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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    open your eyes, your sea is changing ; lucrezia, any

    It is nearly nightfall, the in-between time where the day is almost done but night has not revealed itself. The sun has not yet touched the horizon, but Warrick comes here long before that. The bay stallion stands near the base of the towering volcano, his brilliant blue eyes staring thoughtlessly into a rivulet of molten lava as it slowly boils, beginning its long journey though Tephra. He found comfort here, watching magma bubble idly instead of staring into a running river of water. The lava was in no hurry – it was calm yet purposeful. The idea soothes him.

    The lava at night was magical. It brightens and revitalizes the darkened world, pulsing with life. As the sun moved across the sky, the lava begins to make a glow onto Warrick’s auburn coat, making him illuminate in the coming darkness. The warmth on his skin is comforting, though to many it might be too intense. He could feel the coolness of night at his back and he instinctively steps closer to the lava. He wanted to be away from the darkness, to bathe in the fiery glow of the magma beneath him and never emerge to a dark world again.

    Warrick stands quietly, stoically – as he always has. The rampant war raging in his mind and body was not evident on his outward appearance. He keeps it bottled, under lock and key – he ignores it. Much like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound; it doesn’t do much good.

    No one has asked him, and he wonders if anyone even cares. Not that he wishes they would ask him. No, even if they asked him why he is so distant or solemn, he had half a mind to lie to them. What good would it do? The pain he felt would never be relinquished; no one could help him.

    Magnus’ stepping down was surprising to Warrick, though he hasn’t been here long enough for it to affect him. He thinks about Lucrezia (instead of those who he’d rather be thinking about instead) and her champagne coat splashed with white, and those great wings at her sides. He wishes he could have met her before the large meeting, so she could have had an idea of who he was before she was given the opportunity to take Magnus’ place. She had been inviting and kind – a gentle but firm leader she would be.

    He snorts softly and wonders if she wanders Tephra at night, or if she takes to the skies.

    Warrick mistakenly looks up, his thoughts of Lucrezia distracting him from the reason he was at the base of the volcano in the first place. He realizes this a moment too late. Though he had turned to look at the sky in purpose to see if winged mare was there, his brilliant eyes catch the thousands of stars that had just begun to paint the dark sky. He stands frozen, unable to tear his eyes from the dark, yawning abyss before him. His thoughts fly in a panicked frenzy.

    Where are they? Why did they leave? Why wasn’t I able to join them?

    He wonders if he will be able to pull himself away from his star gazing – or if someone would see him, staring up longingly at the sky as if it held all the answers to his happiness.

    (Which it did.)



    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    There are some nights that she sleeps peacefully. Then there are nights were she is up during the hour of the wolf. The dark late nights used to be her favorite, and often she had forced herself to wake up during that time. There had been something magical about knowing the peacefulness of the silence in the forest of giants she had grew up in. The cry of the night wolves in the mountains also brought a sense of peace within her heart.

    Her aspiration for adventure—wandering and exploring the world—and learning only grew each night she dreamt of what was beyond the kingdom borders. She had found adventure and learned many things when she was a child

    But now, years later and wearing the crown of power, she finds herself on a rather different path. It is still full of adventure, but she does not hear or seek out the crying wolves and silence of the giants in the forest. This time she finds herself often on the very top of the volcano. She had no reason to climb the long, hauling rocky path up here. Instead, she finds herself eager to fly more than ever.

    She had never been meant to walk the earth, but always a creature that was meant to fly. Her world was the sky and not the earth ground so many others kept upon. Lucrezia had not been born with wings, but had once obtained them in the old world and recently had them returned them to her one morning. She doesn’t question or wonder why she was given such a gift back again—she accepts and feels thankful instead.

    Lucrezia is also up during the same time Warrick is. She and found herself on the top of the volcano, watching the terrain of Tephra in the peaceful night silence. The stars were brilliant and bright from the top; however, she does not stay there long on the volcano. With one big swoosh and leap off the rocky ground she is off into the sky. She soars slowly in circles across the land, nutmeg eyes casually looking here and there. Her direction is not determined on any path. She simply follows the direction of the wind.

    Eventually, her eyes catch sight of Warrick. Lucrezia is a curious individual, so she decides to make her way towards him. Then again, there is hardly anyone up during this time of night.

    Lucrezia begins to descend down towards the ground, making a large circle around the bay and navy horse. She flaps her wings as she comes closer to the ground to land. In a moment her hooves touch on the Tephra earth. “Hello,” she says softly at Warrick. A warm, gentle smile appears across her cream lips.
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here
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    Warrick cannot help but stare distractedly into the sky. Even though they were no longer with him, he feels at home (however tragic and painful) when he is searching for them in the stars above.

