen from her stand-point, a muscle twitches in his back, triggering the slight slap of his tail up against his side. But still, he works to keep the anger from his face, the darkness from his eyes as she looks into them.

    He sighs softly at her sweet touch, letting it wash over him and cool his turbulent thoughts. His eyes fall closed as she speaks, then kisses a path down his nose to the sensitive velvet skin of his muzzle. He savors the sweetness of her, the gentleness he had never thought he might actually enjoy. Only from her, was his guess. Oh, and the way her eyes linger on his lips. He holds steady, awaiting her move or command.

    Though yet again, she closes her eyes and brushes her cheek against his. His heart thuds painfully as her words slowly sink in and his brown and lavender eyes snap to hers. What did she do to deserve him? What kind of question is that? His brow furrows and he pulls back his face just so to look deeper into her eyes. His tone is incredulous as he starts. "Deserve me? Dizzy, you made me. I am who I am, thanks to you. When there was no one else, there was always you. You, Diz, who helped me channel the pain, control it. Become it. Enjoy it. I wouldn't be here if not for you." His gaze is imploring, and then softens, even as his tone maintains its firmness. "I know who I am. Have long accepted it. Whatever we've become over the years, I like how we are. And now I know what I want." At that last sentence, the brown of his eyes darken, the amethyst glinting like tiny jewels as he stares into her face, the molten chocolate of her eyes. "I suppose the better question is what I have done to deserve you."

    Unable to fight it, the hurt reaches his eyes and he forces his face away from her, turning his body away. He couldn't lose her. Not now, not ever. And he wouldn't see her hurt, wouldn't allow it. The beast paces in his mind as the anger builds and builds, and he fights to control it and to keep her from seeing it. "This child does have family. Will always. And we will be just fine." Damn it, but the hurt reaches into his voice, giving his words a flatter tone. Who was he trying to convince anymore? Was he not enough for her? Would he ever be? How could he have fucked things up so royally.

    He sighs, an effort to relieve the heated tension coiling in his chest and belly. "I know what I want, Dizzy." He cuts a look at her from the corner of an eye. He shouldn't have to tell her again, he'd made himself clear before. "Do you?" Ah, but therein lies the real question, doesn't it. And because he can't bear to hear the answer right now lest it rip him to shreds, he begins to walk away. He hadn't realized how tense he'd been, standing there, because his muscles ripple stiffly beneath his gold and ivory pelt as he walks away from her. Clearly she needs time to think about what's important to her. And he... he has a bone to pick with someone else. With a swish of his ebon and white tail, he tells her he will see her later, and then charges off into the darkness of the forest.

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