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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    1. Thunder Snow
    2. McCracken
    3. Classic Empire
    4. Irish War Cry
    5. Gunnevera
    6. Girvin
    7. Tapwrit
    8. Sonneter
    9. Battle of Midway
    10. Practical Joke
    11. Hence
    12. Irap
    13. Always Dreaming
    14. State of Honor
    15. Fast and Accurate
    16. Gormley
    17. Patch
    18. Untrapped
    19. Looking at Lee
    20. J Boys Echo
    1. Classic Empire
    2. McCraken
    3. Always Dreaming
    4. Irish War Cry
    5. Hence
    6. Gunnevera
    7. Gormley
    8. Girvin
    9. Tapwrit
    10. Irap
    11. J Boys Echo
    12. Practical Joke
    13. Thunder Snow
    14. Lookin At Lee
    15. State of Honor
    16. Untrapped
    17. Battle of Midway
    18. Patch
    19. Sonneteer
    20. Fast & Accurate
    1. Tapwrit
    2. Irish War Cry
    3. Always Dreaming
    4. McCraken
    5. Thunder Snow
    6. Hence
    7. Irap
    8. Classic Empire
    9. Girvin
    10. Gunnevera
    11. Sonneteer
    12. Gormley
    13. Battle of Midway
    14. State of Honor
    15. J Boys Echo
    16. Patch
    17. Lookin At Lee
    18. Untrapped
    19. Fast & Accurate
    20. Practical Joke
    1.)   Irish War Cry
    2.)   Tapwrit
    3.)   Hence
    4.)   McCraken
    5.)   Classic Empire
    6.)   Lookin At Lee
    7.)   Gunnevera
    8.)   Girvin
    9.)   Thunder Snow
    10.) Always Dreaming
    11.) Gormley
    12.) Irap
    13.) Untrapped
    14.) State of Honor
    15.) Battle of Midway
    16.) Practical Joke
    17.) Patch
    18.) J Boys Echo
    19.) Fast and Accurate
    20.) Sonneteer
    1. Always Dreaming
    2. Classic Empire
    3. Looking At Lee
    4. Irish War Cry
    5. McCracken
    6. Gunnevera
    7. Sonneter
    8. Patch
    9. State of Honor
    10. Irap
    11. Girvin
    12. Hence
    13. Untrapped
    14. Battle of Midway
    15. Gormley
    16. Practical Joke
    17. Tapwrit
    18. Fast and Accurate
    19. Thunder Snow
    20. J Boys Echo
    1. McCraken
    2. Gunnevera
    3. Classic Empire
    4. Always Dreaming
    5. Irish War Cry
    6. Practical Joke
    7. Gormley
    8. Tapwrit
    9. State of Honor
    10. Lookin at Lee
    11. Girvin
    12. Untrapped
    13. J Boys Echo
    14. Sonneteer
    15. Irap
    16. Battle of Midway
    17. Hence
    18. Thunder Snow
    19. Fast and Accurate
    20. Patch
    1. Classic Empire
    2. McCraken
    3. Irish War Cry
    4. Always Dreaming
    5. Gunnevera
    6. Hence
    7. Gormley
    8. Girvin
    9. J Boys Echo
    10. Lookin at Lee
    11. Tapwrit
    12. Practical Joke
    13. Irap
    14. Thunder Snow
    15. Untrapped
    16. Battle of Midway
    17. Patch
    18. State of Honor
    19. Sonneteer
    20. Fast and Accurate
    1.) McCraken
    2.) Girvin
    3.) Irish War Cry
    4.) Always Dreaming
    5.) Lookin At Lee
    6.) Hence
    7.) Thunder Snow
    8.) Classic Empire
    9.) Patch
    10.) Tapwrit
    11.) Gunnevera
    12.) Irap
    13.) J Boys Echo
    14.) Gormley
    15.) Sonneteer
    16.) Untrapped
    17.) State of Honor
    18.) Practical Joke
    19.) Battle of Midway
    20.) Fast and Accurate
    1. Gormley
    2. Classic Empire
    3. Irish War Cry
    4. Always Dreaming
    5. McCraken
    6. Gunnerva
    7. Practical Joke
    8. Girvin
    9. Tapwrit
    10. Thunder Snow
    11. Patch
    12. Battle of Midway
    13. Irap
    14. Hence
    15. State of Honor
    16. Untrapped
    17. Lookin at Lee
    18. J Boys Echo
    19. Sonneteer
    20. Fast and Accurate

    Always Dreaming
    Classic Empire
    Irish War Cry

    Only trying for top 5 in order, extra in case scratch
    Take a bite
    If you dare

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