    At first when he sees her, he mistakes her for a shooting star. Dark lids narrow around his inquisitive blue eyes as he inspects what he believes to be a ball of fire and gas, but he quickly realizes he is incorrect. He gladly welcomes the distraction (her timing was impeccable) and is thankful that her presence would allow him to draw his gaze downwards from the stars above. He traces her movement in the sky with large eyes; admiring the amount of skill and precision she displayed in controlling her strong wings.

    He snorts softly as she lands before him, graceful and prim. The warm radiance of the molten lava beside them illuminates Lucrezia’s face, making her already golden body much more golden and filling in the white splotches with an orange glow. He wonders why she is still up at this time of night – did sleep have a hard time finding her? Was the weight of her new responsibilities keeping her awake? Or was she like him; refusing sleep even though it lay heavy on his weary body.

    “Lucrezia.” He speaks her name gently, as if not to disturb the quietness that envelops them in the present darkness. “It’s late,” he murmurs offhandedly, even though he knew that she would already be aware of the time of night. In fact, she was probably up and about for a reason (unlike him), like patrolling the borders and protecting the slumbering residents of Tephra.

    A few moments pass quietly and Warrick’s blue eyes are thoughtfully watching the slow and careful movement of the stream of magma beside them. “How are you? Since becoming our leader?” He asks her honestly, truly wishing to know her thoughts about her current state – emotionally and physically. He wishes to help Tephra in any way he can, but he doesn’t know what needs are to be met. Maybe he could distract himself as well as lighten the load for his new leader – take on smaller things while she focuses on the grander, more important duties.

    He quickly realizes that maybe this question was too bold, and he stammers slightly as his eyes swiftly meet hers with an apologetic gaze. “Y-you don’t have to answer that,” he says hurriedly, “you barely know me.”

    w a r r i c k


    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    There are nights where she is up, fumbling over the responsibility of leading Tephra and ensuring the safety of those she has taken accountability for. It weighed heavy on here at times, but this was mostly when her thoughts turned back to the memories she kept in the back of her mind. She analyzed such events of her life when living back in the world of Beqanna she once knew. However, the past is also a reminder her of what to not repeat again.

    “Warrick, right?” She asks after he acknowledges her presence in the late of the night. Lucrezia wanted to ensure she was getting everyone’s name correctly. It was part of her duties she decided to make sure she befriended all. “Is it really?” She asks when he mentions the time of day. Her smile grows more wide at him this time. “I like the night time. Don’t you?” The dark hour of the day was a completely different world. There was something so alive about the night when many creatures of the world slumbered away.

    The night bright her a sense of peace. It was a way for her to clear her head and keep it straight on her shoulders. Plus, who wouldn’t love seeing the brightly lit night when the stars could be seen? It was a sight she could never miss.

    Lucrezia tilts her head slightly at his proposed questions. She thought of the answer time and time again. It also had come up many times in different conversations with other residents. “Well,” she says thinking out loud as she breaks the short moment of silence, “I am happy.” She does not feel anything else right now. “I suppose I didn’t think I’d be content taking such a big responsibility. However, it does have its ups and downs.” She laughs softly, “Hopefully it will have more ups than downs.” She knows she cannot predict what kind of reign she will have.

    “And don’t be so silly,” Lucrezia says lightly but also firmly to him. “You are more than welcome to ask me anything. I don’t like to have any secrets.” Her smile than returns to her cream colored lips. “Thank you for asking. I appreciate knowing that even a stranger that you are to me is considered for me.” It made her feel appreciative knowing newcomers in Tephra had good intentions. “How are you? Are you liking Tephra so far?” She asks in turn now.
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here

    Ugh this post is kinda gross. Tongue
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    She was kind, thoughtful. She makes him feel welcome, even though the two have barely had the chance for a conversation. He is uncertain of his duties in Tephra, but he is sure of one thing: he was beginning to feel like it was a place he could call home. Ever so slowly, the residents here have begun to become important to him – thoughts of Ellyse enter his mind momentarily, a smile flickering onto the cobalt of his lips as he thinks of the golden winged mare. To have living and breathing companions who were concerned about his wellbeing assures him that he is where he needs to be. He thinks back to that fateful day when he stumbled across the borders and met Magnus, wondering what would have happened to him if he had not found his way into Tephra.

    He feels comfortable in the moonlight, soaking in the silver as it shines upon his auburn coat. Blue eyes flash upwards briefly as he thinks of how to answer her question, and finally with a small sigh he says: “Everything becomes much more vivid at night.” A small nod was given as he recognizes the truthfulness of his statement. He cannot decide whether or not the night was a terror or a comfort to him. It soothes him yet at the same time causes a raging war inside him. Her question could not be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. He is almost sorry he cannot give that to her.

    Warrick’s eyes then find Lucrezia’s. Happy, she tells him. He is glad. Such a beautiful creature should not ever find sadness on her face. He wonders if he feels happy, too. “We live in a time of abundance and peace. You have done well to make sure that Tephra has not faltered. Happiness suits you.” He smiles, bumping her muzzle with his own in gratitude.

    “Tephra has become my home,” he tells her honestly, unable to imagine anywhere else in Beqanna he would reside. Perhaps it is because their world is currently at peace, but he feels content and loyal to the tropical landscape and those who reside within it. “It suits me well. This place…those who live here…it’s given me a home, somewhere that I feel needed and wanted. I wish to honor those who reside here. Lucrezia…” his voice trails off, the sound of crickets taking its place as he pauses. “Tell me, what do you need? What can I do to better our home?”

    Give me purpose, he doesn’t say.

    w a r r i c k


    Nooo, she is lovely.  Tongue

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    Lucrezia finds his response about the night intriguing. She ponders on it just for a couple moments, thinking exactly how truly everything does become more vivid at night. “I always find my thoughts clearer.” Perhaps it was the silence that made her to be able to hear her thoughts out loud more. She didn’t have to try and think during the hum of the day, but the quietness and tranquility of the darkness made it easier for her. “Even the darkness has a hint of goodness in it,” she adds with a soft smile at that thought she says aloud to Warrick.

    Then again, there is truly no simple answers for complex things. The night is a reflection of many things. It is simple and complex all at once. There is beauty, and there is ugliness in it as well. But she loves both the good and bad of this world. She finds everything fascinating either way.

    A large smile crosses her light velvet muzzle easily at his kind words. He then touches her, a gesture of gratitude, she does not pull away from. Lucrezia is always grateful for those who show such kindness and a heart that is good like the one she believes Warrick has. “A peaceful time I hope continues to last forever,” she says in response, but it is more of a plea than anything. She wants there to be everlasting peace.

    Warrick then opens up, spilling out his desires. He wants to be directed towards something. Something that gives him a purpose, a direction to follow. She watches him contently, listening as he speaks until he is finished and all she can hear is the crickets that fill in the silence where his words do not anymore. “There will be a time when I will call upon you and the others,” she says as she breaks the noise of the crickets, “There will be a time our peace is shattered and I will need able bodies whose minds are sharp and in prime shape.” It was all she could ask for, for them to be ready. “Apply yourself to what you feel you can excel in, diplomat, warrior, or both. Anything, truly.” She doesn’t want this place to be filled with those who will not protect what Tephra has been built upon. “All I can ask is that you prepare, and come when there is need.”
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here
    Profile | Detailed Bio | Character Reference
    Besides the gentle exchange of their two voices, the night air hangs with silence. The full moon illuminates the world below it, casting a silver glow in every shadowy crevice around them. His eyes are alight with what seems like fire from the orange light from the river of slow-moving lava near them, creeping along at a steady pace. “I always find mine much louder,” he replies with a twist of a grimace coming to his features, referring to when she speaks of her mind becoming clear when the sun made its way below the horizon. He didn’t like when his thoughts were louder and clearer – it made it harder to ignore them.

    The bay stallion snorts softly. Even the darkness has a hint of goodness in it. His long black tail swishes absently behind him, brushing at his auburn haunches and navy colored legs. He raises his brows thoughtfully. “I guess you just have to find the right amount of light.” A smile plays at the edge of his cobalt lips now, his eyes sparkling with jest.

    She speaks again, this time explaining to him her desires for Tephra. He nods in agreement, listening carefully and intently. “I have never been one for physicality. If a solution cannot be found with words, you have not tried hard enough.” His voice is deep and rumbling against the softness of the night, a hint of laughter at the end of his statement. Once wise words that he had previously heard from his mother, Orani, now filtering down through his lips. “Though, unfortunately there are many that are not as level-headed and logical as we are. Peace sometimes cannot be protected by words alone.”

    His gaze leaves Lucrezia’s momentarily to filter through the night sky. The full moon hangs heavily in the blue-black of the atmosphere, shining pinpricks of stars sparkling throughout as they gleam brilliantly. “I will serve wherever is needed. I live by my words, but will protect Tephra and its inhabitants at all costs – and in all ways possible.” He lowers his gaze back to the beautifully feathered mare next to him, giving her a fervent nod. Warrick never betrays his word.

    A moment passes and the stallion feels a bit more at ease as the two stand beneath the stars. “Lucrezia, my family and I always shared stories together,” he says gently, his voice tightening ever so slightly at the thought of his past, but he continues: “Do you mind telling me yours?”

    like the sun,
    swallowed up by the earth

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